Published inDataDrivenInvestorEducation and re-education in youth: The extreme importance of developing the capacity to feel…Mude de idioma: PortuguêsSep 29, 2019Sep 29, 2019
Published inDataDrivenInvestorNeurotechnology Applied to the Military Industry: The Invisible War That Resides in Our HomesOutro Idioma: PortuguêsAug 21, 2019Aug 21, 2019
Published inDataDrivenInvestorThe neuroscience of languages through the body: Body & EmotionIs it possible to read emotions, feel them and unconsciously communicate information through the position and movement of the body in…Aug 18, 2019Aug 18, 2019
Published inDataDrivenInvestorBeyond Religion, Mysticism and Spirituality, the perspective of Neuroscience in evidence.How Neuroscience is exploring God(s) experience.May 26, 2019May 26, 2019
Published inDataDrivenInvestorWe, human machines, hallucinate our reality in diluted states of consciousnessThe hallucinogen human machine theoryMar 19, 2019Mar 19, 2019
Lost science on rescue: First-Person Science of consciousness“What we think about the world or people determines what we actually perceive.”Feb 19, 2019Feb 19, 2019
Love as Cocaine. Love as addiction: For the brain they have almost the same bio-semantic meaning!In this story I tell you how love can be so similar to the effect of cocaineFeb 14, 20191Feb 14, 20191
Habits, games and learning: How your actions can shape your mindThoughts lead on to actions Actions form habits Habits decide character And character fixes your destiny.Feb 5, 2019Feb 5, 2019
According neuroscience body movements can help mathematics learningWith savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated.Jan 29, 20191Jan 29, 20191
Microinjeção de DNA uma técnica do passado ?O futuro da edição genética em embriõesSep 3, 2018Sep 3, 2018