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A Free Verse Poem To Those With Depression/ Suicide

2 min readSep 11, 2023

Warning: This poem discusses suicide which may be triggering to some. If you feel suicidal please seek help. You are important regardless of how you may feel or what you may think. Please seek for support or alternatively, you can make an appointment with your GP.

If you are in immediate danger or need immediate help, please call 999.

Canva Pro

Death is like the exit in a cinema except the film is never bad enough to leave.

For many of us, the exit taunts us.

The lingering knowledge that the dreaded door is always within reach ignites fear.

That ending was so final, so finite that we could never watch another film again.

We ignore it with a single-minded determination, hoping it disappears.

Not everyone can ignore the voices which come from the door.

The word suicide grinds against my teeth like I have swallowed a cheese grater.

It turns my blood ice blood and stops me in my path.

I have lost friends to this silent killer and nearly lost family.




Dyslexic Writer| Ex Detective Constable| Interested in Mental Health and recently poetry. I write what I am interested in so don't expect too much of a niche!