The Power of In-Person Events and Social Brand Activations: Driving Tangible and Intangible Brand Benefits

Andrew Willis
3 min readJul 9, 2023


Andrew Willis is a Brand Advisor with Haggertys & Co | | @haggertyscouk

In today’s digital age, face-to-face interactions and immersive brand experiences hold immense value. In-person events, social brand activations, and collaborations offer unique opportunities to engage with your audience, foster meaningful connections, and drive both tangible and intangible brand and sales benefits. In this article, we will explore why businesses should embrace these strategies, backed by research and statistics. Discover how investing in real-world experiences can elevate your brand and boost your bottom line.

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1. Creating Authentic Connections:

In-person events and social brand activations provide a platform for authentic connections and meaningful interactions with your target audience. According to Eventbrite, 95% of event attendees believe that face-to-face interactions are essential for building long-term business relationships. These experiences allow you to establish trust, showcase your brand’s values, and cultivate a loyal community of brand advocates who can amplify your message.

2. Increasing Brand Awareness and Exposure:

By hosting or participating in in-person events and collaborations, you can expand your brand’s reach and generate buzz. A study by Bizzabo found that 95% of marketers believe that live events provide valuable opportunities to form in-person connections and build relationships. Leveraging the power of social media, attendees and participants can share their experiences, generating organic reach and exposure for your brand.

3. Driving Customer Engagement and Conversion:

In-person events and brand activations offer a unique chance to engage with customers on a deeper level, resulting in increased conversion rates. Research by Event Marketing Institute revealed that 74% of event attendees have a more positive opinion about the company, brand, or product being promoted after an event. The immersive and interactive nature of these experiences allows attendees to connect emotionally with your brand, making them more likely to become loyal customers.

4. Fostering Brand Loyalty and Advocacy:

Real-world experiences play a significant role in building brand loyalty and advocacy. By providing memorable and enjoyable experiences, you can cultivate a community of loyal customers who are eager to share their positive experiences with others. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family more than any other form of advertising. Harnessing the power of in-person events and collaborations can turn attendees into passionate brand ambassadors, amplifying your reach and influence.

5. Differentiating from Competitors:

In-person events and social brand activations provide a unique opportunity to differentiate your brand from competitors in a crowded marketplace. While digital channels are essential, physical experiences create a lasting impact and set your brand apart. Research by Event Marketer shows that 81% of marketers believe live events are critical for their company’s success. By investing in face-to-face interactions and immersive experiences, you demonstrate your commitment to going beyond traditional marketing approaches and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

“Real-world interactions allow your brand to come alive, fostering connections that digital channels alone cannot replicate.” — Andrew Willis, Brand Advisor, Haggertys

In-person events, social brand activations, and collaborations have a profound impact on brand perception, customer engagement, and ultimately, sales. The value of authentic connections, increased brand awareness, customer engagement, loyalty, and differentiation cannot be underestimated. By investing in these strategies, businesses can create memorable experiences that forge deep connections with their audience, driving tangible and intangible brand benefits. Embrace the power of in-person events and collaborations to take your brand to new heights.

#BrandActivation #InPersonEvents #Collaborations

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Andrew Willis is a Brand Advisor with Haggertys & Co | | @haggertyscouk



Andrew Willis

Guardian and defender of your brand | Brand Advisor at Haggertys & Co (