How To Maintain An Air Conditioner From Carrier

Willis Dubai
2 min readNov 12, 2023


If you carry out some routine cleaning and basic maintenance, your Carrier air conditioner will operate at its best for many years. In addition to seasonal or annual inspections and adjustments to keep your system in optimal condition, your HVAC contractor can also perform a few basic maintenance tasks that you can do on your own as part of a preventive maintenance program.

When performing his seasonal inspection and maintenance, your air conditioning technician can offer you advice on how to properly clean a Carrier air conditioner. He will assess the mechanical health of your system and perform any necessary maintenance and repairs. He’s going to:

  • Condenser and evaporator coils should be cleaned.
  • Verify the functionality of the controls and the electrical connections.
  • Lubricate motors as needed.
  • Verify the amount of refrigerant and adjust as needed.
  • Verify that thermostats are operating correctly.
  • Examine the ducting and filters.

To maintain the optimal operation of your air conditioner in between routine maintenance calls, you can do the following:

Safety tip: Whenever you perform maintenance or repairs on your air conditioner, make sure to always turn off the power.

  • Replace filters on a regular basis. For example, you will need to change your filters more frequently if you live on a dusty road or have indoor pets than if you live in a house without pets on a paved street.
  • Make sure there are no leaves, trash, or other debris covering the exterior of the outdoor condenser unit. Never attempt to clean inside the outdoor unit with a garden hose or any other type of water source. Your A/C technician should handle any maintenance that involves opening the unit housing.
  • If the indoor coils are easily accessible, clean them with a soft cloth or a vacuum.
  • Verify that no furniture, rugs, or drapes are obstructing your air supply or return registers. In order to maintain unobstructed airflow, vacuum registers to remove dust or other debris and straighten any bent vent fins.

For all your questions regarding Carrier air conditioner, give us a call at Willis General Trading. In order to maintain the comfort and optimal operation of your heating and cooling systems in your home, our technicians can assist you with routine maintenance or repairs.

