What is MIH?

William Wei
3 min readSep 13, 2021


There might be a lot of questions about MIH and EVKit. So here is a list of what we are trying to do at MIH consortium and the design principles of EVKit.

Open EV Platform:

While everyone is building EV with a closed approach (ie Tesla etc., aka, the Nokia of EV or the iPhone of EV without SDK & marketplace), we are building an open EV platform (the Android Of EV with SDK & open marketplace) and the ecosystem for mainstream and special purposes EV.

Software Defined Vehicle (SDV):

One of MIH’s focuses is to create open platform for software defined vehicles (SDV). To be software defined, a vehicle needs to have a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) between the hardware platform (ie. rolling chassis or skateboard) and the software platform, so the software layer could ride on top of the HAL and define the whole vehicle as a complete system with software application programming interfaces (APIs). Then future vehicle user experiences (UX) could be defined and created through software applications. The software platform will be compatible to multiples skateboards and the skateboards could be replaced with newer generations. The MIH’s community and ecosystem can continue the innovations assuming the same software platform without rebuilding the whole vehicle (the traditional approach), hence, it saves a lot of precious investment and the software layer will be even more robust and well tested overtime. Further more, if we could move the HAL into the cloud and add hardware simulations, future SDVs could be created in the cloud for the most part of the development cycle. Therefore, car makers (OEMs) could create SDVs in the cloud and put the hardware platform in the loop for final testing and deployment cycles. MIH’s EVKit SDK will be the development platform for Software Defined Vehicle (SDV).

Security & Safety is #1:

MIH takes security & safety seriously. We are designing the security & safety from the ground up throughout the vehicle stacks (end to end & zero trust) and its whole lifecycle.

Open Marketplace & Ecosystem:

MIH is the first to promote the open marketplace concept and is focusing on building a healthy EV ecosystem.

Lower Barrier to Entry / Shorten Development Cycle:

MIH’s key disruptions will be to lower barrier to entry and to shorten development cycle in the automotive industry.

Rethinking Carbon Impact & Energy Managment:

EV industry has the opportunity to impact global carbon value chain and to improve energy management in a larger scope. From reducing carbon footprint to optimizing the energy management from inside vehicles to energy grid level (think blockchain & tokenomics;-)), MIH takes all technologies available and the possible solutions into its scope to contribute to a sustainable future.

All and all, MIH is a consortium and community. It consists many domain experts and commercial entities to deliver all the above mentioned and more. And to conclude it:

MIH — Mobility in Harmony

  • New way of thinking EV

For Developers and Car makers

  • Android of EV (open platform)

For Consumers

  • Your 2nd living space (smart & connected) — think Metaverse…



William Wei

Former CTO, Foxconn & MIH, AI-First Technologist, former Apple/NeXT engineer