After Six Months of Life-Altering Challenges

Will Krieger
5 min readJun 29, 2018


#AdventureAwaits (26/52)

I’ve been on an adventure the last six months.

Since January, I started building into myself and others by issuing weekly challenges that foster life growth in key areas that will accelerate greatness. Topics have included Intention, Wellness, Creativity, Compassion, and more.

The premise and motivation: To live life on purpose, and help others do the same.

The philosophy: If we want change, if we want to grow, to be better, then we need to rewire the impulses of our mind. To do this, we need to take action.

It’s not enough to daydream, watch motivational videos online, read self-help articles, or read books. I’m not saying any of this is bad, but the key to any growth is action. It’s about embracing the uncomfortable and strategically putting yourself under some stress in order to get better.

It can be hard, painful, and, with the right mindset, fun.

The greats in sports, business, and life do every day what the average do only on occasion.

When we challenge ourselves, everything can change. From the way we think to the way we look, our relationships, the opportunities we notice, and the fulfillment and satisfaction we experience each day.

Now that I’m six months in, I wanted to look back at the change I’m noticing in my life.

I’m in better shape. I can honestly say I’m in better shape than ever before. I’ve come to find that a lot of progress begins with taking care of the body. Make your physical health non-negotiable and the rest will start to follow. The key: Make it simple, social, and create stakes to hold you accountable.

The brain can be rewired. I’ve noticed a shift in my thought patterns. This process of learning, writing, and growing through the challenges has changed my habits, willpower, social altitude, confidence, etc. There’s more work to do. It’s not perfect, and never will be. There will always be challenge and struggle — life’s unexpected twists and turns. A discipline of pursuing life-growth will better equip us to handle it all.

Gratitude. Hands down, I’m more thankful and at peace each day regardless of what unfolded. Some days are better than others, but overall I can more easily find the good in any circumstance.

Challenge. I’ve become better at embracing new challenges. I see them as growth opportunities, and I’m much more willing/eager to put in the initial work to overcome the fear or unknown. This is actually taking a life of its own in that I find myself seeking new challenges, proactively introducing even a little stress to help me and/or others grow.

Writing is hard. Putting out content each week is not easy. It hasn’t necessarily gotten easier either. It’s fun. I enjoy the process. But it’s hard. The reward, however, is in the commitment and follow through. There is no better feeling than doing what I said I was going to do, regardless of the number of excuses I could make to stop or skip a week.

Relationships. By embracing my imperfections, I’ve been able to connect better with others. I can show more grace in existing relationships, and I can connect more easily in new relationships through authenticity and empathy. I’ve also found that there is a strong correlation to how I think and the people I spend time with. Spend time with people who inspire you, challenge you, and create momentum in your life. That’s great if they’re your friends or mentors. However, this may also include faux relationships with authors whose books, podcasts, and videos you engage with. This too will bring your thought patterns to a new level.

You matter. You can’t change the world (or anything) without first working on you. I’m growing, and the things I’m involved in are growing too.

My morning routine is a must. To establish a morning routine, I followed the advice of others first. Some things worked, and others didn’t. I created a routine that worked for me — prayer, movement, cold shower, journaling. You have to create what works for you, and do it every day that you can.

Beliefs. Limiting beliefs are just that… beliefs, not facts. And beliefs can be changed. I’ve been able to spot my limiting beliefs better over the past six months. And once you spot them, you can change them and take your insight and vision to the next level.

Emotional intensity. I didn’t expect this one. I feel more than I have in a long time. I experience the highs and lows with more intensity. I also feel more for others, empathizing with their happiness or pain. This is a good thing! Life shouldn’t be a flat line or a constant state of equilibrium. When we feel intensely, we are moved to action.

More creative and collaborative. I’m less protective over my ideas, and more willing to share them out loud to get feedback. Ideas come, and I now have a process for catching them, refining them, and taking action.

Better self-control. Perhaps the greatest lesson I’ve learned is that follow-through and doing what you tell yourself you will do begins the process of tremendous life-change. Confidence goes through the roof. Priorities become clearer. Goals become reality.

I’m convinced at this point. We can absolutely rewire our thinking. If we’re not intentional about pursuing the right growth for ourselves, then the world will rewire your thoughts for you.

Headlines will tell you to be afraid, and the world will feel small.

But, on the other hand, with the right curriculum and small steps in the right direction, we make of the world whatever we desire. And the world will be better for it.


Reflect on your adventure so far.

We’re six months into the year. Whether or not you’ve been following along with this journey — Rewire: Life on Purpose — now is a great time to reflect on how your year is going.

What is working? What’s not?

What do you want more of? Less of?

How can you get more of what you need to feel better, do better, be better?

Take 5 minutes to do this for yourself.

The adventure of life can throw a lot at us all at once, or at least it can feel that way. Taking a small part of your day to reflect helps to sort through it all so you can emerge triumphant.

To Your Success,



Next week we begin a new topic: Recharge with Simplicity. We’ll work to establish rhythms and rituals that enable us to do our best and be our best.

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Will Krieger

Professional researcher, listener, and observer. When you poke life, something great happens. Join the journey, Rewire: Life on Purpose —