‘Esports Studies’ Bibliography

Will Partin
24 min readFeb 9, 2019


via Robert Paul AKA @tempusrob

For a number of years, Dr. TL Taylor maintained a bibliography on her website that gathered all of the then-marginal scholarly publications on esports. But just as public interest has risen in esports in the last decade, research about professional gaming is very much in vogue these days. So much, in fact, that it was no longer feasible for TL to keep her bibliography up-to-date (“Given the tremendous growth of scholarship now on this topic I am no longer able to update this list”, as she wrote in 2016).

In the course of writing my prospectus, I’ve had to find and read everything about esports I could find, a good majority of which has been published since 2016. Consequently, I’ve compiled a kind of “updated” version of TL’s bibliography here that I’ll try to keep current at least until I’m done with my doctorate. While the works represented below represent a wide span of perspectives and scholars are very far from agreement about what we’re studying, how, and for what reasons, there can be no doubt about the intellectual ferment taking place around esports. The bibliography below is deliberately permissive, and, as a result, the quality of the works represented varies. And while I won’t claim that the list is perfectly comprehensive it is, as far as I can tell, pretty close.

It’s worth saying a few things about what I’ve left out: lots of master’s theses, scholarship written in languages other than English, unpublished conference presentations, encyclopedia entries, and, of course, popular writing (N.B. that many esports writers are producing valuable work in general gaming interest publications like Kotaku, Polygon, Vice, and as well as esports-specific ones, like VPEsports and The Esports Observer; academics ignore these sources at their own peril). Master’s theses and conference papers are numerous, can be difficult to locate, and often represent thoughts-in-progress that are later published in more complete form, so I gravitated towards published and peer-reviewed work.

(That said, there’s still plenty of master’s theses and conference presentations in here and, if you think one I’ve missed is important, I’m happy to add it. This is meant to be a maximalist list, gathered without prejudice, and readers are free to judge the utility and quality of each entry for themselves.)

Inevitably, I’ve missed something. Lots of things, probably. So if you feel that something belongs in this bibliography that isn’t here, whether it’s your own work or someone else’s, feel free to let me know via Twitter (my DMs are open). I’ll add the citation and credit you. Finally, w/r/t typos, (plentiful) misformattings, bad links, etc. — all errors are my own. I’ll clean it up over time.

I’m hoping to keep this up to date at least until I’m done with my PhD (2021? 22?), at which point someone else can take over lol. In the meantime, this page will hopefully become a public resource for anyone, casual or pro, academic or not, who is interested in understanding any aspect of esports more deeply.

Happy reading!

(Last Updated February 10, 2019)


5th Annual Sports Law Symposium (University of Pennsylvania) bibliography lists a number of legal articles on esports. 2016. (http://scholarship.law.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1048&context=symposia).

Abanazir, C. (2019). E-Sport and the EU: The View from the English Bridge Union. The International Sports Law Journal. 1–12.

Abanazir, C. (2018) Institutionalisation in E-Sports. Sports, Ethics and Philosophy. https://doi.org/10.1080/17511321.2018.1453538

Abarbanel, B. and Johnson, M. 2018. Esports consumer perspectives on match-fixing: implications for gambling awareness and game integrity. International Gambling Studies.

Adamus, Tanja. 2012. “Playing computer games as electronic sport: In search of a theoretical framing for a new research field.” In Computer Games and New Media Cultures: A Handbook of Digital Game Studies, J. Fromme & Unger, A. (Eds.),pp. 477–490, Berlin: Springer.

Andrews, David and George Ritzer. 2018. Sport and Prosumption. Journal of Consumer Culture. 18 (2): 356–373.

Ash, James. 2012. “Technology, technicity, and emerging practices of temporal sensitivity in videogames.” Environment and Planning A 44(1) 187–203.

B. Bacic, Q. Meng and K. Y. Chan, “Privacy Preservation for eSports: A Case Study Towards Augmented Video Golf Coaching System,” 2017 10th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE), Paris, 2017, pp. 169–174. doi: 10.1109/DeSE.2017.34

Baltezarević, R., Baltezarević, B. The Impact of Video Games on the Formation of Esports. Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education and Sport 2018 Vol.16 №1, 137–147.

Banyai, Fanni. Griffiths, M. Kiraly, Orsolya. Demetrovics, Zsolt. 2018. The Psychology of Esports: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Gambling Studies.

Bayliss, Hunter. (2016). Not Just a Game: The Employment Status and Collective Bargaining Rights of Professional ESports Players. 22 Wash. & Lee J. Civ. Rts. & Soc. Just. 359

Bednarek, David. Krulis, Martin. Yaghob, Jakub. Zavoral, Filip. “Player Performance Evaluation in Team-based First Person Shooter eSport.” DATA 2017: Data Management Technologies and Applications: 145–175.

Boluk, Stephanie. Lemieux, Patrick. 2017. Metagaming: Playing, Competing, Spectating, Cheating, Trading, Making, and Breaking Video Games. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Bonny, J., and Castaneda, L. 2016. Impact of the Arrangement of Game Information on Recall Performance of Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Players. Applied Cognitive Psychology, Appl. Cognit. Psychol. (2016). DOI: 10.1002/acp.3234.

Borowy, Michael and Dal Yong Jin. 2013. “Pioneering eSport: The experience economy and the marketing of early 1980s arcade gaming contests.” International Journal of Communication, v. 7.

Bosc, G., M. Kaytoue, C. Raïssi, J-F. Boulicaut, and P. Tan. 2014. “Mining balanced patterns in real-time strategy games.” LIRIS Research Report. (Extended version of paper presented at European Conference on Artificial Intelligence — ECAI 2014.)

Bowman, Nick. 2013. “Facilitating game play: How others affect performance at and enjoyment of video games.” Media Psychology, 16(1): 39–64.

Brannon, J. (2018). Are You Not Entertained: Considering the P-3 Visa as an Alternative Option for International Esports Professional Gamers. 60 Ariz. L. Rev. 753.

Braun, B., Stopfer, J. M., Müller, K. W., Beutel, M. E., and Egloff, B. (2016). Personality and video gaming: comparing regular gamers, non-gamers, and gaming addicts and differentiating between game genres. Comput. Hum. Behav. 55, 406–412. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2015.09.041

Brock, Tom. 2017. “Roger Caillois and e-sports: On the problems of treating play as work.” Games and Culture, 12 (4): 321–329.

Brown, K. A., Billings, A. C., Lewis, M., Bissell, K. (2018). Explicating the electricity of eSports: Motivations for play and consumption. In Bowman, N. (Ed.), Video games: A medium that demands our attention (pp. 178–192). New York, NY: Routledge.

Brown, Kenon. Billings, Andrew. Et al. 2018. Intersections of Fandom in the Age of Interactive Media: esports fandom as a Predictor of Traditional Sport Fandom. Communication and Sport. 6(4): 418–435.

Brown, Kenon. Billings, Andrew. Et al. 2018. Explicating the Electricity of eSports: Motivations for Play and Consumption. In Video Games: A Medium that Demands our Attention. Routledge.

Burk, Dan. 2013. “Owning e-Sports: Proprietary Rights in Professional Computer Gaming.” University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol 161, pp-1535–1578.

Burroughs, B., & Rama, P. (2015). The eSports Trojan horse: Twitch and streaming futures. Journal For Virtual Worlds Research, 8(2).

Burton, R. Gawrysiak, J. 2017. Using eSports Efficiently to Enhance and Extend Brand Perceptions. 2017 Sport Marketing Association Conference (SMA XV)

Campbell, Mark. Toth, Adam. Moran, Aidan. Kowal, Magdalena. Exton, Chris. 2018. Esports: A New Window on Neurocognitive Expertise? Progress in Brain Research Vol 240: 161–174.

Canning, Steven, and Anthony Betrus. “The Culture of Deep Learning in ESports: An Insider’s Perspective.” Educational Technology, vol. 57, no. 2, 2017, pp. 65–69. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/44430527.

Carbonie, Amelia; Guo, Zixiu; and Cahalane, Michael, “Positive Personal Development through eSports” (2018). PACIS 2018 Proceedings. 125. https://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2018/125

Carter, Marcus and Martin Gibbs. 2013. “eSports in EVE Online: Skullduggery, Fair Play and Acceptability in an Unbounded Competition.” Foundations of Digital Games Conference, 14–17 May, Chania, Greece.

Chalmet, X. 2017. Sponsorship within Esports: Examining the Sponsorship Relationship Quality Constructs. Masters Degree Project: University of Gothenberg.

Laura L. Chao, Note, “You Must Construct Additional Pylons”: Building a Better Framework for Esports Governance, 86 FORDHAM L. REV. 737 (2017).

Charleer, S. Et Al. Real-Time Dashboards to Support eSports Spectating. CHI PLAY ’18 Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 59–71

Chee, Florence and Richard K. Smith. 2005. “Online gamers and the ambiguity of community: Korean definitions of togetherness for a new generation.” Internet Research Annual, volume 4. New York: Peter Lang.

Chen Christensen, Natasha. 2006. “Geeks at play: Doing masculinity in an online gaming site.” Reconstruction 6.1 (Winter).

Cheung, Gifford and Jeff Huang. 2011. “Starcraft from the stands: Understanding the game spectator.” CHI ’11 Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems, ACM, 763–772.

Choi, Eui-Yul. “Investigating Factors Influencing Game Piracy in the eSports Settings of South Korea.” (2013). http://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_hess_etds/9

Choi, C. Et Al. 2017. A new approach via level of addiction in eSports: Investigating participation motives from a marketing perspective. 2017 Sport Marketing Association Conference (SMA XV).

Comerford, Sean. 2012. “Note: International intellectual property rights and the future of global ‘e-sports.’” Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 37, 623.

Consalvo, Mia, Konstantin Mitgutsch, and Abe Stein (Eds.) 2013. Sports Videogames. New York: Routledge.

Conway, Steven. 2010. “‘It’s in the game’ and above the game.” Convergence 16 (3): 334- 354.

Cottrell, C. Et Al. 2018. Sport Psychology in a Virtual World: Considerations for practicioners working in esports. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action.

Crawford, Garry. 2005. “Digital gaming, sport, and gender.” Leisure Studies 24 (3): 259–270.

Crawford, Garry, and Victoria K. Gosling. 2009. “More Than a game: Sports-themed video games and player narratives.” Sociology of Sport Journal 26: 50–66.

Cullen, Amanda. “I Play to Win!” Geguri as a (post)feminist icon in esports. Feminist Media Studies. 18 (5): 948–952.

Cumming, D. Et Al. 2015. Between places: spectatorship at an Australian esports bar. Proceedings of DiGRAA 2015: What’s Next?.

Cunningham, George, Fairley, Sheranne, Ferkins, Lesley, Kerwin, Shanno, Wicke, Pamela. 2018. Esport: Construct Specifications and implication for sport management. Sport Management Review. 21 (1):1–6.

Andrew J. Curley et al., What Motivates Esports Fans? A Data-Driven Approach to Business and Development Strategy, 5 (2016) (unpublished M.A. thesis, Southern Methodist University Guildhall), https://static1-squarespace-com.libproxy.lib.unc.edu/static/563e65aee4b0e5c 70f6963c9/t/59e97e8218b27dc94c4aaede/1508474499280/Curley_ThesisPaper.pdf [https:// perma.cc/73DR-HXK9].

al Dafai, Samer. 2016. Conventions within eSports: Exploring Similarities in Design. Proceedings of 1st International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG

DiFrancisco-Donoghue, Joanne. Ballentine, Jerry. 2018. Collegiate Esport: Where Do We Fit In?. 17 (4): 117–118.

Dobill, Matthew. 2017. Leveling (up) the Playing Field: A Policy-Based Case for Legalizing and Regulating Esports Gambling. 37 Loy. L.A. Ent. L. Rev. 139 (2016–2017).

Edgar, A. 2019. Esport (Editorial). Sports, Ethics, and Philosophy. 13 (1).

Egliston, B. 2015. Playing Across Media: Transtextuality in Competitive Games and eSports. Proceedings of DiGRA 2015: Diversity of play: Games — Cultures — Identities.

Ekdahl, David. Susanne, Ravn. 2018. Embodied involvement in virtual worlds: the case of eSports practitioners. Sport, Ethics, and Philosophy.

Engerman, J., & Hein, R. (2017). ESports Gaming and You. Educational Technology, 57(2), 62–64. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/44430526

Faust, Kyle, Joseph Meyer, and Mark Griffiths. 2013. “Competitive and Professional Gaming: Discussing Potential Benefits of Scientific Study.” International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning, 3(1), 67–77, January-March.

Ferrari, Simon. 2013. “Esport and the human body: Foundations for a popular aesthetics.” Proceedings of DiGRA 2013: Defragging Game Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Ferrari, Simon. 2013. From Generative to Conventional Play: MOBA and League of Legends. Proceedings of DiGRA 2013: DeFragging Game Studies.

Freeman, Guo. Donghee, Yvette Wohn. 2017. Understanding Esports Team Formation and Coordination. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. DOI 10.1007/s10606–017–9299–4.

Freeman, Guo. Donghee, Yvette Wohn. 2017. Social Support in Esports: Building Emotional and Self-Esteem from Instrumental Support Interactions in a Highly Competitive Environment. CHI Play ’17: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. 435–447.

Funk, Daniel. Pizzo, Anthony. Baker, Bradley. (2018) Esport Management: Embracing Esport Education and Research Opportunities. Sport Management Review 21 (1): 7–13.

Gainsbury, S., Abarbanel, B., & Blaszczynski, A. (2017). Game on: Comparison of demographic profiles, consumption behaviours, and gambling site selection criteria of esports and sports bettors. Gaming Law Review, 21(8), 575–587. https://doi.org/10.1089/glr2.2017.21812

Gainsbury, S., Abarbanel, B., & Blaszczynski, A. (2017). Intensity and Gambling Harms: Exploring Breadth of Gambling Involvement Among Esports Bettors. Gaming Review 21 8.

Georgen, C. et al. 2015 From Lurking to Participatory Spectatorship: Understanding Affordances of the Dota 2 Noob Stream. CSCL 2015 Proceedings. 581–585.

Gerber, Hannah. 2017. Esports and Streaming: Twitch Literacies. Text & Resource Review Forum: Visual and Digital Texts.

Gibbs, M. Et Al. Understanding Esports Spectatorship: Players, Fans, Recruits. Selected Papers of #AoIR2017: The 18th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers Tartu, Estonia / 18–21 October 2017

Gommesen, Niels. 2012. “The affective audience in professional e-sport: An exploration of spectators, and their impact on video game playing.” MsC thesis, IT University of Copenhagen.

Griffiths, M. D., Davies, M. N., and Chappell, D. (2003). Breaking the stereotype: the case of online gaming. CyberPsychol. Behav. 6, 81–91. doi: 10.1089/109493103321167992

Gray, Kishonna. 2013. Collective Organizing, Individual Resistance, or Asshole Griefers? An Ethnographic Analysis of Women of Color in Xbox Live. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology 2.

Gray, K. L. (2017). They’re just too urban’: Black gamers streaming on Twitch. Digital sociologies, 1, 355–368.

Guorui, Zhang. 2012. “Bibliometric analysis on e-sports in China.” Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, AISC 141, 111–118.

Juho Hamari, Max Sjöblom, (2017) “What is eSports and why do people watch it?”, Internet Research, Vol. 27 Issue: 2, pp.211–232.

Hallman, Kirstin, and Thomas Giel. “Esports-Competitive Sports or recreational activity?” Sport Management Review 21 (2018) 14–20.

Hamilton, William, Oliver Garretson, and Andruid Kerne. 2014. “Streaming on Twitch: Fostering Participatory Communities of Play within Live Mixed Media.” CHI 2014, April 26–May 1, 2014, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Hamilton, W. Et Al. 2012. “High-Performance Pen + Touch Modality Interactions: A Real-Time Strategy Game eSports Context”. UIST’12, October 7–10, 2012, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Hardenstein, Taylor. 2017. Skins in the Game: Counter-Strike, Esports, and the Shady World of Online Gambling. Unpublished Manuscript.

Harry, Drew. 2012. Designing Complementary Communication Systems. PhD dissertation, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA.

Harper, Todd. 2014. The Culture of Digital Fighting Games: Performance and Practice. New York: Routledge.

Jochen Harttung, The Issue of “Deep Control” in Professional E-Sports-A Critical Analysis of Intellectual Property Structures in Electronic Gaming (2015) (unpublished LLM thesis, University of Toronto).

Hebbel-Seeger, Andreas. 2012. “The relationship between real sports and digital adaptation in e-sport gaming.” International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 13:2, 43–54.

Heere B (2018) Embracing the sportification of society: defining e-sports through a polymorphic view on sport. Sport Manag Rev 21:21–24.

Hemphill D (2005) Cybersport. J Philos Sport 32(2):195–207.

Himmelstein, D., Liu, Y., & Shapiro, J. L. (2017). An exploration of mental skills among competitive League of Legend players. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 9(2), 1–21.

Hinnant, Neal. 2013. “Practicing work, perfecting play: League of Legends and the sentimental education of e-sports” MA thesis, Georgia State University, Dept. of Communication.

Holden JT, and Ehrlich, S. 2017. Esports, Skin Betting, and Wire Fraud Vulnerability. Gaming Law Review Vol 21 No 8. https://doi.org/10.1089/glr2.2017.2183

Holden, JT. ET AL. 2018. Esports: Children, stimulants, and video gaming-induced inactivity. 54 (8): 830–831.

Holden, JT. Rodenberg, RM. Kaburakis, A. 2017. Esport Corruption: Gambling, Doping, and Global Governance. Maryland Journal of International Law. Volume 32. Pages 236–73.

Holden JT, Kaburakis A, Rodenberg R (2017) The future is now: eSports policy considerations and potential litigation. Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 27:46–78.

Holden JT, Kabourakis A, Tweedie JW (2018) Virtue(al) games — real drugs. Sport Ethics Philos.

Hollist, Katherine E. 2015. “Time to be grown-ups about video gaming: The rising esports industry and the need for regulation.” Arizona Law Review 57:823–847.

Holt, Jason. 2016. “Virtual domains for sports and games.” Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 10:1, 5–13.

Howard, Matt. 2018. Esport: Professional League of Legends as Cultural History. MA Thesis, University of Houston.

Hutchins, Brett. 2008. “Signs of meta-change in second modernity: The growth of e-sport and the World Cyber Games.” New Media and Society 10 (6): 851–869.

Hutchins, Brett and David Rowe. 2012. Sport Beyond Television: The Internet, Digital Media and the Rise of Networked Media Sport. London: Routledge.

Irwin, S. V., & Naweed, A. (2018). BM’ing, Throwing, Bug Exploiting, and Other Forms of (Un)Sportsmanlike Behavior in CS:GO Esports. Games and Culture. https://doi.org/10.1177/1555412018804952

Jansz, J., & Martens, L. (2005). Gaming at a LAN event: The social context of playing video games. New Media & Society, 7, 333–355. doi:10.1177/1461444805052280

Jenny, Seth, R. Douglas Manning, Margaret C. Keiper, and Tracy W. Olrich. 2016. “Virtual(ly) athletes: Where eSports fit within the definition of ‘sport.’” Quest, 11 March.

Jenny, Seth and David P. Schary. 2016. “Virtual and “real-life” wall/rock climbing: motor movement comparisons and video gaming pedagogical perceptions.” Sports Technology, 11 January.

Jenny SE, Keiper MC, Taylor BJ, Williams DP, Gawrysiak J, Manning RD, Tutka PM (2018) eSports venues: a new sport business opportunity. J Appl Sport Manag 10:34–49.

Jin, Dal Yong. 2010. Korea’s Online Gaming Empire. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Jin, Dal Yong (February 2017). Smartland Korea: mobile communication, culture, and society. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press.

Jin, Dal Yong, and Florence Chee. 2009. “The politics of online gaming.” In Gaming Cultures and Place in Asia- Pacific, ed. Larissa Hjorth and Dean Chan, 19–38. New York: Routledge.

Johnson, Mark, and Jamie Woodcock. 2017. Fighting Games and Go: Exploring the Aesthetics of Play in Professional Gaming. Thesis 11 138(1): 26–45.

Jonasson, Kalle. 2016. “Broadband and circuits: the place of public gaming in the history of sport.” Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 10:1, 5–13.

Jonasson, Kalle and Jesper Thiborg. 2010. “Electronic sport and its impact on future sport.” Sport in Society 13 (2): 287–299.

Kajastila, Raine and Perttu Hamalainen. 2015. “Motion games in real sports environments.” Interactions, March-April.

Kane, D. and Spradley, B. 2017. Recognizing ESports as a sport. The Sport Journal.

Karhulahti, Veli-Matti (2017) Reconsidering Esport: Economics and Executive Ownership. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research 74 (1)

Kaytoue, Mehdi and Chedy Raïssi. 2012. “Watch me playing, I am a professional.” WWW 2012 Companion. April 16–20, 2012, Lyon, France.

Kelly SM, Sigmon KA (2018) The key to key presses: eSports game input streaming and copyright protection. Interact Entertain Law Rev 1(1):2–16.

Kennedy, Helen W. 2006. Illegitimate, Monstrous and Out There: Female ‘Quake’ Players and Inappropriate Pleasures. In Feminism in Popular Culture, ed. Jonanne Hollows and Roberta Pearson, 183–201. Oxford: Berg.

Keiper, M. Et Al. No reason to LoL at LoL: the addition of esports to intercollegiate athletic departments. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education 11 (2). 143–160.

Kim, S. H., & Thomas, M. K. (2015). A stage theory model of professional video game players in South Korea: The socio-cultural dimensions of the development of expertise. Asian Journal of Information Technology, 14(5), 176–186.

Ksenia Konstantinova Denis Bulygin Paul Okopny Ilya Musabirov. Online Communication of eSports Viewers: Topic Modeling Approach. ACE 2017: Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology. 608–613.

Kow, Yong Ming and Timothy Young. 2013. “Media technologies and learning in the StarCraft eSport community.” CSCW ’13, San Antonio, Texas.

Kow, Yong Ming, Timothy Young, and Katie Salen Tekinbas. 2014. Crafting the metagame: Connected learning in the StarCraft 2 community. Irvine, CA: Digital Media and Learning Research Hub.

Kozachuk, J. Foroughi, C. Freeman, G. 2016. Exploring Electronic Sports: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Proceedings of the 2016 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 2118–2122.

Lee, C. The Revolution of StarCraft Network Traffic. Self-Published. http://choongsoo.info/docs/starcraft2.netgames12.pdf.

Lee, J.-Y., An, J.-W., & Lee, S.-W. (2014). Factors affecting eSports audience satisfaction-The case of League of Legends. Journal of Korea Game Society, 14(3), 35–46.

Lee, D., & Schoenstedt, L. J. (2011). Comparison of eSports and traditional sports consumption motives. Journal of Research, 6, 39–44.

Leonard, David. 2008. “To the white extreme in the mainstream: Manhood and white youth culture in a virtual sports world.” In Youth Culture and Sport, ed. Michael D. Giardina and Michele K. Donnelly, 91–112. New York: Routledge.

Llorens, M. 2017. eSport Gaming: The Rise of a New Sports Practice. 11 (4): 464–476.

Lo, Claudia. (2018). When All You Have is a Banhammer: The Social and Communicative Work of Volunteer Moderators. MSc Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Lopez-Gonzalez, Hibai. Griffiths, Mark. 2016. Understanding the convergence of markets in online sports betting. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 53 (7): 807–823.

Lipovaya, Viktoriya. 2019. Esports: Opportunities for Future Ergonomic Studies. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 824, 1937–1948.

Low-Kam, C., C. Raïssi, M. Kaytoue, and J. Pei. 2013. “Mining statistically significant sequential patterns,” ICDM 2013.

Lowood, Henry. 2007. “‘It’s not easy being green’: Real-time game performance in Warcraft.” In Videogame/Player/Text, ed. Barry Atkins and Tanya Krzywinska, 83–100. Manchester: Palgrave.

Lowood, Henry. Forthcoming. “‘Beyond the game’: The Olympic ideal and competitive e-sports.” In Play and Politics: Games, Civic Engagement, and Social Activism, ed. Douglas Thomas and Joshua Fouts.

Ma, Hu, Yinbo Wu and Xinyu Wu. 2013. “Research on essential difference of E-sport and Online Game.” Informatics and Management Science V, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 208.

Macey, Joseph. Hamari, Juho. 2018 Investigating relationships between video gaming, spectating esports, and gambling. Computers in Human Behavior. Vol 80: 344–353.

Macey, J., & Hamari, J. (2019). eSports, skins and loot boxes: Participants, practices and problematic behaviour associated with emergent forms of gambling. New Media & Society, 21(1), 20–41. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444818786216

Martoncik, 9 M. (2015). e-Sports: Playing just for fun or playing to satisfy life goals? Computers in Human Behavior, 48, 208–211. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j. Chb.2015.01.056.

McCrea, Christian. 2009. “Watching Starcraft, strategy and South Korea.” In Gaming Cultures and Place in Asia-Pacific, ed. Larissa Hjorth and Dean Chan, 179–193. New York: Routledge.

Christopher McCutcheon, Michael Hitchens, Anders Drachen. 2017. “eSport vs. irlSport.” ACE 2017: Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology: 531–542.

Meadows, Jennifer. 2018. Esports. Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals, 16th edition.

Menasce, Rick M.From Casual to Professional: How Brazilians Achieved Esports Success in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Northeastern University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2017.

Miroff, Max. 2018. Tiebreaker: An Antitrust Analysis of Esports. Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 52: 2.

Moeller, Ryan M., Bruce Esplin, and Steven Conway. 2009. “Cheesers, pullers, and glitchers: The rhetoric of sportsmanship and the discourse of online sports gamers.” Game Studies, 9 (2).

Mora, Philippe and Stéphane Héas. 2005. “From videogamer to e-sportsman : Toward a growing professionalism of world-class players?.” In Doom: Giocare in Prima Persona, Matteo Bittanti and Sue Morris, Eds. Milano: Costa & Nolan.

Marçal Mora-Cantallops & Miguel-Ángel Sicilia. 2018. Exploring player experience in ranked League of Legends. Behavior and Information Technology 37 (12): 1224–1236.

Muniowski, L. 2018. Geek is the New Jock: The Relationship between Geek Culture and Sports. In Age of the Geek: Depictions of Nerds and Geeks in Popular Media. New York: Palgrave McMillan.

Nuangjumnong, T. 2015. The Universality of Leadership Behaviors in Virtual Environments: A Case of Esports Players in Thailand. Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University. Journal of the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies 30 (3): 105–132.

Olsen, Anders. 2015. The Evolution of Esports: An analysis of its origin and a look at its prospective future growth as enhanced by Information Technology Management tools. Thesis: Master in Science (M.Scs.) At Coventry University

Olshefski, Emily. Game-Changing Event Definition and Detection in an eSports Corpus. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on EVENTS at the NAACL-HLT 2015, 77–81.

Owens, M. 2016, What’s in a Name? eSports, Betting, and Gaming Law. Gaming Law Review Vol 20 No 7. 567-?.

Paravizo, Esdras, and Luvizoto de Souza, R.R. (2018). Playing for Real: An Exploratory Analysis of Professional Esports Athletes’ Work. IEA 2018: Proceedings of the 20th Congress fo the International Ergonomics Association: 507–515.

Parashakov, Petr, and Zavertiaeva, M. Team Diversity and Performance in eSports. Unpublished Paper.

Parashakov, Petr, and Oskolkova, M. 2016. Success in Esports: Does Country Matter?. Working Paper. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3723.9445.

Parshakov, P. Et Al. Is Diversity Good or Bad? Evidence from esports team analysis. Applied Economics. 50 (47), 5062–5073.

Parshakov, P., and Coates, D. 2016. Team Vs. Individual Tournaments: Evidence from Prize Structure in Esports. Working Paper.

Parry J (2018) E-sports are not sports. Sport Ethics Philos. https://doi.org/10.1080/17511321.2018.1489419

Pereira, R., Wilwert, M. L., & Takase, E. 2016. “Contributions of Sport Psychology to the Competitive Gaming: An Experience Report with a Professional Team of League of Legends,” International Journal of Applied Psychology, 6(2), 27–30.

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I haven’t included these because I don’t speak Chinese, but if you are interested in Chinese esports research, this link is a good place to start.

And a long Twitch bibliography is here:




Will Partin

a featherless biped with broad nails and access to the internet