Day 3: Back & Biceps

William Tech
2 min readOct 21, 2017


Day 3 went well with back & biceps with cardio accelerator combo.

Set 1: Started with 5 minutes of treadmill. Then warm up set of back training & weight training with standalone jogging as a cardio accelerator. See picture below.

Did 3 sets of above with standalong jogging.

Set 2: 3 sets of inclined dumbbell with one barbell upto chin with two hands doing squats.

Set 3: back pull workout (don’t know name) with Jump up & downs on piece of box. 3 sets

Set 4: Barbell curl with Kettlebells 3 sets

Set 5: Biceps training with machine. Along with One leg jump up & downs using piece of box(one let at a time)

Thats all for the work out.

Everything went well today from training to diet. As planned. Nothing less or nothing more.

See you tomorrow…

