Persistence and Adaptation: My Journey to Becoming an Android Developer

William Rai
5 min readAug 1, 2023


Photo by Vlad Bagacian on Unsplash

There might be countless paths leading to a career as an Android Developer, but I want to share my personal experience of becoming one. I hope my journey could inspire to those who are just starting their journey in this field.

Unlike many others, I had a clear career goal from the beginning; I wanted to become a software engineer. This ambition led me to study computer science in college. My initial experience with programming was rather challenging. I struggled to grasp the concepts and even wondered if it was a field exclusive to the intellectually gifted and creatively inclined. Despite my doubts and insecurities, I continued to persevere in learning.

During my third semester, my brother advised me to learn Android Development, citing its potential for a promising career. Without a clear roadmap, I embarked on a learning journey, switching between various YouTube tutorials and diving into Java, the programming language for Android. I was mainly learning by replicating the code from the tutorials.

In my fifth semester, an opportunity arose when a friend, aware of my efforts in learning Android, offered me an internship at his company. I grabbed the opportunity, despite my lingering self-doubt. The company, however, had no previous Android Developers, and I was to be the first. They tasked me with developing an app. This was daunting, but I agreed as it presented a real-world challenge where I could apply everything I had learned up to that point. I invested countless hours to create this app, from designing its look and feel to deciding on its most essential features. In addition to advancing my programming skills, I also gained invaluable insights to product development.

While reading this you might have assumed that it was only a matter of time before I became a full time Android Developer. However, things don’t always go as planned. After six months into my internship, circumstances led me to relocate to the United States. As a result, I had to leave my internship and withdraw from college.

Relocating to the United States felt like hitting the reset button on my life. The new cultural environment was quite different from what I was accustomed to. I started looking for internships in Android development, but without any formal credentials or degree, I didn’t get any interview calls, and my journey as an Android developer came to a halt.

Simultaneously, I was exploring college options and working to earn a living. I tried applying as a transfer student to various colleges, hoping my previous credits would be acknowledged, but that didn’t work out. After spending a year in this process, I decided it would be better to enroll in a community college rather than waste more time, which turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

In the community college, I joined a program called ANY (America Needs You), designed to assist first-generation college students by helping them find internships and scholarships and teaching them professional development skills. This program introduced me to the importance of resume-building, networking, interviewing, and interpersonal skills.

By this time, I had taken a break from Android Development as my focus shifted to college studies and learning other programming languages. I participated in an IOS development program by an organization called CodePath, where I picked up the basics of IOS development and built my first IOS app as part of a team. I also enrolled in a web development program, learning to create web apps using Python, JavaScript, and SQL. I was essentially soaking up all the knowledge that piqued my interest and applying for any internship opportunities that related to tech or software engineering.

In the fall of 2021, I secured an internship in tech support at a Public School. Although it didn’t involve programming, it bolstered my resume significantly, leading to many interview calls from companies I had applied to. I should mention that during this time, I was also independently studying data structures and algorithms and solving LeetCode problems to prepare for technical interviews.

Despite these efforts, I struggled to secure a software engineering internship. However, I could feel progress with each interview. I went from struggling with simple questions to effortlessly explaining complex concepts. My routine involved waking up at six in the morning to practice LeetCode problems, and at night, I would practice interview questions with a friend. I dedicated the rest of the day to work and college.

As my final summer before graduation approached, I was becoming increasingly anxious about not landing an internship. Consequently, I started applying more aggressively. One day, I noticed an internship opportunity for Android Development in my college email. Such specific opportunities were rare, and even though I hadn’t worked with Android in years, I decided to apply.

The initial screening included Android-related questions. Surprisingly, I found that I still remembered enough to answer some of them, and I successfully navigated their technical questions as well. I was then invited for an interview, where I confidently responded to their queries. Following the interview, I realized how deeply rooted my understanding of Android was, despite not having worked with it for a long time. I made it through that round and was presented with a challenge to create an Android app. I quickly refreshed my Android skills and built the app. Ultimately, I secured the Android Development internship. From here on, I embraced the role of Android developer and remained committed to expanding my knowledge in the field.

Reflecting on my journey, I now realize that all the struggles were worthwhile as they shaped me into the person I am today. This experience has taught me the importance of giving my best every day, as today’s effort sets the foundation for tomorrow’s success. Rather than worrying about the future, focusing on the present and working diligently is the key to achieving your goals. I also understood that life will offer you numerous opportunities. They key is to remain patient as their timing is unpredictable. While I still have a lot to experience and learn, I’m certain that always giving your best, practicing patience, and remaining consistent are fundamental principles that you should embrace.

In future posts, I plan to share the strategies, resources, tutorials, and learning methods that guided my journey to becoming an Android Developer.

I hope you will find this article helpful. Happy coding.



William Rai

Patience and consistency are the keys to achieving any goals. Happy coding.