A Complete Guide for GCP: Cloud Build

Warley's CatOps
23 min readFeb 23, 2024


After writing guides for Azure DevOps, Gitlab, GitHub Actions, CircleCi, AWS DevOps tools, and Travis CI, we can proceed to Google Cloud Build, and even further explanation of whole Google Cloud DevOps Stack.

We will structure the content into comprehensive chapters. Each chapter will focus on specific aspects and services, incorporating best practices, and security considerations, and providing coded examples for both beginners and professionals. Here’s the expanded overview, incorporating your additional requirements:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Google Cloud Build and YAML Templates

  • Fundamentals of Google Cloud Build.
  • Introduction to YAML syntax for Cloud Build configurations.
  • Overview of CI/CD principles and how Cloud Build facilitates automation.

Chapter 2: Building Your First Pipeline with Google Cloud Build

  • Creating a simple build pipeline using YAML.
  • Understanding triggers, steps, and builders in Cloud Build.
  • YAML configuration file examples for a basic build.

Chapter 3: Advanced Build Pipelines

  • Strategies for designing complex pipelines (e.g., multi-step builds, conditional executions).
  • Managing dependencies and leveraging cache for efficient builds.
  • Detailed examples of advanced YAML configurations.

Chapter 4: Integrating Cloud Build with GCP Services

  • Guidelines for integrating Cloud Build with key GCP services:
  • Cloud Storage for artifacts.
  • Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, and App Engine for deploying applications.
  • GKE and Anthos for containerized and hybrid deployments.
  • Firebase for mobile and web app deployment.
  • Compute Engine for VM-based applications.
  • Specific integration examples and use cases.

Chapter 5: Infrastructure as Code with Terraform

  • Setting up Terraform with Cloud Build for infrastructure deployment.
  • Managing Terraform state in Cloud Storage.
  • Examples of Terraform configuration pipelines for GCP resources.

Chapter 6: Deploying Applications

  • Deploying to GKE: Configurations for containerized apps.
  • Deploying to Cloud Functions and Cloud Run: Serverless application examples.
  • Deploying to App Engine: YAML configurations for various runtimes.
  • Deploying to Firebase, Anthos, and Compute Engine: Specific deployment strategies.

Chapter 7: Working with Artifact Registry and Cloud Storage

  • Using Artifact Registry for storing Docker images and other artifacts.
  • Leveraging Cloud Storage for building artifacts.
  • Examples of pushing and pulling artifacts within build pipelines.

Chapter 8: Building Images with Packer and Docker

  • Creating custom images with Packer for Compute Engine.
  • Building and pushing Docker images with Cloud Build.
  • Best practices and examples for image creation and management.

Chapter 9: Security Practices and Compliance

  • Securing your build environment and managing IAM roles.
  • Handling secrets and private repositories in Cloud Build.
  • Integrating security scanning and compliance checks.

Chapter 10: Real-World Examples and Templates

  • Comprehensive YAML templates and configurations for real-world use cases.
  • Tips for optimizing build configurations for cost, speed, and reliability.
  • Community resources and further reading.

This guide will serve as a foundation for understanding and implementing CI/CD pipelines with Google Cloud Build, offering practical insights and templates for a range of GCP services. Each chapter will build upon the previous, culminating in a versatile skill set for deploying and managing cloud-native applications and infrastructure.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Google Cloud Build and YAML Templates

Introduction to Google Cloud Build

Google Cloud Build is a fully managed Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) platform that automates your software build, test, and deploy processes. It allows developers to build their software quickly and reliably, automating the steps required to compile source code into a running application. Cloud Build is highly scalable, offering a pay-as-you-go model that allows you to build projects of any size and complexity without needing to provision or manage servers.

Cloud Build can be integrated with various Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, enabling a seamless workflow from code to deployment. It supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, making it a versatile tool for developers working on different types of projects.

What are YAML Templates?

YAML, which stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language, is a human-readable data serialization standard that can be used for all programming languages. In the context of Google Cloud Build, YAML files serve as templates or configurations that define the build process. These templates specify the steps Cloud Build should follow when building, testing, and deploying applications. A typical YAML file for Cloud Build might define:

  • The source code location.
  • The build steps to execute (e.g., compile, test, package).
  • The Docker images to use for each step.
  • The artifacts to produce.
  • The storage location for build artifacts.
  • Deployment targets (e.g., GKE, Cloud Functions).

YAML templates make the build process transparent, version controllable, and easy to modify.

Basic Concepts and Terminology

  • Build: A single instance of the build process, which includes compiling code, running tests, and producing artifacts.
  • Artifact: The output of a build process, such as a Docker image or a compiled binary.
  • Step: A single task in the build process. A build can have multiple steps, such as compile, test, and deploy.
  • Trigger: A mechanism that automatically starts a build process based on specific criteria, such as a push to a Git repository.
  • Builder: The Docker image that Cloud Build uses to execute a step. Builders can include tools and environments for different programming languages or frameworks.

Getting Started with Cloud Build and YAML

1. Enable Cloud Build in GCP: Before you can start using Cloud Build, you need to enable it in your GCP project.

2. Create a `cloudbuild.yaml` File: This YAML file contains the configuration for your build. You define the steps Cloud Build should execute, along with any necessary environment variables, artifacts, and other configurations.

Example `cloudbuild.yaml`:

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['builds', 'submit', '--tag', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/hello-world']
id: 'build-and-push-docker-image'
- 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/hello-world'
timeout: '1200s'

This simple example defines a single step that uses the `gcloud` builder to build and push a Docker image to Google Container Registry.

3. Submit a Build: With your `cloudbuild.yaml` file in place, you can submit a build to Cloud Build using the Google Cloud SDK or the GCP Console.

gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .

This command submits your build to Cloud Build, specifying the configuration file and the current directory as the source code location.


This chapter introduced the basics of Google Cloud Build and how to use YAML templates to define build processes. Understanding these concepts is essential for automating your build and deployment workflows on GCP. In the next chapter, we’ll dive into creating your first pipeline with Google Cloud Build, exploring more detailed configurations and examples to get your CI/CD journey started.

Chapter 2: Building Your First Pipeline with Google Cloud Build

Creating your first CI/CD pipeline with Google Cloud Build involves defining your build’s steps, triggers, and outputs in a YAML configuration file. This chapter will guide you through setting up a basic pipeline that compiles code, runs tests, and deploys an application.

Step 1: Preparing Your Source Code

Before you can build a pipeline, you need a project to build. Your project should be stored in a source code repository that Cloud Build can access, such as Cloud Source Repositories, GitHub, or Bitbucket.

  • Organize Your Project: Ensure your project’s structure is clear and your source code is ready for building. For example, if you’re working with a Node.js application, ensure your `package.json` and any necessary build scripts are in place.

Step 2: Creating a `cloudbuild.yaml` Configuration

The `cloudbuild.yaml` file is where you define the steps of your build pipeline. Each step in the build can execute a specific task, like installing dependencies, running tests, or deploying your application.

  • Define Build Steps: Specify each action Cloud Build should take. Steps are executed in the order they appear in the file.

Example `cloudbuild.yaml` for a Node.js application:

# Install dependencies
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
args: ['install']

# Run tests
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
args: ['test']

# Build the application
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
args: ['run', 'build']

# Specify the images to be pushed to the Container Registry
- 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-app:latest'

# Optional: Define a timeout for the build
timeout: '1600s'

This example defines three steps for a Node.js application: installing dependencies, running tests, and building the application. The `images` section specifies that the built application image should be pushed to the Container Registry.

Step 3: Triggering the Build

You can trigger builds in Cloud Build manually, by pushing code to your repository, or through the GCP Console.

  • Manual Trigger via Command Line:
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml

This command submits your source code and the `cloudbuild.yaml` file to Cloud Build for processing.

  • Automated Triggers: Set up automated triggers in Cloud Build to start builds on events like code commits or pull requests. This is done through the GCP Console under Cloud Build > Triggers.

Step 4: Monitoring Build Progress

Once you’ve triggered a build, you can monitor its progress in the GCP Console. Cloud Build provides detailed logs for each step of the build process, allowing you to diagnose and fix any issues that arise.

Best Practices

  • Granular Steps: Keep your steps small and focused. Each step should perform a single task, making your build process easier to understand and debug.
  • Build Optimizations: Use caching to speed up build times, especially for steps that download dependencies or use Docker layers.
  • Security: Use Secret Manager for sensitive data and ensure your build environment is secure, especially when deploying to production.


Building your first CI/CD pipeline with Google Cloud Build involves preparing your source code, defining a `cloudbuild.yaml` configuration, triggering the build, and monitoring its progress. By following the steps outlined in this chapter, you can set up a basic pipeline that compiles, tests, and deploys your application. As you become more familiar with Cloud Build, you can explore more complex configurations and integrate additional GCP services to suit your project’s needs. In the next chapter, we’ll delve into advanced build pipeline techniques, including conditional builds, parallel execution, and artifact management.

Chapter 3: Advanced Build Pipelines

After mastering the basics of Google Cloud Build, you can leverage its advanced features to create more sophisticated and efficient CI/CD pipelines. This chapter explores conditional executions, parallel and serial step execution, managing artifacts, and optimizing build times.

Conditional Executions

Cloud Build supports conditional executions, allowing steps to run based on specific conditions. This is useful for creating dynamic pipelines that adjust to changes in your codebase or build environment.

  • Using Substitutions: You can define custom substitutions in your `cloudbuild.yaml` file and use them to control whether steps are executed.

Example of conditional execution:

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['compute', 'instances', 'create', 'example-instance', '--zone', 'us-central1-a']
id: 'create-instance'
condition: '$BUILD_SUCCESS'

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['compute', 'instances', 'delete', 'example-instance', '--zone', 'us-central1-a']
id: 'delete-instance'
condition: '$BUILD_FAILURE'

In this example, a compute instance is created if the build succeeds and deleted if the build fails.

Parallel and Serial Step Execution

Cloud Build allows you to run steps in parallel or serially, providing flexibility in how your build process is orchestrated.

  • Parallel Steps: To run steps in parallel, define them in the same stage of your build process. Use the `waitFor` attribute to manage dependencies between steps.

Example of parallel execution:

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
args: ['install']
id: 'install'

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
args: ['test']
id: 'test'
waitFor: ['install']

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
args: ['lint']
id: 'lint'
waitFor: ['install']

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
args: ['build']
id: 'build'
waitFor: ['-']

In this example, the `test` and `lint` steps wait for `install` to complete before running in parallel. The `build` step starts immediately without waiting.

Managing Artifacts

Effectively managing to build artifacts is crucial for a seamless CI/CD process. Cloud Build can store artifacts in Google Cloud Storage, making them accessible for deployment or further processing.

  • Artifact Storage: Use the `artifacts` object in your `cloudbuild.yaml` to specify the artifacts to be stored and their storage location.

Example of artifact storage:

location: 'gs://my-artifacts-bucket/'
- 'build/**'

This configuration stores all files from the `build/` directory in the specified Cloud Storage bucket.

Optimizing Build Times

Optimizing your build times can significantly reduce costs and speed up your development cycle.

  • Use Cache: Cache dependencies and build outputs to avoid redundant work in subsequent builds.
  • Choose the Right Machine Type: Select an appropriate machine type for your build environment. Cloud Build offers several machine types that vary in CPU, memory, and disk size.
  • Parallelize Steps: As demonstrated, running steps in parallel can reduce your build time.


Advanced build pipelines in Google Cloud Build offer greater flexibility and efficiency in your CI/CD process. By implementing conditional executions, parallel and serial step executions, managing artifacts effectively, and optimizing build times, you can create sophisticated pipelines tailored to your project’s needs. The next chapter will delve into integrating Cloud Build with various GCP services, further enhancing the capabilities of your CI/CD pipelines.

Chapter 4: Integrating Cloud Build with GCP Services

Integrating Google Cloud Build with other Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services enhances your CI/CD pipelines, enabling seamless deployment, efficient resource management, and comprehensive monitoring. This chapter focuses on leveraging these integrations to streamline your development workflows.

Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage can be used to store build artifacts, logs, or any files generated during the build process. This integration is particularly useful for archiving build outputs and sharing resources across your GCP environment.

  • Storing Build Artifacts: Specify Cloud Storage as the destination for your build artifacts in the `cloudbuild.yaml` file.


location: 'gs://my-artifacts-bucket/'
- 'path/to/artifacts/**'

Cloud Functions

Deploying Cloud Functions directly from Cloud Build enables automated updates of serverless applications in response to code changes. Use the `gcloud functions deploy` command within a Cloud Build step to deploy functions.


- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['functions', 'deploy', 'my-function', '--trigger-http', '--runtime', 'nodejs10', '--source', '.']

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Deploying applications to GKE from Cloud Build simplifies the delivery of containerized applications. After building your Docker images, you can use `kubectl` or Helm to deploy them to your GKE clusters.


- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
args: ['build', '-t', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-app:$SHORT_SHA', '.']

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/kubectl'
args: ['set', 'image', 'deployment/my-app', 'my-app=gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-app:$SHORT_SHA', '--namespace', 'default']
- 'CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_ZONE=us-central1-a'

Cloud Run

Cloud Run allows you to deploy containerized applications on a fully managed platform. Cloud Build can build your container images and deploy them to Cloud Run with minimal configuration.


- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['builds', 'submit', '--tag', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-service']

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['run', 'deploy', 'my-service', '--image', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-service', '--platform', 'managed', '--region', 'us-central']

App Engine

For App Engine deployments, Cloud Build can automate the deployment process, ensuring your applications are updated with every code change.


- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['app', 'deploy']

Artifact Registry

Cloud Build can push built images or artifacts to the Artifact Registry, providing a secure, scalable repository for your software packages.


- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
args: ['build', '-t', 'us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/my-repo/my-image:latest', '.']

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
args: ['push', 'us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/my-repo/my-image:latest']

Best Practices for Integration

  • Use IAM Roles and Permissions: Ensure Cloud Build has the appropriate IAM roles to interact with other GCP services.
  • Secure Secrets: Utilize Secret Manager to securely manage and access secrets needed for deploying to GCP services.
  • Monitor Builds: Leverage Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging to keep track of your builds and deployments, identifying issues early.


Integrating Cloud Build with GCP services streamlines the build and deployment processes, making it easier to deliver applications and manage infrastructure. By leveraging these integrations, you can automate deployments to services like Cloud Functions, GKE, Cloud Run, App Engine, and more, while ensuring that your CI/CD pipelines are efficient and secure. The next chapter will explore setting up Terraform pipelines for deploying infrastructure as code (IaC), further enhancing your deployment capabilities within GCP.

Chapter 5: Setting Up Terraform Pipelines

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows you to build, change, and version infrastructure safely and efficiently. Integrating Terraform with Google Cloud Build enables automated deployment and management of your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) infrastructure. This chapter guides you through setting up Terraform pipelines in Cloud Build to automate the provisioning of GCP resources.

Preparing Your Terraform Configuration

1. Terraform Configuration Files: Begin by creating Terraform configuration files (`.tf`) that define the GCP resources you want to manage. Store these files in your source code repository alongside your application code or in a dedicated infrastructure repository.

2. Terraform Backend: Configure a Terraform backend to store your state file securely. Google Cloud Storage (GCS) is a common choice for a Terraform backend when working with GCP.

Example `backend.tf`:

terraform {
backend "gcs" {
bucket = "your-terraform-state-bucket"
prefix = "terraform/state"

Creating the Cloud Build Pipeline for Terraform

1. Cloud Build Service Account Permissions: Ensure the Cloud Build service account has the necessary IAM roles to create and manage the resources defined in your Terraform configurations.

2. `cloudbuild.yaml` for Terraform: Define a Cloud Build configuration (`cloudbuild.yaml`) that specifies the steps to initialize Terraform, plan the changes, and apply the configuration.

Example `cloudbuild.yaml`:

# Initialize Terraform
- name: 'hashicorp/terraform:light'
args: ['init']

# Plan Terraform changes
- name: 'hashicorp/terraform:light'
args: ['plan']
id: 'plan'

# Apply Terraform changes
- name: 'hashicorp/terraform:light'
args: ['apply', '-auto-approve']
id: 'apply'
waitFor: ['plan']

This configuration uses the official Terraform Docker image to run the Terraform commands. The `waitFor` attribute ensures that the apply step only runs after the plan step is completed successfully.

Managing Terraform State

Storing your Terraform state in a secure and accessible location is crucial for team collaboration and for managing infrastructure state over time. Using GCS as a backend provides versioning, locking, and secure storage.

  • Configure State Locking: Ensure your GCS backend is configured with state locking to prevent concurrent executions from causing state corruption.

Advanced Terraform Pipelines

  • Dynamic Environments: Use Cloud Build substitutions or Terraform variables to manage different environments (e.g., development, staging, production) within the same pipeline.
  • Pull Request Previews: Integrate Cloud Build with your version control system to trigger Terraform plan operations on pull requests. This can provide visibility into the potential impact of changes before they are merged.
  • Security Scanning: Include steps in your Cloud Build pipeline to scan Terraform configurations for security issues or misconfigurations using tools like Checkov or Terraform Cloud.


Setting up Terraform pipelines in Google Cloud Build automates the provisioning and management of your GCP infrastructure, aligning it with your CI/CD workflows. By leveraging Cloud Build to execute Terraform commands, you can ensure that your infrastructure changes are consistently applied, version-controlled, and reviewed just like your application code. Next, we will explore deploying applications to GKE, Cloud Functions, and other GCP services to complete the CI/CD cycle.

Chapter 6: Deploying Applications

Deploying applications efficiently and reliably to various Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services is a critical aspect of the CI/CD pipeline. This chapter focuses on how to use Google Cloud Build to deploy applications to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Google Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, and App Engine, highlighting best practices and providing example configurations.

Deploying to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) offers a managed environment for deploying, managing, and scaling your containerized applications using Google infrastructure. To deploy applications to GKE using Cloud Build, follow these steps:

1. Build Container Image: Use Cloud Build to build your Docker container image.

2. Push Image to Container Registry: Push the built image to Google Container Registry (GCR) or Google Artifact Registry.

3. Update Kubernetes Deployment: Use `kubectl` to update your GKE deployment with the new image.

Example `cloudbuild.yaml`:

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
args: ['build', '-t', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-app:$SHORT_SHA', '.']
id: 'build'

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
args: ['push', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-app:$SHORT_SHA']
id: 'push'

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/kubectl'
args: ['set', 'image', 'deployment/my-deployment', 'my-container=gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-app:$SHORT_SHA']
id: 'deploy'

Deploying to Google Cloud Functions

Google Cloud Functions is a serverless execution environment for building and connecting cloud services. With Cloud Build, you can automatically deploy code to Cloud Functions upon changes.

Example `cloudbuild.yaml`:

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['functions', 'deploy', 'my-function', '--trigger-http', '--runtime', 'nodejs10', '--source', '.']

Deploying to Cloud Run

Cloud Run is a managed compute platform that automatically scales your stateless containers. Cloud Build can build your container images and deploy them to Cloud Run.

Example `cloudbuild.yaml`:

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
args: ['build', '-t', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-service', '.']
id: 'build'

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['run', 'deploy', 'my-service', '--image', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-service', '--platform', 'managed']
id: 'deploy'

Deploying to App Engine

App Engine allows you to build highly scalable applications on a fully managed serverless platform. Deploying an App Engine application with Cloud Build is straightforward.

Example `cloudbuild.yaml`:

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['app', 'deploy']

Best Practices for Deployment

  • Immutable Artifacts: Use immutable artifacts for deployment. Once an artifact is built, it should not be changed. This ensures consistency and reliability across environments.
  • Environment-Specific Configurations: Use environment variables or configuration files that are specific to each deployment environment. This can include differences in database connections, credentials, and service endpoints.
  • Automated Rollbacks: Prepare automated rollback strategies in case of deployment failures. This can include keeping previous versions of your applications deployed and quickly switching back if needed.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Integrate monitoring and logging solutions to keep track of your application’s performance and troubleshoot issues post-deployment.


Deploying applications to various GCP services using Google Cloud Build automates and streamlines the process, ensuring consistent and reliable delivery of your software. By following the examples and best practices outlined in this chapter, you can efficiently deploy applications to GKE, Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, and App Engine, enhancing your CI/CD pipeline. The next chapters will cover additional aspects of managing and optimizing CI/CD workflows with Google Cloud Build.

Chapter 7: Using Artifact Registry and Cloud Storage

In this chapter, we delve into how Google Cloud Build can be integrated with Google Artifact Registry and Google Cloud Storage to manage artifacts produced during the build process. These services offer secure and scalable options for storing build outputs, such as Docker images, application binaries, and other build artifacts, facilitating their reuse and deployment across your CI/CD pipelines.

Google Artifact Registry

Google Artifact Registry provides a single place for your team to manage Docker images, language packages (such as Maven and npm), and other artifacts needed for your applications. Integrating Cloud Build with Artifact Registry allows you to automatically push your build artifacts to a secure repository.

Setting Up Artifact Registry

1. Create an Artifact Registry Repository: First, create a Docker repository in Artifact Registry to store your Docker images.

gcloud artifacts repositories create my-repo --repository-format=docker \
--location=us-central1 --description="Docker repository"

2. Configure Cloud Build to Push Images: In your `cloudbuild.yaml`, add steps to build your Docker image and push it to the Artifact Registry repository.

Example `cloudbuild.yaml`:

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
args: ['build', '-t', 'us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/my-repo/my-app:$SHORT_SHA', '.']
id: 'build'

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
args: ['push', 'us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/my-repo/my-app:$SHORT_SHA']
id: 'push'

This configuration builds a Docker image and pushes it to the specified repository in Artifact Registry.

Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage is a powerful and versatile object storage service that can be used to store any type of data. It’s particularly useful for storing large build artifacts, such as binaries, libraries, or any files generated during the build process.

Utilizing Cloud Storage in Cloud Build

1. Store Build Artifacts: You can configure Cloud Build to upload artifacts directly to a Cloud Storage bucket as part of your build process.

Example `cloudbuild.yaml`:

# Your build steps here

# Store artifacts in Cloud Storage
location: 'gs://my-bucket-name/'
- 'path/to/artifacts/**'

This tells Cloud Build to upload the specified artifacts to the given Cloud Storage bucket.

Best Practices

  • Security and Access Control: Manage access to your Artifact Registry repositories and Cloud Storage buckets using IAM roles and permissions. Ensure only authorized users and services can access or modify your artifacts.
  • Artifact Versioning: Use versioning or tagging for your artifacts to manage different versions of your applications and roll back if necessary.
  • Cleanup Policies: Implement artifact retention policies in both Artifact Registry and Cloud Storage to automatically clean up old or unused artifacts, helping manage costs and maintain an organized environment.


Integrating Google Cloud Build with Artifact Registry and Cloud Storage offers a streamlined approach to managing the artifacts generated during your CI/CD process. By leveraging these services, you can ensure that your artifacts are securely stored, versioned, and readily available for deployment, further enhancing your CI/CD pipelines’ efficiency and reliability.

Chapter 8: Building Images with Packer and Docker

This chapter focuses on using Packer and Docker within Google Cloud Build pipelines to create consistent and reproducible images for both virtual machines and containers. Building images with Packer and Docker facilitates the deployment of applications across various environments, ensuring that your infrastructure is provisioned in a reliable and automated manner.

Building Docker Images

Docker is a set of platform-as-a-service (PaaS) products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries, and configuration files.

Integrating Docker Builds into Cloud Build

1. Define a Dockerfile: The first step is to create a `Dockerfile` in your project’s root directory. This file contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image.

2. Use Cloud Build to Build and Push Docker Images:

— Configure your `cloudbuild.yaml` to build the Docker image using the `docker` build step and then push the image to Google Container Registry (GCR) or Google Artifact Registry.

Example `cloudbuild.yaml` for building and pushing a Docker image:

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
args: ['build', '-t', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-app:$SHORT_SHA', '.']
id: 'build'

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
args: ['push', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-app:$SHORT_SHA']
id: 'push'

This configuration builds a Docker image from the Dockerfile in the current directory and pushes it to GCR.

Building Images with Packer

Packer is an open-source tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. Packer can be used to pre-bake images with all your applications and configurations, making deployments faster and more consistent.

Integrating Packer Builds into Cloud Build

1. Create a Packer Template: Define a Packer template (`template.json`) that specifies how the VM images should be built. The template includes builders, provisioners, and post-processors.

2. Use Cloud Build to Execute Packer Builds:

— Configure your `cloudbuild.yaml` to execute Packer, building the image according to your template and uploading it to Google Compute Engine (GCE).

Example `cloudbuild.yaml` for executing a Packer build:

- name: 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/packer'
args: ['build', 'template.json']
id: 'packer-build'

This assumes you have a custom builder image for Packer (`gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/packer`) that is capable of executing Packer commands.

Best Practices for Image Building

  • Immutable Infrastructure: Strive for immutable infrastructure by building images that do not need to be modified once they are deployed. Use new images to roll out updates or changes.
  • Security Scanning: Incorporate security scanning steps in your pipeline to scan the built images for vulnerabilities before they are deployed.
  • Versioning and Tagging: Use semantic versioning or commit SHAs for tagging your images, making it easier to track and rollback versions if necessary.
  • Cleanup Old Images: Implement a strategy for cleaning up old or unused images to avoid clutter and manage storage costs effectively.


Integrating Packer and Docker into your Google Cloud Build pipelines enhances the consistency, reliability, and security of your deployments. By automating the creation of Docker and VM images, you ensure that your applications are packaged with the necessary dependencies and configurations, ready for deployment in any environment. This approach not only speeds up the deployment process but also reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies in production environments.

It seems there was a repeat in the chapter request regarding security practices and compliance, which we’ve already covered in Chapter 8. However, understanding the importance of security and compliance in the CI/CD process, let’s delve deeper into some advanced topics and best practices to ensure that your CI/CD pipeline not only adheres to security standards but also fosters a culture of security within your development team.

Chapter 9: Advanced Security Practices and Compliance in CI/CD

Integrating Security into the Development Lifecycle

1. Shift Left Security: Integrate security tools and practices early in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). This involves incorporating static and dynamic security analysis tools into your CI pipeline, encouraging developers to address security issues from the onset of project development.

2. Automated Security Testing: Utilize automated security testing tools within your Cloud Build pipelines. Tools such as Snyk, SonarQube, or OWASP ZAP can be integrated to perform dependency scanning, static code analysis, and dynamic application security testing (DAST).

Managing Access with IAM Roles

1. Principle of Least Privilege: Assign IAM roles to your Cloud Build service account that grant the minimum permissions needed to perform its tasks. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access or actions.

2. Service Account Security: Use separate service accounts for different environments (development, staging, production) or tasks (build, deploy) to further isolate access and control permissions.

Compliance as Code

1. Policy as Code: Use tools like Terraform, CloudFormation, or Open Policy Agent to define your infrastructure and compliance policies as code. This ensures that all infrastructure deployments are consistent with your organization’s compliance requirements.

2. Regular Compliance Auditing: Implement automated compliance auditing within your CI/CD pipeline to continuously validate that your infrastructure and applications comply with relevant regulations and standards.

Managing Secrets and Sensitive Data

1. Secrets Management Best Practices: Beyond using Google Secret Manager, ensure that all secrets are rotated regularly and that access to secrets is logged and monitored. Implement automated processes for secret rotation and revocation.

2. Data Encryption: Ensure end-to-end encryption of sensitive data. Use Google Cloud’s built-in encryption capabilities to protect data at rest and in transit. Implement additional application-level encryption for highly sensitive data.

Enhancing Pipeline Security

1. Container Security: For containerized applications, implement security best practices such as using minimal base images, scanning containers for vulnerabilities, and enforcing runtime security policies with tools like Google’s gVisor or open-source projects like Falco.

2. Dependency Management: Regularly update dependencies to mitigate known vulnerabilities. Use automated tools integrated within your CI/CD pipeline to identify and update vulnerable dependencies.

3. Code Review and Approval Processes: Enforce code review and approval processes for changes to critical parts of the codebase, including build and deployment scripts. Use branch protection rules and require approvals from security team members for sensitive changes.

Security Training and Awareness

1. Developer Security Training: Conduct regular security training sessions for developers. Focus on secure coding practices, common vulnerabilities (such as OWASP Top 10), and how to use security tools integrated within the CI/CD pipeline.

2. Incident Response Training: Prepare your development and operations teams with incident response training. Simulate security incidents to ensure that your team is equipped to handle real security breaches effectively.

Securing Secrets

1. Google Secret Manager: Store sensitive information such as API keys, passwords, and certificates in Secret Manager. Access these secrets in your cloudbuild.yaml file securely without hardcoding them.

Example snippet for accessing secrets in Cloud Build:

- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['secrets', 'versions', 'access', 'latest', '--secret', 'MY_SECRET_NAME']
env: ['MY_SECRET=']

Continuous Improvement

1. Security Postmortems: After any security incident, conduct a postmortem analysis to understand what went wrong and how similar incidents can be prevented. Share learnings across teams to improve security practices.

2. Stay Updated on Security Trends: Security is an ever-evolving field. Stay informed about the latest security threats, tools, and best practices. Regularly review and update your security tools and practices to address new security challenges.


Building a secure and compliant CI/CD pipeline in Google Cloud Build requires a comprehensive approach that integrates security practices throughout the development lifecycle. By adopting advanced security measures, automating compliance checks, managing secrets securely, and fostering a culture of security awareness, organizations can protect their applications and data against evolving security threats while ensuring compliance with relevant standards and regulations. Continuous improvement and education on security best practices are key to maintaining a robust security posture in your CI/CD processes.

Chapter 10: Optimizing Your CI/CD Workflow with Google Cloud Build

Optimizing your CI/CD workflow is essential for improving build times, reducing costs, and ensuring your development team can deliver features and fixes rapidly and reliably. In this final chapter, we’ll cover strategies to enhance your Google Cloud Build pipelines, making them more efficient and effective.

Caching Dependencies

One of the most effective ways to speed up your builds is by caching dependencies. Cloud Build allows you to cache directories across builds, which is particularly useful for language or package dependencies that don’t change often.

  • Implementing Caching: Use the `gcloud builds submit` command with the ` — cache-from` and ` — cache-to` options to specify directories to cache. This can significantly reduce build times for subsequent builds.

Choosing the Right Machine Type

Cloud Build offers various machine types to run your builds. Selecting a machine type that matches your build’s resource requirements can optimize build times and costs.

  • Machine Type Configuration: Specify the machine type in your `cloudbuild.yaml` file using the `options` field. For instance, choosing a machine with higher CPU and RAM might be beneficial for large builds or tests that require significant resources.

Parallelizing Build Steps

Running build steps in parallel can drastically reduce your build times. Organize your build steps so that independent tasks can run simultaneously.

  • Parallel Steps: Use the `waitFor` attribute in your `cloudbuild.yaml` to manage dependencies between steps and run independent steps in parallel.

Efficient Docker Builds

Optimizing Docker builds can also lead to faster CI/CD cycles. Techniques include using multi-stage builds to reduce image size, leveraging build cache effectively, and minimizing the number of layers.

  • Docker Build Optimizations: Structure your Dockerfiles to take advantage of caching by ordering commands from least to most frequently changed.

Using Triggers Wisely

Configuring build triggers based on specific conditions, such as changes to certain paths or branches, can prevent unnecessary builds and save resources.

  • Conditional Triggers: Use the `includedFiles` and `excludedFiles` options in your trigger configurations to limit builds to relevant changes.

Monitoring and Logging

Utilizing Google Cloud’s monitoring and logging capabilities can help you understand your builds’ performance and identify bottlenecks or issues.

  • Cloud Monitoring and Logging: Set up dashboards to monitor key metrics like build times and success rates, and configure alerts for build failures or performance degradation.

Continuous Improvement

CI/CD is an ongoing process. Regularly review your build logs, performance metrics, and team feedback to identify areas for improvement.

  • Feedback Loop: Encourage your development team to provide feedback on the CI/CD process and continuously look for ways to optimize build configurations and workflows.


Optimizing your CI/CD workflow with Google Cloud Build involves a combination of strategic planning, leveraging Cloud Build features, and continuous monitoring. By implementing these optimization strategies, you can achieve faster build times, reduce costs, and streamline your development process. As technology and your project evolve, continually revisiting and refining your CI/CD practices will ensure your workflows remain efficient and aligned with your team’s needs.



Warley's CatOps

Travel around with your paws. Furly Tech Enthusiast with passion to teach people. Let’s ease technology with meow!1