IANUAE (a set of improvisational piano compositions)

Will O'Brien
Aug 18, 2021


In January 2021, I released my first solo, improvisational piano album, available on Spotify, Apple Music, and other services. The album is called “IĀNUAE” (pronounced “Yawn-you-Eye”), which is the Latin etymological root for Janus, January, and contextually extends to portals, doors, passageways, etc. This music is a two-way door that can transport the listener in and out of various cosmic dimensions within and without.

These are 10 original piano improvisations recorded over 3 years. In each song, I had no musical plan and didn’t know the first note I would play when I sat down, but the resulting music is complex and meaningful.

Please listen, enjoy, and share with others!

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/4Yx8rypDtQmwKAs92WoKRI?si=falrpcVUR4mA6AQSUcMi1w

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/ianuae-a-set-of-improvisational-piano-compositions/1547486758?uo=4&app=itunes

We are not living in a simulation; we are living in a symphony.

Music is medicine.

