DIY Reading in the Shower

Will Sonheim
4 min readJun 25, 2018

Like practically most normal people, I finish entire novels using only bathroom-reading time. Whole chapters literally wizzing right by me in a single sitting and/or standing! Writing is a bit more difficult, but you never know when inspiration will strike. Half of the inspiration that strikes me is in my SLEEP, which tells you a lot about SOMETHING. HECK, I’d sleep all the time if I could stay awake for it! Anyway, there I was, pooping, when the idea slammed into my brain. BOOM.

Shower books.

It’s simple, so obvious, I was surprised nobody had thought of it before. I did some quick research and discovered that, in fact, surprisingly, no, in fact, it was not:

Usually if an idea doesn’t show up on Skymall, it’s either A: Not worth having or B: Should be on Skymall and just hasn’t been thought yet. This was a clear case of “B”.

We’have all been there. You’re in the middle of the latest Dean Kuntz/etc., page-turning like you do, when, whoops, time to shower! Where does the time go? (I think outer space according to Eisenstein, but who can be the joodge?)

Once again, LIFE gets in the way and you gotta do what you gotta do. But, what if there was a way to shower AND read AT THE SAME TIME?

NOW I have yo’ur attention in the BAG, right? Right.

The only real problem with reading in the shower is the water. (h2OH-NO!!!!)


Reading, pre-shower book — illustration by author


for example: wet

My first plan was pretty simple. Whenever I EAT in the shower I just keep my food in tuperwhere (sp?) so it stays dry as long as possible. (THAT idea is free of charge, haha, you’are welcome.)

Unfortunately this wasn’t going to fly because I’m reading a pretty big/impressive book right now and understanding MOST of it. [{It’s still unclear who the bad guy is (also where the “characters” are) but i’m LOVING it.} That was when good idea 2.1 hit.]

BOOM. That’s a wrap. (PUN INTENDING!)

step 1
and then this
then this
oops! got in the way ha

This doesn’ot work well for your average Dean Kuntz or JFK Rowling genres (i.e. PAGE turners) since u basically have to pick 1 page (TWO pages max) and stick to those. Luckily for the audience of today’s post, it’s not a prob with DFDub’s Infinity Joust sense I’ve been on the same page for two years (I started in the middle, i.e. en media rez).

Check it out!

it ashley works!

Dry as a whistle. While we’are at it, check out the Halloween-themed-shower-deco’s I’ve decided to leave up in-definitely.

Today has been pretty pretty good.

Also just thinking about how reading is such a sweeeeeeeet way to practice empathy by, like, spending time inside of somebody ELSE’S head instead of getting stuck in you”re own selfish and self-centered loop. LITERALLY feeling what someone else is feeling as if it’is you by sheer force of imagination!! imagination =’s empathy? Maybe. Cool.

If you’re not sure how to spend the next 5–10 seconds of your life, click the ‘follow’ button or pretend to give a joke-slow-clap with the “applause” button over there. Both are 100% free and guaranteed to release a mysterious burst of endorphins in my brain. See you tomorrow!



Will Sonheim

He/Him ~ Based in Chicago ~ Learned a lot at @NorthwesternU, @iOChicago, @NeoFuturists & @TheLondonFilmSchool ~ Currently @ WORK IN PROGRESS on Showtime