DNS Server is not Responding After the Windows 10 update (solved)


DNS Server is not Responding

Windows Users Report After Windows 10 update, Internet Connection Get Disconnected or Failed To connect. While Running the Windows Network Adapter troubleshooter Results DNS Server is not Responding ( Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding. ) This Error mostly occurs when the DNS server that translates a domain name doesn’t respond for any reason. If you Are also Having Same problem unable to connect to the internet or DNS Server not Responding, Here apply bellow solutions to get rid of this.

Start with Basic solutions, Load The Website on Different Browser, Clean Browser Cache, Cookies Etc.

Restart The Computer, modem and router Then Reconnect to the Internet.

Disable if any extra network adapter installed on your computer

Try Disable And Enable the Network Adapter ( To do this press Win + R, Type ncpa.cpl and ok. Then select the Active Adapter right click Disable Then Restart windows and Again Enable the Network Adapter. )

Visit Network Adapter manufacturer website download the latest available driver and update the current Network Adapter Driver.

Run System File Checker tool, And make sure corrupted system files not causing this issue.

Try to Flush DNS Cache and Reset DNS settings Completly, To do this click on Start menu search Type cmd and Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open Command prompt as Administrator. Then Type command ipconfig /flushdns and hit the enter key. After that Restart Windows And check Internet Connection on next login.

Reset DNS Settings

If still having issue Then Try To Reset DNS Settings by performing steps below. Again open the command prompt as administrator and Type command bellow one by one and hit enter to execute the same.

ipconfig /registerdns
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
netsh winsock reset

After That Type exit to close the command prompt and Restart windows to take effect the changes.

Manually Assign DNS Address

To change the DNS server address manually open Control Panel then Network and Internet and go to the Network and Sharing Center. Then Click on Change adapter settings, Select the Active Network adapter that you are using and Continue Reading……



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