Storm Chasers hit a Beer Parlor!

Will Lewis
3 min readNov 16, 2017


There’s two types of “storm chaser”, those that go headlong into powerful, awe-inspiring weather systems and those who appreciate the power of abstract art, creativity and eclecticism. On a calm and warm mid-October evening, it was the latter type of storm chaser, which converged on West 8th Street’s Arts & Crafts Beer Parlor, to celebrate the launch of their latest art exhibit, created by Storm Ritter!

Storm Ritter, founder of fashion and art label, Storm Ritter & Velvet the “Studio Cat”. Photo: Roman Dubchak

The evening heralded another flourishing 8th Street collaboration! Storm Ritter is a Village beacon of creativity, producing art, custom painted clothing, vintage and upcycled apparel at her 8th Street studio and store, assisted by Studio Cat, Velvet! Fun fact: Velvet was recently named as one of ten New York City animals who has a better job than you do!

Since opening, the Arts & Crafts Beer Parlor has established itself as a Village arts hub with rotating exhibits of art and photography, featuring a diverse array of emerging and established New York City talent. Served alongside the rotating art exhibits is a constantly rotating menu of craft beers from some of the most exciting breweries around the country!

The Storm Ritter “Artists Night” at Arts & Crafts brought together two kaleidoscopic worlds for an appreciation of vibrant colorful art and the savoring and sampling of fine craft beers with Singlecut Beersmiths!

Through the evening Storm Ritter provided the packed room of “storm chasers”, some local and some from afar, with tantalizing insights into the underlying creative ethos of her work and artistic direction, as well as the inspiration and stories behind each of the twenty plus canvases on display. During the evening guests split their time between bar and studio, sampling the diverse and vibrant experiences of 8th Street, as well as spending quality time with Velvet the Studio Cat!

Storm Ritter will be exhibiting at Arts and Crafts Beer Parlor until December, and just like the beers, canvases rotate regularly, so keep returning to see new works, because Storm is prolific!

For many reasons this exhibit is important, it reminds us of the strong sense of community on 8th Street, it brings together small independent businesses, working together to create a “stronger together” collective power, and it gives people the chance to see, appreciate and think about art in a different way.

Most importantly though, the exhibit is testament to 8th Streets continued strength as a creative and vibrant beacon of the Village, a place where talented creatives and bohemians really do still exist, from artists to musicians and businesses creators to pioneering chefs.

If you have not seen the exhibit, then do, become a “storm chaser”, you’ll be hooked! Then discover the other eclectic, thriving businesses of 8th Street!

Storm Ritter is located at 14 West 8th Street and Arts and Crafts Beer Parlor is located at 26 West 8th Street.

Storm Ritter outside Greenwich Village’s Arts & Crafts Beer Parlor on West 8th Street. Photo: Roman Dubchak



Will Lewis

A Londoner in New York City. Marketing, Place-making, Public Space, and occasional other thoughts.