CS373 Fall 2019: William Wang

William Wang
3 min readSep 1, 2019


Hey y’all! My name is William, or Will for short, and this is my first blog post for the class CS373 Software Engineering with Professor Downing. I am currently a 4th year computer science major at UT, and this semester I will use this blog to post updates about my progress in the class. Here are some things about me.

Where did you grow up?

I am originally from the Houston area, specifically Missouri City and Sugar Land.

What high school did you go to?

I went to Clements High School in Sugar Land. Go Rangers!

What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school?

Throughout high school , I was a huge orch dork. I first joined orchestra when I was in middle school. At the time, I chose to learn the cello and ever since then I have not stopped playing. In high school I was the principal cellist of the Clements Chamber Orchestra, and I regularly participated in our district’s Region and Area competitions.

Why did you come to UT?

I came to UT because as a Texas native, it made sense to stay within the state and save some money on tuition. Not only that, but UT has a computer science program that is consistently ranked one of the best in the country (and the world).

Why are you majoring in CS?

I have always been a self-proclaimed “techie” from a young age. Since the announcement of the very first iPhone, I have continued to stay up to date on the latest smartphone releases and general tech news. In high school, I took my very first CS class and learning how to program really showed me how the underlying software that runs on all of our smartphones and electronics can ultimately be used to make our lives easier. This is what inspired me to select computer science as my major in college.

Why are you in this class?

As someone who intends to pursue a career in software engineering, I think it is only fitting that I should take a course over that exact subject while I’m still in school. I think taking this class will definitely prove to be worthwhile and beneficial when it comes to working in the tech industry.

What are your expectations of this class?

I hope this class will be somewhat of a simulation of working a real job as a software engineer. While I expect the projects to be challenging, my goal is that they will help me learn more about some of the current tools and frameworks being used within the software industry such that I can take the skills I’ve learned and utilize them in my career.

How much Javascript/Python/Web programming do you already know?

While I have dabbled in a tiny bit of HTML/CSS and Javascript, I do not know enough to be able to call myself a full-stack developer. In the past, I took Modern Web Applications where we learned how to use the REST API as well as some database tools. I also have a bit of Python experience, but not within the realm of web development. I’m hoping this class will give me the chance to dive deeper and learn more about making websites from start to finish.

How did you like the first lecture?

It was good. I’m looking forward to learning a lot this semester.

How did you feel about the cold calling?

I personally don’t mind it. I think many of the CS classes I’ve taken in the past don’t give enough opportunities for class participation and so cold calling is one way of keeping people accountable and engaged. So far, I’ve been able to follow along just fine and I appreciate that Professor Downing elaborates on his questions and forgives wrong answers. I think it serves as a valuable learning experience.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Unrelated to CS, but… overpacking your luggage is always smarter than underpacking. You never know what unforeseen circumstances might affect your travel plans, so packing extra is safer than not packing enough.

