The Beginner’s Guide to using GraphQL with Node and Mongo — Part I

William Yang
6 min readDec 2, 2018


Today, let’s learn how to hook up MongoDB with GraphQL using Apollo Server and Mongoose.

Before starting, you will need the following already set up on your machine:

Please have these set up before continuing with this tutorial.

Create Directory and Install Packages

In your coding directory, create a new folder you will be working in. Change your current directory to that new folder and create a new folder to hold your server code in and run npm init -y.

mkdir server
cd server
npm init -y

This will create the package.json file for us.

Next, we will install a few libraries:

npm install apollo-server-express express graphql mongoose nodemon

After running npm install, create index.js file in the root of server .

Connecting Apollo Server

In index.js, we will first connect Apollo-server.

In Lines 1–2, we first import express, ApolloServer, and gql so we can use it in our code.

In Lines 4–8, we define the types by implementing the typeDefs object needed for ApolloServer in Line 16. gqllets us write GraphQL syntax in JavaScript. In Lines 5–6, we create a GraphQL Query type. Line 6 is the name of one of the Querys we are making. A Query is similar to doing a GET, where you are just retrieving data.

In Lines 10–14, we implement the resolvers object needed for ApolloServer in Line 16. This is where we implement what the Query actually does. In Line 12, we implement the hello query to just give back 'Hello World'.

In Line 16, we create our ApolloServer and pass in an object with typeDef and resolver as a parameter.

In Line 17–18, we apply Express as our server middleware, but we aren’t doing anything with Express in this part.

In Line 20, we have our ApolloServer listen on port 4000 , and when it’s ready, it will print in the console that it is ready to run.

Testing the GraphQL Query

If we open a terminal to the directory that has index.js in it and run npm start, we should have the GraphQL Playground open.

For those unfamiliar with the Playground, you’re able to make GraphQL queries on the left side, and see the data that is queried back on the right side.

We can test our new query on the left side like this:

query hello {

query lets GraphQL know that we are trying to do a query type. The hello after the query is giving our query a name (similar to how you name a function). Inside the curly braces, we then use hello, which is the Query we made in Line 6 of our index.js.

Pressing the Play button will return the data for hello — which was 'Hello World'.

Connecting MongoDB

Let’s get MongoDB connected with our Apollo Server now.

First create a file called config.js. We will make the MongoDB connection with config.js. In my MongoDB, I created a database called graphqldb. I also use the default MongoDB port 27017.

To connect it, add this line to your index.js after the require statements at the top.


Create MongoDB User Schema

Now we need to create a schema for our MongoDB. I’m going to create a simple User schema.

First create a models.js in the root of your project.

Here we create a userSchema and give it just a userName and an email.

We can now add it to our index.js file. Place this line after your config require:

const { User } = require('./models');

Updating GraphQL Queries and Adding Mutations

Now that we have MongoDB to work with, we’re going to update GraphQL queries and add mutation types.

In Lines 8–12, we create a new GraphQL type: User. We are saying that anything that is a User type will require an ID that is type ID (unique identifier), and can have a userName that is typeString, and an email that is also typeString. The ! operator means it cannot be null.

In Lines 14–16, we replace our hello query with a getUsers query that returns an array of type User. This means getUsers MUST an object that has an id, userName, andemail to satisfy a User type, otherwise it will return nothing.

In Lines 18–20, we add a Mutation type to our typeDefs. Mutations change the data, similar to a POST, PUT, or DELETE. On Line 19, we declare a addUser function that requires a userName, and email, and that it will return a User type.

In lines 23–37, we update our Resolvers with the new Query and Mutation.

Lines 24–26, we make a call to MongoDB using Mongoose and retrieve all Users from the Users collection. This will return Users based on the MongoDB schema — which has an id, userName, and email — which matches the GraphQL User type.

Lines 27–36, we also make a call to MongoDB using Mongoose to create a new User. We pass in two parameters — the first one is _ because we aren’t using the parent parameter, and the second one are the args that we pass in the mutation function ( userName and email). We then return the response we get from MongoDB, and that also has the id, userName, and email needed to complete a User type.

Playing with the new query and mutation

Now that we have the new queries and mutations, we can go to the Playground and make a new query and new mutation.

Since we don’t have anything in our database, let’s do a mutation first.

mutation addUser {
addUser(userName: "wyang", email: "") {

Here we are declaring that we are going to use a mutation . We give it the name addUser (this is not the same as the addUser function we made in the typeDefs, but rather just to give the mutation a name for the Playground). Inside of the mutation, we use the addUser function and we pass in our two parameters. We first declare the userName parameter and give it the a string, and we do the same for email . When we open up the curly braces, we ask it to return the userName and the email .

Now that we have something added to our database, we can now use our new getUsers. To use it, let’s use this new query:

query getUsers {

Once again, we declare we are making a query and we are giving it the name getUsers. Once again, the getUsers that is declared after query is the name of the query in the Playground, and not the actual query we made. Inside of this query, we use the getUsers function, and ask to return the id, userName, and email.


We have done quite a few things in this part:

  • Set up Apollo Server
  • Created MongoDB Schema
  • Implemented Queries and Mutations with Mongoose

In Part II, I will connect the front end with Apollo Client! Let me know what you liked, or what needs improving in the comments below.

I hope this tutorial was helpful!

