What Can You Do Better Than Anybody Else?

Be f***ing proud of yourself and be ready to tell others

Philipp Willms
2 min readMay 20, 2022
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

I work in a school for physiotherapy and I do 95% of the application interviews. My last question will be either:

I told you about our sole features as a school. Now tell me what your’s are.


What are you proud of?

Almost no one has an idea of what they could tell me. Most people mention that they are friendly and motivated and willing to learn.

I think these are basic requirements for everyone who wants to learn physiotherapy or any other job.

I then try to encourage the applicants and ask

What can you do better than anybody else?

Most times I get no answer besides a repitition of what was already said and that makes me think…

Is it that people don’t know what they are good at? Or are they afraid to boast? What if the interviewer laughs it off… or if it does not feel professional enough in that setting…

I go with Sean [Day9] Plott who mentioned in his Starcraft II-based Videos on Youtube that there is no cooler thing than doing something and being proud of it, no matter what it is, no matter how good you are or what others might think about it. It’s yours.

Is it possible for you to answer my question, even if you are not #1 in that particular activity?

What can you do better than anybody else?

(Why not use the comment section to tell the world?)



Philipp Willms

Physio, M.A. Health Education, endurance sports guy. Writing about all this as well as places I discover during training.