Why Are Cupid-Blessed Students Happy? Psychology Assignment Help

William Smith
4 min readFeb 11, 2022


Love is a great sensation that is expressed via winks and grins. Moments spent with a loved one create unforgettable memories that last a lifetime. We’ve all read love stories, even in school, but one, in particular, stands out. When Romeo and Juliet fell profoundly in love, Juliet was just out of her teens, and Romeo was not much older. In one other’s embrace, they seemed to find peace.

In their minds, these youngsters were reckless, impetuous, and irresponsible, cutting them apart from their families. Even though this epic love story is millennia-old (you may have written a literature essay on it), these two divided ideas of teenage passion have endured in people’s thoughts. You may learn more about human nature with the help of Psychology Assignment Help specialists.

Read it to find out why being blessed by Cupid is the best!

• Levity

It’s amazing to love someone and be yourself in their presence. Love awakens in you the drive to see beauty in imperfection and find humor in life. Positive emotions like enjoyment help students plan and shape their academic careers, and it is closely linked to personal success. This good emotion broadens flexible thinking and enhances creative problem-solving. A 1998 Fredrickson and Levenson study reveals how satisfaction helps regulate negative emotions. Negative emotions raise heart rate, whereas contentment lowers it. In summary, love is good for your heart! “Where there is love, there is life,” stated Mahatma Gandhi.

• Gratitude

When you fall in love, you start dreaming for the best in your life. You start recognizing the world’s goodness. When you fall in love, you begin discussing your hopes. You invite that person into your thinking and tell them what matters most to you. Students with high levels of hope do better in academic athletics, have healthier lives, and feel psychologically well. They can create clear goals and make informed judgments regarding them, and they devise efficient tactics to achieve these aims and maintain free thought. Hope and objectives are linked because they provide an anchor system for different routes and views. A high sense of hope helps students handle academic stress, overcome difficulties, and regulate negative emotions.

• Inspire

When you love someone, they should inspire you. The most OK love seeks to bring out the best in you. It will motivate you to tackle personal or professional challenges bravely. Inspire yourself by ex-President &Mrs Michelle Robinson advised Barack Obama in 1989 and helped him transition smoothly. After their first date, Barack was smitten. During the presidential campaign, she inspired millions with her stirring remarks. Besides being a lovely first lady, she raised her family. Michelle’s unconditional love, inspiration, and intelligence motivated Barack to become America’s first black president, causing him to cry during his farewell speech. “The heights of human motivation emerge from the beauty and kindness that precede us and alert us to higher possibilities,” say Thrash and Elliot. People that are open to inspiration are more likely to experience it.

• Interest Love

Interest Love is all about tales, and Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan’s love story will warm your heart. In 2003, these two Harvard students met in a restroom wait at a frat party and began dating. Meanwhile, Zuckerberg quit and founded Facebook. In 2012, Mark exposed their secret plans to friends and family. Chan’s early passion for social welfare inspired Mark and influenced him. Chan, a pediatrician by training and long interested in social welfare, launched the Chan-Zuckerberg project, which commits to invest $3 billion to advance human potential and promote equality in education, health, scientific research, and energy. Inspiring young lovers everywhere. True love makes someone else’s dream your own. Love’s magic!


It’s as if developed the term ‘awe’ only for love, when you fall in love with someone, you admire them. It works like this: when you meet someone inspiring, you get a sensation of immensity that changes your view of the world. A study shows that not being in awe of someone reduces drive and inspiration, so love comes to the rescue when you need motivation. For those striving to find purpose in their lives and careers, this might be life-altering. Positive affectivity of amazement might help you think in new ways. Finding someone who precisely matches your personality may be awe-inspiring.

Love is unique; it is too magnificent and profound to be contained in a box of qualities. Love is grander, more awe-inspiring. Even if you put it in a box, it will burst from within, leaving you looking up at it like fireworks. Love is complicated, tempting, and noticeable when making a student feel alive. It is true that “the best amazing sensation is falling in love.”

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William Smith

Hello, I am William Smith. I am working as My Assignment Services expert associated withLiveWebTutors. https://www.livewebtutors.com/canada