Cult Entanglements: Marianne Williamson’s Ties to Scott Catamas, Sunrise Center, and TwinRay

William Wheaton
4 min readMay 17, 2024


(Online promo for Scott Catamas’ recent event with Marianne Williamson)

I could probably do an entire Medium page based on the e-mails I have sent to me by cults on a regular basis. It’s been ten years since I started doing did PI work on Sunrise Center and Scott Catamas under the late PI Jan B. Tucker on a child sex abuse claim, I put myself on Scott Catamas’ e-mail list, and also Lori Grace and Sunrise Center’s. I still get e-mails from them on a regular basis. I had someone in DxE leadership called me a white nationalist for saying ethnic discrimination against WASPs even exists at all in our society, and I still get e-mails from DxE three years later asking me for money and support, and as a detail I have to return to again and again, my falling out with DxE over this issue was because I was sparked by a conversation in which I was trying to explain my work on Sunrise Center as Lori Grace is of course a WASP, though I don’t think many of her religious practices would find large acceptance in a traditional Episcopalian or Presbyterian context given the degree that they involve a lot of sex some of which people have to directly pay for. David Hodges of The Church of Ambrosia, another freak I get e-mails from regularly, in a sense incorporate elements of Protestantism at least in the robes he wears for church events. I’m sure unless actively take myself off of the The Church of Ambrosia e-mail list I’ll be receiving e-mails from them probably in ten years if I’m still kicking, and all I did there was buy magic mushrooms from his dispensary in Oakland a few times between 2022–2023, and now I’m on my way right back from the microdose trend into conventional ADHD and anxiety medication. Hodges has something figured out though, I’ve read he does 5 million a year in business at his place in Oakland. It happens to be also that there is money to be made in publicly calling all these people out as cult leaders or members, as countless news articles Netflix documentaries have shown again and again. Scott Catamas, with his current involvement in TwinRay, looks like an especially good target lately, gaining me many views on Medium.

A big name is of course best, meeting one of my all time favorite musicians, Robert Fripp, became very productive when I learned he was a Gurdjieff disciple. Similarly, my web has ensnared something of a big name as Oprah’s spiritual advisor and this year’s failed presidential candidate Marianne Williamson made the rather embarrassing decision of doing an on-line event with Catamas this past Wednesday night. I didn’t see that ad for the event until today, or I would have possibly gone to that event. This is what part of the text of the e-mails says-

Dear Friends-Namaste. Marianne Williamson is one of the most extraordinary human beings that I have ever known. She has been a source of inspiration to many of us for decades. Her recent run for the Presidency has been historic and important as she seeks to bring values we hold dear into the political world. We are honored to have an exclusive conversation with her tonight on The Awakening World!

The first point of Scott’s that I want to question immediately- Scott here says Marianne Williamson’s run for presidency was historic- I assume that when he means historic in this context he means that her run for presidency was deeply historical within The Magical Land of No One Fucking Cares. To give a sense of how inept and politically insignificant Williamson’s campaign was, she did an event here in Reno that I almost went to early this year- it was at a small and not very good art gallery on Virginia Street, a space that couldn’t accommodate any large crowd at all. The rematch between Biden and Trump was almost always a foregone conclusion. Scott is deeply dishonest here, not surprisingly, almost immediately. For decades he’s worked as a counselor with no psychotherapy license, it’s not clear if he still pimps but he has a prior for that, and he’s scheduled to do an event at Lori’s Hawaii home that will have some bodyworkers present in June as I wrote about on here recently, another piece of data that came my way by an e-mail from Sunrise Center.

I’d like to say that I’m disappointed that Williamson didn’t do this event while she was running, but I don’t think her campaign was really being taken seriously by much of anyone she barely got any news coverage whatsoever. Still, I see from the stats on my Medium page that people are googling Scott all over the place, it must be literally hundreds in the last few weeks, assumedly because of his more current connections to TwinRay and the mess of articles accusing TwinRay of of dosing people with DMT and taking millions from the followers that have appeared recently, Scott having spent several months at their compound in Ashland, Oregon last year by his accounts doing HR work for TwinRay. Ties to Catamas could’ve been politically damaging if she indeed every really had a political career to kill.

If I weren’t looking at stats that tells me people are Googling Scott all over the place, assured I wouldn’t be writing about him at length.



William Wheaton

William Wheaton, cult expert, available now for research, consulting and investigation inquires to