How to create One to Many and Many to Many relationships in TypeORM

Wilson Matokanovic Junior
1 min readJul 14, 2020

What are one-to-many relations

One-to-many is a relation where A contains one instance of B, and B contain multiple instances of A. Let’s take for example and entities. Customer can have multiple contacts, and each contact can have one customer.

What are many-to-many relations

Many-to-many is a relation where A contains multiple instances of B, and B contain multiple instances of A. Let’s take for example and entities. Customer can have multiple schedules, and each schedule can have multiple customers.

The code

I am manually creating the schedules_customers table, referring to ScheduleCustomer.

Saving many-to-many relations

Loading many-to-many relations

In the Schedule class where I configure the many-to-many relationship add {eager: true}, like this:

@ManyToMany(() => Customer, customer => customer.schedules, { eager: true })

Code repository:

