GitOps: The Future of DevOps Workflow

Warley's CatOps
3 min readAug 16, 2023

With the rapidly evolving software landscape, GitOps has emerged as the next big thing in the continuous delivery scene. But what is GitOps, and why should developers and businesses pay attention? Let’s break it down.

What is GitOps?

GitOps is a workflow strategy for cloud-native development that utilizes Git as the single source of truth for both the codebase and infrastructure. Coined by Weaveworks in 2017, GitOps describes a set of best practices to manage Kubernetes configurations using Git repositories.

The Basic Idea: If you can see it in Git, it exists in your infrastructure.

GitOps Workflow:

1. Developers make pull requests (PR) to propose changes to the codebase or infrastructure.
2. Upon approval, the PR is merged into the master/main branch.
3. An automated process, usually a CI/CD pipeline, detects the change and applies it to the infrastructure.

Why Use GitOps?

1. Version Control: With GitOps, every change is versioned in Git. This makes rollback, audit trails, and peer reviews straightforward.
2. Consistency: There’s a uniform way of managing both applications and infrastructure.
3. Enhanced Security: As Git requires pull requests, each change undergoes scrutiny, ensuring that malicious or incorrect modifications are less likely to occur.
4. Automation: Deployments become automatic, reducing manual intervention and errors.
5. Rapid Recovery: In case of a disaster, the infrastructure can be quickly restored using the Git repository.

How to Apply GitOps?

To get started with GitOps:

1. Initialize a Git Repository: This will be your single source of truth.
2. Define Your Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Tools like Terraform, Ansible, and Kubernetes YAML files can be used to codify your infrastructure.
3. Implement Continuous Integration (CI) & Continuous Deployment (CD): Tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, and ArgoCD can detect changes in the Git repository and apply them automatically.
4. Monitor and Observe: Use tools like Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the status of your applications and infrastructure.

Pros of GitOps:

1. Increased Productivity: Automated processes lead to faster deployments and fewer errors.
2. Enhanced Transparency: With everything versioned in Git, teams have a clear understanding of who did what and when.
3. Scalability: GitOps is built for the cloud-native ecosystem, making it suitable for scalable systems.
4. Improved Security: Immutable infrastructure and peer review processes enhance security.

Cons of GitOps:

1. Learning Curve: Like any new process, there’s an initial learning phase.
2. Dependency on Git: While Git is reliable, any downtime can affect the deployment process.
3. Overhead: Additional tooling and configurations can be complex for smaller teams or simpler applications.

Important Considerations:

1. Choose the Right Tools: The landscape offers numerous tools for GitOps; select based on your organization’s needs.
2. Training: Ensure your team understands GitOps principles and the tooling around them.
3. Backup: Regularly back up your Git repositories to mitigate risks.
4. Monitoring: Implement robust monitoring solutions to detect and fix issues promptly.

Further Reading:

- The Official GitOps FAQ by Weaveworks
- GitOps: The Bad and the Ugly by

In conclusion, GitOps provides a new perspective on software delivery and infrastructure management. By using Git as the core, businesses can achieve more streamlined, secure, and rapid deployment cycles. While it may not be the silver bullet for all, its benefits in cloud-native development are undeniable.

Give GitOps a try, and you might find it’s the workflow revolution you’ve been seeking.



Warley's CatOps

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