We Are the Pawns, We Are the Proof…

The Bill Mullane Show
4 min readFeb 12, 2024


“We are the pawns. We are the proof.” I write these words with the tune of “We Are the World” glued to my psyche.

If you’re too young to remember, “We Are the World” was a song in the 1980s that really had no business being as popular as it was. It was ready-made cringe cut with cheese.

Despite the processed dairy product, the song was synchronistically recorded just three months before I was born. And it had quite a philosophical theme.

Written by the great American singer-songwriters, Michael Jackson and Lionel Ritchie, “We Are the World” holds tremendous truths to this day. The most profound of which is simply that we are all, indeed, the world.

In my most recent entry, we discussed the so-called extraterrestrial war, which for all intents and purposes, was determined to be a never-ending battle of creation between its two fundamental expressions — good and evil/negative and positive.

This conflict has been raging since the dawn of creation (a subject we’ll tackle next). However, we determined that we, as human beings, are the neutral aspect of GOD, or the pawns in the war.

But because there is only one thing — source, GOD, creation, or whatever you wish to call it — our role as the pawns is the “proof of GOD.” This “proof” part, though, is likely vague. So, here, in this entry, we will rundown the “proof” and answer the question of why we would be participants in this eternal war.

How is anything this mostly unknown blogger blabbed about considered “proof” at all? Who the hell is this guy?

Simply put, I am no one but I am everyone. Oh, more confounded nonsense from another blowhard — real original, Billy Bear (that’s what I like to call myself when no one is looking).

Nevertheless, look at the “answer” I provided. I am no one and neither are you. You are not your name, that’s for sure. If you were, we wouldn’t invent trite little nicknames like Billy Bear or G-Money or whatever you call yourself. You would embrace your name as though it was your genuine identity. You don’t do that.

Oh, sure, many of us are happy or complacent with our birthnames, but they hardly identify our beings. More likely than not, you feel like much, much more than a name. More than an occupation. More than a habit, a tendency, or a skill.

And this is where we find the proof — by looking inward. Through meditation, studies, and self-exploration, we all eventually realize that we are so much more than human.

Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash

The parallel between this revelation and being a neutral aspect of God proves our place is right under your nose.

Look inward… We all fight the “extraterrestrial war” within ourselves. We are engaged constantly in a battle between the angels and devils on our shoulders.

Every day, be it during a casual interaction, a personal/silent decision, a life-changing choice between family, friends, and co-workers, or anything in between, we all look to our consciences to decide.

In every moment of every day, we make choices that are either positive or negative. Whether most of these choices are a microcosm of some grand extraterrestrial war or the precise materialization of such, is immaterial.

There is an adage that “there are two animals inside you, the one you feed is the one that thrives” — A loose translation.

Still, it is true. And it is not only true, it is proof that you are an aspect of GOD, of the good and the bad and the neutral; that we all are, or as Michael Jackson, Lionel Ritchie, Cindy Lauper, and the plethora of A, B, C, and Z-list celebrities sung shortly before my birth, “We Are the World.”

As the famed song that somehow became the catalyst for this entry continues, we are not just the world, “We are the future.” This is the answer to why we would be the pawns in this war.

Of course, there is an easier answer: there is nothing else to do. And while that sounds too simplistic or like some kind of attempt at brevity and poor humor, it is true. Plain and simple, there is nothing better to do.

Your spirit is eternal. You’re not going anywhere because there is nowhere to “go.” It is all happening right here, right now. So, what the hell? We may as well be the pawns.

We may as well play the game.



The Bill Mullane Show

Bill Mullane is a podcaster, writer, musician, father, and devoted clown. His works span the worlds of music, comedy, horror, metaphysics, and sad buffoonery.