Why Your First Love Is Unforgettable

Winded Love
4 min readSep 16, 2016

You never forget your first love. As it is the most important phase of our life. First love teaches us many thing and make us a better person. At least, that’s what Nicholas Sparks’ “The Notebook” wants us to think. But the saying does have a hidden truth to it. Losing a first love is painful, especially when everything you feel is so wonderful.

According to science and psychology first loves are elevated in our brains because they’re the first person we’ve ever experienced that amazing sense of attraction toward for the first time.

Is that the reason why we can’t let go?

In short, yes. The hormones involved in both lust and love play a part in how attached we become to a person. Science says attraction to the person we love is a product of evolution and that means they will stay on our minds and last forever. Because they turns you into what you are today.

First love generates the most amazing and joyful feeling in a person and that feeling can turn the whole world around. First love teaches us many important things to remember and if first love became to last love then it is the most divine feeling in this world.

First loves show us what love feels like.

Yes that’s pretty amazing. No matter how it ended or stays, feeling one of the most incredible and amazing emotions in the world for the first time shouldn’t be forgotten. The first kiss, for the first time you hold hands and much more. It’s okay to hold on to those memories. Just keep that in mind while memories stay the same, people change.

First loves teach us how to love again.

Think of first loves as the beautiful chapter. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t and when it doesn’t, you figure out what you really have to do in a relationship and can know what to expect if there is second time around to make sure it last forever.

First loves teach us how to put others before ourselves.

We usually require a person to let go of our ego for the sake of making a relationship last. A relationship require compromise, which is at the base and key element of any great relationship — first or last.

First loves shows us what it feels to be cared for someone who isn’t family.

It’s a great feeling to have someone very special on which you can turn to during difficult times someone very special to whom you aren’t related. This teaches you how amazing it is to have someone very special like that in your life, doesn’t matter if it’s a lover or a special friend.

First loves make us want to be better.

Maybe you were not the one who was dumped. Maybe it was mutual or maybe you ended things. Still, whatever the reason first love is a great learning experience that gave you the confidence to be true to yourself. It allows you to release that how you are going to handled another person’s feelings differently.

First loves teach us how to work out on our problems.

They teach us that love takes work, effort and communication. They teach us how to get to that level through trials and errors. You don’t forget these lessons once you’ve learned them.

You may miss them or who they used to be, but your first love made you who you are today and that’s worth something. Join windedlove.com number one free online dating site and find the perfect one for you and feel the divine joy of being in love.

