Writing Tips for 2024

6 min readJan 31, 2024


January’s ink is barely dry, yet the question already whispers in the mind of every aspiring author: “How’s that novel going?” Fiction writing is a thrilling ride, an odyssey where imagination spins a world and breathes life into characters. While there’s no map marked “Plot Here,” certain time-tested techniques can guide your pen. Perhaps a scribbled list of story seeds lies dormant, but one surely glows with embers of passion. Authors too often soar highest when fueled by deep investment in their heroes and their journeys as well as dreams of fame of becoming an award-winning author. Yet, remaining professional while whispering secrets with each sentence is a writer’s art. Unveiling information with measured grace grants readers room to conjure alongside you, their minds painting vibrant hues in the spaces between your words. Craft backstories that whisper in the wind, shaping your characters’ choices and goals, for these are the threads that weave page-turners, keeping readers tethered till the final chapter. Remember the whispered bond between your characters and your audience. Breathe life into their desires, for in their triumphs and struggles, readers find echoes of their own hearts.

While the thought of writing a book can spark fear in many, especially those lacking daily practice or professional experience, it’s important to remember that writing doesn’t have to be torture. With dedication and a thirst for learning, practically anyone can hone their craft. Publishing in 2024 might seem daunting, but embracing a few key writing disciplines can ease the journey. Discovering the joys of crafting your own story, regardless of genre, can be incredibly rewarding, especially when met with positive reader feedback. Many first-time authors are boldly picking up their pens and sharing their voices with the world. To prioritize your writing disciplines, defining your chosen publishing platform is crucial.

Do you dream of a major publishing deal? Be prepared for potential hurdles like securing an agent, joining the Authors Guild, surrendering some book rights, and possibly facing the glare of critical spotlight. Mid-sized publishing houses might also be a good fit, but ultimately, deciding between traditional publishing and self-publishing early on will help shape your marketing plan and guide your path. There are so many writing options from Kindle Vella to Wattpad, please do not limit yourself to repetitive writing standards. If traditional writing is what you are looking for you may benefit from conventional author programs then you may want to find a writers workshop or a writing festival to brush up on your literary skills. If you are struggling with writer’s block or finding the motivation to write your novel, then below are a few tips that I highly recommend.

1. Make your own writing exercises:

Uncork your creativity’s dam and let it flood! Set a timer for 10 minutes and embark on a writing sprint, a free-writing frenzy where you surrender to the flow of your thoughts and creativity. Ignore the inner critic, forget perfection, and put doubt away to simply put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) like a jazz musician improvising a wild solo. Capture whatever bubbles up from your subconscious, be it nonsensical ramblings or glimmering story nuggets. This is your secret weapon against writer’s block, a dive into the hidden wellspring of your imagination. Embrace the glorious mess! Ditch the unrealistic expectations that so often paralyze writers. The “perfect book” is a mythical beast; striving for it is like chasing a rainbow. Instead, revel in the liberating power of disorganization. Let your thoughts tumble out like colorful autumn leaves, swirling and dancing in the wind. In this whirlwind of words, you might just stumble upon the hidden path to your story’s heart.

2. Compose your characters visually:

Unravel the threads of your characters’ souls. Craft detailed profiles that go beyond physical descriptions and delve into their inner worlds. Unmask their personalities, trace the lines of their backstories, and uncover the burning motivations that fuel their every move. Don’t forget the quirks that make them unique — the nervous tic, the way they laugh, the secret fear that keeps them awake at night. The more intimately you know your characters, the more alive they’ll become for your readers. Forge a bond of empathy. Remember, writing is an act of connection. Craft characters who resonate, who elicit laughter, tears, and everything in between. We are still in a great time for retail sales of books so you definitely want to make readers feel the sting of your protagonist’s defeats and the soar of their triumphs. A well-developed character isn’t just a plot device; they’re a beacon that draws readers into the heart of your story. Their quest becomes our own, their journey a shared adventure that leaves us breathless and inspired.

3. Undertake writing with dialogue prompts:

Dialogue prompts are your secret sauce for getting characters talking! These simple catalysts ignite engaging scenes, revealing vulnerabilities and shaping unique voices as they navigate conflict. Don’t be afraid to sprinkle in a dash of experimentation! The possibilities are endless when it comes to writing exercises. The ultimate tip for a writer in 2024? Write like a reader. Remember, literary giants were once wide-eyed bookworms themselves. Dive into diverse and odd genres, with characters who resonate. A well-read, disciplined writer, steeped in a variety of literature, enjoys a buffet of advantages, including a broader perspective that seasons every sentence.

Broadening your literary horizons isn’t just a mental vacation; it’s a writer’s boot camp. By venturing beyond your comfort zone and exploring diverse genres and styles, you crack open a treasure chest of knowledge. Storytelling techniques, character development, and plot structures burst forth, freeing you from the tired tropes that cage so many narratives. You learn to wield language like a master swordsman, experimenting with voices and understanding how each narrative choice dances with meaning and impacts your readers. Immersing yourself in literary greats isn’t just entertainment; it’s an apprenticeship. You soak in their masterful wordplay, captivating narratives, and unique approaches to universal themes. It’s not about mimicry, though; it’s about subconscious absorption, the subtle osmosis of effective techniques and a keen awareness of pitfalls to avoid. Remember, the literary landscape isn’t a playground; it’s a training ground.

The vast literary market offers writers opportunities to author a multitude of complex characters for readers to study and to learn from. Authors whisper insights into human nature, motivations, and the delicate art of crafting characters book readers love. Sometimes inspiration ignites with a spark of rebellion as reading a mediocre book and thinking, “I can do better,” can be a potent fuel for creativity. What is vital to remember, is that reading a diverse collection of books is not about tearing down others; it’s about building your own literary edifice. Whether sparked by a unique structure, a compelling voice, or simply a burning desire to tell a powerful story, each literary influence becomes a brick in your own creative castle. Ultimately, being well-read and disciplined isn’t just about accumulating knowledge; it’s about investing in your growth as a writer. It’s a continuous journey, a constant evolution that fuels your creativity, sharpens your skills, and guides you towards crafting richer, more impactful stories. So grab your pen, open your laptop, and let your imagination take flight. Remember, the most important thing is to keep writing, keep exploring, and keep evolving. Your literary growth will blossom, one page at a time.

The end.

Tyler Granger

Iowa Author


The Windsor Heights Book Fair which takes place on the first Sunday in October. The 3rd Annual Windsor Heights Book Fair will take place on October 6th, 2024 featuring over three dozen local authors with a free will donation.

