Descubra cómo ProximaX es la plataforma blockchains con importantes mejoras

Wilmer Sanchez
9 min readSep 27, 2019



El mundo de las plataformas de criptomonedas digitales se está volviendo cada vez más competitivo debido a la necesidad de innovación y mejora constante gracias a la creciente y exigente demanda de los millones de usuarios de estas plataformas de economía digital. Esta competencia feroz es un factor clave cuando se posiciona como una plataforma de elección en un mercado de millones de dólares y transacciones globales donde la descentralización y la seguridad juegan roles relevantes para ser seleccionados como una red confiable para los usuarios de blockchains. En esta oportunidad, quiero hablar sobre un sistema que está dando pasos agigantados para pensionare a la vanguardia de las transacciones y el mercado blockchains, es que la plataforma PROXIMAX con la innovadora tecnología de contabilidad descentralizada entra de manera firme y competitiva y es muy apreciada en esta criptomoneda mercado.

¿Qué es ProximaX?

Es una cómoda plataforma digital de blockchains, que ofrece a sus usuarios un paquete competitivo y completo de ventajas y herramientas que integra:

 Contratos inteligentes

 Escalabilidad, SDK (kits de desarrollo de software)

 Casos de uso de IoT (internet de las cosas)

 Posibilidades de intercambio de activos agnósticos

Con toda esta tecnología, los desarrolladores de aplicaciones también pueden crear herramientas y servicios innovadores, aprovechando al máximo la tecnología de las cadenas de reloj directamente a través de una plataforma completamente sólida para el desarrollo de aplicaciones y servicios blindados en una cadena de bloques que protege con sólidos los intereses de los desarrolladores, consumidores e inversores. .


El objetivo de ProximaX

Esta plataforma busca posicionarse rápidamente en el competitivo mercado de blockchain a través de una red llena de innovaciones y beneficios para sus constituyentes y usuarios ofreciéndoles:

 Transacciones de forma segura, rápida y eficiente; mil por hora o más

 Promover la expansión y seguridad de la red.

 Escale al menor costo posible de recursos

 Proporcione tipos de transacciones que permitan que las criptomonedas se conviertan en algo más que simples sistemas de pago

Architecture Una arquitectura ágil para el despliegue de nuevos servicios centrales y aplicaciones avanzadas.

 Ejecute en tantos dispositivos como sea posible (móvil e IoT)


Herramientas y posibilidades de ProximaX

Con ProximaX, los usuarios pueden construir e interactuar ampliamente en:

 Plataformas de redes sociales (como FB, IG, etc. SIN violar la privacidad)

 Servicios de transmisión (Netflix, YouTube, etc.)

 Servicios comerciales (Hojas de cálculo de Google, Software de seguimiento, Wrike, etc.)

 ¡Casi cualquier otra cosa!

Ventajas al elegir ProximaX como plataforma

Actualmente hay proyectos importantes y numerosos de blockchain que brindan soporte en diferentes aspectos del mercado sin asistir al paquete en general. Algunos proporcionan velocidad y gestión de transacciones, otros trabajan mejor en una mejor transmisión de datos o capacidad de almacenamiento, este desequilibrio limita el trabajo de los desarrolladores de aplicaciones debido a la falta de sólidos en los paquetes de oferta. Todo este problema crea una barrera que finalmente impide la adopción de blockchains por parte de los programadores que ven la necesidad de combinar diferentes plataformas y pequeñas herramientas compatibles al seleccionar la plataforma blockchain.

It is here that the creators of ProximaX have taken a blow on the table when developing technology that seeks to meet these needs unattended by other platforms, introductions applications and tools that seek to cover a complete support package when selecting to work with blockchains as anchoring of any digital operation mainly in the development environment and in general.


THE PROXIMAX SIRIUS CHAIN: An ideal complete package with speed, safety and management.

ProximaX Sirus is currently the fundamental column of this platform as it integrates core tokenomy technology that allows operating with blockchains under a widely decentralized environment. ProximaX Sirus offers the possibility of working within the blockchains market in the development of applications without any limitation, including social network services such as YouTube, Facebook, Steemit, Skype and web such as Amazon, among others, thanks to its solid and complete tools. in a single platform what strengthens in the use of this blockchains as support for this type of digital activities.

ProximaX Sirus presents the novelty of the “service unit” that are token with smart contracts that seek to grant all the benefits offered by the successful NEM Chain known as Catapult which is a reference of performance and operability in these digital platforms. Another novelty that it offers is the Greed Test or PoG system that protects the economic stability of this blockchains by controlling the transactions made through the nodes of the platform thus maintaining the competitiveness of this blockchains.


What the new ProximaX Sirus offers you

Through ProximaX Sirus the new distributed file management system (DFMS) is introduced with which better data storage is achieved by mediating the distribution of encrypted codes of small sizes that are finally protected in secure storage nodes.

 Sirius Storage

With this service, users have the possibility to make previous recordings and store them for later transmission, so that they can better manage the way in which the information will be received. Other services and advantages of the ProximaX Sirus tool consist of the possibility of transmitting data directly and live through the SIRIUS STREAMING service that allows you to reach millions of viewers in real time if necessary through platforms such as YouTube or DTube among others.


 ProximaX Sirus Data Management

Another of the innovative features of the Sirus service of the ProximaX platform is that it allows significant diversity when it comes to handling both public data services and private data, which facilitates work through a hybrid architecture with access to central public management services with the possibility of creating and carrying out any type of protocol for reviewing the data and contents managed.

The next economy and economic management of the blockchain


One of the most important parts is the economy and payments of this cryptocurrency or blockchain platform, and in this section ProximaX does not disappoint when working under solid financial criteria of synergy and self-organization of the elements, Adaptability to different attack vectors and design of a growing infrastructure to incorporate complements for additional basic services of the system which allows it to have an economic ecosystem based on two layers:

 Inner Layer

Operating through The Native Token (XPX) which supports the blockchain and pays for services by applying the service units that evaluate and measure the services performed through the protocol. This allows users to create DApp markets (decentralized applications) throughout the network through the help of custom Tokens.

 External layer

It allows users to make payments and collections through the use of a significant number of available payment methods that are compatible with the growing ProximaX platform through cripto o fiat.


More About XPX The ProximaX Native Token

As we already know every blockchain or cryptocurrency has a token that gives life and represents all the transactions that involve its digital platform, in the case of ProximaX Sirus the XPX represents the entire financial chain of the web and serves to perform any transaction that Users can carry out such as the payment of different services, receive rewards and payments for the execution of services as well as measure the capacity that is available to execute said services.

In this way the XPX token works by providing service units to its storage users (OS) where each unit represents 1GB of data storage per month, in terms of transmission (SM) a unit represents 1 GB of transmission between each users, the Supercontract unit (SC) carries a supercontract code that is being carried out, and finally the review units (RW) of ProximaX Sirus individually represent 1 XPX of content paid by platform users. These service units are anchored to an initial value that is subject to market changes:

Initial rates of service units

 1SO = USD 0.004

 1 SM = USD 0.02

 1 SC = USD 0.000005

 1 RW = USD 0.005


Mosaic Contracts

These contracts represent economically anything that is done within the ProximaX platform under the blockchains protocols to associate the value of any good of interest that is managed by allowing it to broadly cover any type of project that is undertaken by any user depending on the branch of work of you want to exploit according to your abilities satisfying the needs of Severability, Duration, Initial supply, Mutability supply Transferability of the project you wish to carry out.

Mobilization and internal management of automatic XPX

It is another of the highlights of this platform where users can manage in the internal market with the creation of additional services and projects where various transactions, management and exchange of XPX can automatically be performed according to the interaction of the market and users

Start using ProximaX and join the change

All users, creators and developers can work on this platform through SDK and API RESET applications semi, partially or completely decentralized as desired for the use or creation of central services under the present service units that allow the development of own platforms under the base of XPX and ProximaX. These users may have the most useful aspects when using the ProximaX platform such as:

 Unique and secure identity account.

 Namespace to have a more consistent representation.

 Digital mosaic that presents average value associated with a used namespace Metadata: which allow the use of applications that depend on third-party services through the use of URLs for their location.

 Supercontracts: that safeguard all exchanges and transactions within the platform which allow users to adapt their projects to these, creating them according to them. The latter allow extensive management outside the Sirus chain for the modification of contracts which can be closed, increased and restarted without affecting the integrity of the platform.


Advantages of the PoS system

This ProximaX Sirus system allows the nodes to have more time and funds management, increasing the possibility of receiving greater and better rewards thanks to the possibility of solving a larger number of blocks. This PoS system achieves users or validator nodes by further improving profit gain through minimum investments of between 250,000 XPX to a recommended average of 2,500,000 XPX, which ensures and optimum level of competitiveness within the chain.

 Tasas por defecto

Las aplicaciones desarrolladas tienen tarifas estandarizadas dentro de la plataforma:

• Alta tasa de transacción = Precio de transacción recomendado para el consumidor = 0.025

• Tasa de transacción promedio = Precio de transacción recomendado para el consumidor = 0.0025

• Tasa de transacción baja = Precio de transacción recomendado para el consumidor = 0.00025

 Tarifas de mosaico (alquiler)

Desde las etapas iniciales, los usuarios pueden guiar directamente el comino de su trabajo a través del alquiler o el alquiler de mosaicos totalmente editables para su uso bajo los siguientes costos:

• Tarifa de alquiler de mosaico = 10,000 XPX pago único

• Tarifa de alquiler de espacio de nombres = 10,000 XPX por año



Sin lugar a dudas, Proximax avanza hacia la novedad y el futuro de blockchain, una plataforma que muestra las ventajas del trabajo que han estado haciendo para satisfacer las necesidades más demandadas por la amplia comunidad de usuarios de este mercado digital, permitiendo que la diversificación llegue a la gestión de blockchain para hacer todo Las operaciones necesarias para cada usuario que decida usar ProximaX de manera mucho más fácil, rápida y segura para comenzar a ser parte de estos cambios y así comenzar a disfrutar de todo el trabajo y las noticias ofrecidas y prepararse para continuar disfrutando de todo lo que traerá ProximaX a corto y mediano plazo. . Es que esta cadena digital llega potenciada para traer el futuro.


