Brochure Maker Free? [Yes! Solution Inside]

Willis Townsend
11 min readOct 9, 2018


So, a couple of months ago I had a bit of a problem which required a brochure maker free. Actually, I ended up getting pretty stressed out. Perhaps I was making a mountain out of a molehill but it was getting me worked up. I needed a free online brochure, but I have literally no coding experience and pretty much zero advertising budget for our company . I needed a professional brochure maker free! And by a brochure maker free I mean one that actually works the way I want it to.

Let me explain.

I work as the media secretary for the Twenty Minute society.

I keep our company web page up to date, post on social media, design flyers and posters — basically do everything that has to do with designs, marketing and marketing materials .

That sort of thing.

Now if you haven’t heard of Twenty Minute societies the idea is very simple.

Members give us their mobile phone numbers, we arrange something and text everyone to let them know where to meet.

Members have twenty minutes to get to the meeting point. You snooze — you lose.

Most of the time someone just decides they fancy a drink and tells everyone to meet in a bar somewhere.

But sometimes we do something far more interesting and exciting.

Such as paintball, going to the seaside, movies, bowling.

And every now and then we do something totally bonkers.

Like flash mobbing or cosplay.

There’s even a legendary pub crawl that ended up lasting a whole weekend and taking in Edinburgh, London and Dublin but that’s before I joined.

You get the idea.

So why does a student need a brochure maker free?

And why did I need a brochure maker free?

Fresher’s Fairs can be a bit of a war zone.

Everyone wants to sign up as many gullible, paying, fresh new faces as they can.

In fact, it can be a bit intimidating for some students and others don’t realize its on or get lost on the way.

So quite a lot end up joining later in the year when they’ve found our webpage.

Which is where the brochure maker free comes in.

I wanted an online brochure maker free for students that we could put some photos of our exploits in so wannabe ‘twenties would know what to expect.

Oh, and I wanted my brochure maker free of course because of the aforementioned lack of media budget.

The simple option

With the entire might of the University computing service at my disposal, I thought there was probably good brochure design software tools available to me so I set about looking for a brochure maker free.

Let me tell you now just how many different ways they offer to create documents.

Actually, I never kept count but there are definitely more than ten brochure maker free software tools .

After ten I was getting a bit fed-up to be honest.

I was beginning to think of jacking it in and getting someone else to take over.

I hadn’t realized quite how difficult it could be to make my own professionally designed brochure.

Well, that’s not strictly speaking true — it’s quite easy to find brochure design templates, load them into a word processor or desktop publishing program and create a fancy looking and professionally designed brochure to print out.

I mean I basically did that anyway to hand out to Freshers.

What I found difficult was getting it onto our website.

You can’t just “Save As HTML” because it messes up the formatting so thoroughly you can’t read it.

And I didn’t really want to go down the route of having a PDF download because people just don’t download PDF to view .

Either they’re on their phone or tablet and don’t have the space or they don’t want to fill their measly University quota with random files to.

It gets better.

It really does.

What we needed was an interactive digital brochure.

One that just loaded a file directly in the web browser.

It had to work on any device and I wanted the brochure maker free to use.

What is a digital brochure? The Saga Continues

Ok, so you’ve probably already got the idea of why I needed a brochure maker free.

I wanted something on a screen that you read like a book and that our readers would actually enjoy to view .

It has pages and nice pictures — maybe even a cute animation or sound effect when you switch pages.

Anyway a digital brochure, or e brochure, is basically that.

A simulation if you like of a paper brochure.

Only better.

Because you can share digital brochures and even embed them on your website .

Embed video and audio.

Even create an app for users.

This is why I wanted the brochure maker free.

But because I’m stubborn I didn’t want just any old brochure creator tools, because I know about brochure layout.

I wanted the best digital brochure. But I don’t know HTML, CSS, PHP, Java (or any other coffee for that matter) so I was on a mission to get the perfect free digital brochure maker.

A brochure maker free that allowed me to make it fantastic.

How to make an e brochure?

Having exhausted the brochure maker free options offline I turned my attention to brochure maker free options online.

Could I create brochure for free online?

Is there a brochure creator that also offers free brochure templates and also lets me customize my flyers ?

Was there an e brochure maker free that didn’t need lots of coding experience or a huge (impossible) software download before using the brochure maker free?

The answer is emphatically “Yaaass!”.

I was totally overwhelmed by the choice of brochure maker free including free templates .

There’s more than one brochure maker free that let you make a brochure online free and a number of brochure maker free where you upload a file.

Some brochure maker free options huge “book shelves” of users’ custom brochure and magazines while other brochure maker free are more geared towards embedding a brochure online on your web page from your brochure maker free.

Online vs offline

First you need to decide whether you want a non-cloud based software for your brochure maker free or whether you want to upload a file, like a PDF or docx to your brochure maker free, and have the brochure maker free servers work their magic.

I wanted an free online brochure maker free solution because I can’t download brochure maker free software to University systems and my own computer is held together with duct tape and prayers (I’m not joking — there really is duct tape over a crack on the bottom) and it wouldn’t support a brochure maker free.

But I do have completely free, fast fibre and almost seamless wifi coverage on campus meaning there had to be a brochure maker free to suit me.

Brochure design online or via upload

The brochure maker free online services let you make another choice — do you use the brochure maker free on your own system and upload a file or can you use the brochure maker free to edit and design it online too with your brochure maker free?

Some offer a choice of free online brochure template so you just paste in your text and pictures to the brochure maker free and then you can customize it.

There’s usually lots of digital brochure examples to give you inspiration as well on the brochure maker free providers.

Paperless or not?

Another thing you need to think about is printing once you’ve used your brochure maker free.

Obviously, you can choose to let people download the whole PDF from the brochure maker free and print it out but some brochure maker services let you control printing.

Often you have to pay to allow any printing or to use the printing controls, but there are some services that include it in their free options.

There’s a few brochure maker free options that try and persuade you to turn your e brochure into a paper brochure but I wasn’t really interested in doing that with my brochure maker free.

I wanted to explore the possibilities of using my beautiful brochure maker free for keeping it online instead.

Making our online brochure maker free and printable wasn’t really a priority for us. After all most, if not all, of our users are looking at the brochure online.

Did you say pay?

I was looking for a brochure maker free to use with some great features .

And there are tons of brochure maker free options out there (some with better features than others)— I’ve got accounts on at least 15 brochure maker free offering free trials or free basic accounts.

But for a lot of options you need to be prepared to pay.

Luckily for our poor impoverished society it’s possible to find lots and lots of brochure maker free providers that provide all the brochure maker free options including awesome features and designs we could want.

Like what?

There’s a lot more to digital brochure design and to design your brochure than putting a few pictures together with a bit of text in your brochure maker free.

You can get an easy brochure maker free that lets you do that.

Then add an audio track to play on the brochure maker free, either for the whole brochure or on a page by page basis — it’s easy .

Just imagine opening a page about Halloween and getting spooky music then turning over to Christmas and having carols playing!

You can use a new professional brochure maker free to do that!


If that’s not fancy enough there’s even more you can do with a brochure maker free!

You can embed YouTube videos into your pages using the brochure maker free. Instead of just photos. Instead of a few seconds of gif have a longer video with a few clicks in your brochure maker free.

Just think of the possibilities!

And then there’s easy online sharing with your brochure maker free.

Why worry about whether or not for your brochure maker free download is allowed when you can simply share the link on your social media accounts?

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In (well, maybe I’ll keep the ‘twenties off that account!), Google+.

Wherever you have followers you can share your brochure with your top brochure maker free.

Some brochure maker free options come with brochure templates, handy WordPress plugins so you can have your digital brochure right there in your blog.


Know your user

The other big feature that a digital brochure can have that you can’t have with a paper one is access to statistics and analytics.

Some of the brochure maker free providers offer their own analytics to give you insights into who’s reading your brochure.

Other brochure maker free options integrate with Google Analytics.

I’m sure if you’re, for example, a restaurant creating a beautiful online menu, that having access to analytics is great.

But it just told me that our brochure had been read by 202 accesses from the local city and one from Melbourne, Australia.

The other side of the world.

Although they didn’t hang around so were probably just browsing through.

Still, it’s quite fun for me to see.

The next step

Having answered the question of how I now had to answer the question “Where can I make a brochure?”

Read on and I’ll mention a few new brochure maker free options I’ve tried.

There are probably literally thousands of companies out there offering to create digital books with a brochure maker free product .

Some aim themselves at magazine editors, others at custom brochures for small business or bloggers.

I tried quite a few brochure maker free options (many have a brochure maker free account which was the price point I was looking for and the rest usually have some sort of brochure maker free trial) and here’s the short list/tips I came up with:

Flipsnack brochure maker free

Flipsnack has a brochure maker free account but you can also upgrade to the premium pricing plan. You need to pay to include videos or a photo like a logo and the tool offers a brochure template to use and has a good support team. There are also some tutorial for this easy-to-use software. Additionally, Flipsnack can be displayed in different languages with a simple click — languages include Français, Português, Italiano, Español, English,…

Canva brochure maker free

Canva is a very limited brochure maker free version, aimed at businesses (a lot of real estate companies use this tool to create business cards and real estate magazines). A huge and amazing resource of stock images and stock graphics .

Issuu brochure maker free

This free brochure maker free version will let you simply embed videos and you have to add links yourself. You can also upgrade to the next premium plan — pricing starts at $19. To create a brochure product is not difficult at all as you can also use brochure template with this service or contact support anytime with a simple click if you need help.


Yes, you can easily create beautiful, richly immersive and fully featured stunning brochures for free.

Really, you just have to start !

I know because I looked for a e brochure maker free and found one I didn’t have to pay for.

Several brochure maker free options in fact.

Many of the top brochure maker free providers offered a real, free, product .

Well, you have some ads but everywhere has those now and you can (as always) pay to get rid of them with the brochure maker free.

The free services were often full enough that I could:

  • Start create a PDF and upload it to the brochure maker free servers and even use a brochure template.
  • Add company logo, graphics, image, audio and video with the brochure maker free to make the brochure project more engaging
  • Add hyperlinks to other pages in the brochure or to other websites to make it interactive
  • Share to all our social accounts or via email in a couple of clicks with the brochure maker free
  • Embed the brochure into our WordPress Blog

I just wish I could do all that in twenty minutes — but that’s got as much to do with my typing speed as anything else!

The best digital brochure maker free is certainly speedy — once I’ve uploaded the PDF it’s ready in the time it takes the computer to download the finished ebook.

Fast and with my brochure maker free.

Just like the twenty minute society likes life!



Willis Townsend

Expert in all things Brochure. Passionate about Writing, Soccer & Food.