2 min readFeb 19, 2022

Energy Complex Boost Your Physical & Mental Energy

VitaPost Energy Complex is designed to support physical energy levels. The high-potency B-vitamin complex provides a nutritional foundation for the body to convert food into energy. Many B-vitamins act as coenzymes in energy metabolism, meaning they’re essential to getting the most from your food

mental focus for daily tasks

Whether studying for a big exam, pushing through a long workday or remembering a daily to-do list, there are many reasons why someone might consider supporting their mental focus.

A key ingredient in the Energy Complex formula for mental focus support is acai berry. This tropical fruit may be beneficial for cognitive function. This is believed to be related to the antioxidants, which may support memory and learning.6

Caffeine is another key ingredient for mental focus and alertness. There is a reason why so many people only consider themselves awake after a cup of coffee; the caffeine in coffee provides an energy kick. Anhydrous Caffeine is dehydrated extracted caffeine from the seeds and leaves of coffee plants. It’s pretty much the essence of coffee

energy without the calories and sugar

Have you ever noticed when you experience an energy lull, the temptation is to reach for a sugary drink or a snack? This biological urge may be driven by energy being created by converting carbohydrates, fats, and protein into energy.

Support the conversion of food into energy with high-potency B-vitamins. B-vitamins are responsible for helping the body create energy from food. Energy Complex includes all eight B-vitamins in the formula.

Magnesium also helps convert food into energy, and is a cofactor of enzyme systems that support muscle and nerve function and normal blood glucose levels. During physical activity, you may need 10–20% more magnesium than when you’re resting

Official Website https://nutradiary.com/energy-complex/