Card Counting Tactics in Blackjack

4 min readSep 22, 2023


Card counting is a strategic technique used by blackjack players to gain an advantage over the casino. It involves keeping track of the ratio of high-value to low-value cards remaining in the deck or shoe. By doing so, players can adjust their bets and actions to increase their probability of winning. It’s essential to understand that while card counting is not illegal, casinos strongly discourage and may even ban players suspected of employing this technique.

Introduction to Card Counting

What is Card Counting?

Card counting is a strategy used in blackjack, a popular card game, to determine whether the next hand is likely to give an advantage to the player or the dealer based on the remaining cards in the deck. It involves assigning values to different groups of cards and keeping a running count as the cards are dealt.

History of Card Counting in Blackjack

Card counting has been around for decades. It gained fame in the 1960s when mathematicians and blackjack enthusiasts like Edward O. Thorp and Lawrence Revere published books and theories on it. Over the years, it has evolved, with players continuously refining the techniques.

Legality and Ethics of Card Counting

While not illegal, casinos frown upon card counting and may ask individuals suspected of using this strategy to leave. Casinos view it as gaining an unfair advantage, even though it’s a skill-based strategy within the rules of the game.

The Basics of Card Counting

Understanding Card Values

In card counting, cards are assigned specific values:

  • Low cards (2–6) are assigned a value of +1.
  • Middle cards (7–9) are neutral and have a value of 0.
  • High cards (10-Ace) are assigned a value of -1.

The High-Low Card Counting System

The High-Low system is a popular card counting strategy. The player keeps a running count, adding and subtracting values based on the cards dealt. A positive count indicates more high cards in the deck, which favors the player.

Keeping the Running Count

The running count is calculated by adding and subtracting the values of each card as they are dealt. The initial count is zero, and as the game progresses, the count fluctuates. A high positive count indicates a higher proportion of high-value cards, favoring the player.

Advanced Card Counting Techniques

True Count Calculation

The true count adjusts the running count based on the number of decks remaining in the shoe. It provides a more accurate assessment of the player’s advantage. The true count is obtained by dividing the running count by the estimated decks remaining.

Back-Counting and Wonging

Back-counting, or Wonging, involves observing the game without playing until the count becomes favorable. Players then join the game to capitalize on their advantage. It reduces the time spent playing at a disadvantage.

Shuffle Tracking

Shuffle tracking involves following groups of cards during shuffling. Players aim to predict where these groups will end up after shuffling, giving them an advantage in the next round.

Implementing Card Counting Strategies

Betting Strategy Adjustments

Players adjust their bets based on the running or true count. A higher count leads to larger bets, capitalizing on the increased probability of favorable hands.

Deviations from Basic Strategy

Card counters deviate from basic strategy based on the count. For example, they may hit on a hand they would typically stand on if the count is highly positive.

Team Play and Card Counting

In a team, players adopt specific roles. The “spotter” counts cards and signals the “big player” when the count is favorable, who then joins the game and makes larger bets.

Evading Detection and Heat

Camouflage Techniques

Players use various strategies to avoid detection, like mimicking basic strategy, chatting with dealers, and deliberately making mistakes to appear as recreational gamblers.

Handling Casino Countermeasures

Online casinos may take countermeasures to deter card counters, such as reshuffling more frequently or banning suspected individuals. Players need to be discreet to minimize scrutiny.

Mental Discipline and Focus

Card counting requires intense focus and mental discipline. Players must stay calm, maintain accurate counts, and make swift and accurate betting decisions.

Pros and Cons of Card Counting

Advantages of Card Counting

  • Increased Winning Odds: Card counting improves the player’s odds, sometimes tilting them in their favor.
  • Strategic Play: It adds an element of skill to blackjack, making it more than just a game of chance.
  • Financial Gain: Skilled card counters can potentially earn consistent profits.

Limitations and Risks

  • Detection Risk: Casinos can identify and ban card counters, limiting opportunities to use this strategy.
  • Skill Requirement: Card counting demands significant skill and practice, making it challenging for casual players.
  • Emotional Stress: The pressure and mental calculations can lead to stress and fatigue.

Conclusion: Mastering Card Counting for Blackjack Success

Mastering card counting in blackjack is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and a deep understanding of the game. It’s a technique that can significantly tip the odds in your favor, but it’s not a guaranteed path to riches.

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