What Are The Bad Signs During Early Pregnancy?

3 min readJan 31, 2022


No one wants to have a bad sign during early pregnancy. That’s why you need to go to the best well-being scan clinic in Coventry to get the best private ultrasound scan in Coventry. Things can seem all too scary for those expecting a new addition to their families. However, not every symptom of an issue is going to be something that causes real problems. Sometimes it will be nothing more than the body’s way of telling you there’s a potential problem with how things are growing in your womb.

The truth is, the majority of these signs will only ever turn out as being false alarms, and you should always remember that everything happens for a reason. If you’re experiencing any issues, then these tend to be caused by other factors such as diet or lifestyle changes rather than due to serious complications inside your stomach. You must do a 4D well-being scan in Coventry to make sure your sign.

Possible bad signs during early pregnancy:

There are some bad signs during early pregnancy that you may notice, such as pain on one side of your stomach or backache. These tend to be fairly obvious and easy to diagnose, but they aren’t the only issues that can arise during what should be a happy time.

It’s not uncommon for women who haven’t been eating properly and/or haven’t been taking enough vitamins to find themselves suffering from malnutrition. This is particularly common in those who have very strict diets and would rather eat nothing than put something bad inside their body.
You would be surprised just how many women get into this kind of pattern when pregnant, and it’s incredibly risky to go down such an unhealthy path. It could lead to all sorts of complications with your unborn child, including premature birth.

Another bad sign during early pregnancy is spotting. It won’t always be obvious to you when it happens, especially if the blood isn’t mixed with your regular cycle. The only way you’re going to know for certain that this has taken place is to see a midwife or take a trip to the GP.

A lot of mothers-to-be can find themselves getting sick at some point in their pregnancy, and there are times when they’ll worry whether they’ve got an illness that requires immediate medical attention. This kind of problem is often due to hormones overpowering stomach acids, leading to feelings of nausea and/or dizziness.

If this becomes too much for you, then there’s no shame in taking yourself off into the fresh air. One session out of the house can make all the difference for those who are finding an illness too much to deal with.

Window to the Womb is the best well-being scan clinic in Coventry. Just call us to get the best private ultrasound scan in Coventry.




At Window to the Womb Coventry, we offer a range of diagnostic, private ultrasound scans for every stage of pregnancy.