Your Fucking Kids

James Ray
2 min readDec 5, 2023


Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

Our babies used to be the absolute love of your life.

Your actions are ripping through them. Emotional knife.

A time of need and they reached out to you.

You were having too much fun. Not through.

I never thought I’d see the day they took second in your heart.

I’m so at a loss for words. Don’t even know where to start.

This person you’re with ain’t fucking it.

If he let you do this, he’s a fucking piece of shit.

Any real man would have told you to take care of your kids.

But, this will never change the damage you just did.

Your 9 year old is now struggling with thoughts of death.

I’m seriously wondering if your dumbass is on meth.

Could you just fucking step back just for a moment and look.

You’re bleeding all over those that did hurt you. They’re shook.

You took me from you being my favorite human to outright hatred.

I’m done giving a shit about you. Please go. No more tears shed.

I can never forgive you for the pain you’ve caused.

Your daughter’s love for…it’s paused.

You’re going to lose them and have no one to blame but you.

What’s sad is I think you won’t care and they don’t care, too.

A complete flip flop from what this family used to be.

I’m going to start excising you and making it just us three.

The fact this even needs to be said shows you’re not doing enough.

But, I promise you, this life you’re headed towards is going to be rough.

You’re going to end up alone and us helping you is over.

The admiration and love from your kids is going to be lower and lower.

You’re digging this grave and slowly becoming the parent that you hate.

Stand back. Look at their trauma. I bet you can see something you’ll relate.

What you’ve done so unforgivable, damaging, and outright wrong.

One day, this whole thing you’ve created is going to be a very painful song.



James Ray

I struggle. Often. But, I come here to get it out. To give words to what's rolling around. In hopes of finding solace while I dance with these demons.