DON’T THINK TWICE (2016)It’s fun to see a niche community represented in a movie almost always. It provides some patois that’s excited and educational.Jan 4, 2017Jan 4, 2017
ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY (2016)Hmm. Ok. Maybe my expectations of what a Star Wars movie could be and what it is are not aligned.Jan 4, 2017Jan 4, 2017
OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY (2016)Something about modern comedies makes you feel like they should always be 15–30 minutes shorter. Not because comedies need to be shorter or…Jan 4, 2017Jan 4, 2017
Published inApplaudienceNOCTURAL ANIMALS (2016)One of the most gripping films I’ve seen — for the first 90% of it.Jan 4, 2017Jan 4, 2017
maybe globalization is anti-evolution.if diversity is the key to survival on the macro level, unification and gentrification is making us as whole less fit and more susceptible…Dec 5, 2016Dec 5, 2016
SEARCH PARTY (SERIES, 2016)We’re living in a cocktail of grief culture mixed with entrepreneurial self absorption and Search Party puts it on the rocks and says drink…Nov 26, 2016Nov 26, 2016
On National PoliticsSome stream-of-consciousness rambles on a new system of government written on the subway the day after the election.Nov 11, 2016Nov 11, 2016