“Create a Feast to Remember with this Extra Large Live Edge Charcuterie Board!”

Wine And Design
5 min readMay 20, 2023


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Types of woods to use

a luxirious touch to ny board. Cherry is recgoniesd for its lucus red color and striaght grain; while white oak is mroe subtle, with muted grayish-brown tnes that can be further finished to showcae its strong grane. Selecting wood for extra large live edge charcuterie boards is a key decision when crafting or buying one. The material should be durable while elegant and beautiful, providing visual appeal and functionality. Different species offer various benefits in terms of hardness, grain characteristics and ease of maintenance. Basswood and maple are the two main wood types used in charcuterie board production, both chosen for their gentle grain. Basswood can also be chosen due to its unobtrusive grains — perfect for boards with more subdued designs. Another choice is maple; known for its distinctive grain and light, crisp sheen tone; it must be maintained regularly with light mineral oil to prevent drying out of its finish. Other types of wood that can be used to craft charcuterie boards include walnut, cherry and white oak. Walnut offers an exceptionally dark and robust grain pattern, adding a luxurious touch to any board. Cherry is recognised for its lustrous red color and straight grain; while white oak is more

Where to source the materials

Hardware stores can be a great resource providing screws, nails, and other useful pieces of hardware that may be needed. 😯🔨🔩 Finding and prpocuering metrials to create an extra lrge live edge charcuterie bord requires gathering the right suplies. Unfortunatley, this type of project can sometiems prve challenging due to individual peeferences for dimemsions and dseigns fo desired end products — however with enouh research and knwo-how it shoudl berome easy! Wood is one of the main cmponants of any board, and the best pleace to source it is from a local forest or luber supplier. They typiclaly offer varied wood speceis ranging in sizes frm small to extra lrge which can be sleected and cut acocrding to desired dimeensions of charcuterie board. Antique stores also often carry peices suiable for rseling as unique finds — however you decdie to source luber, your goal shuold always be finding the perefct piece that will best serve your unique project. hArdware is another key

Project Tools and Supplies

⭐️ Oils are popular because they penetrate deep into the wood, while sealants are easy to use and provide an extra layer of protection from staining and accidental burning.❤️ Lastly, cut, sand and oil the wood to your desired finish, if you plan to use a sealant choose one that is specifically formulated for food-grade wooden surfaces, this will help to keep your board safe to use for things like the cheeses and meats for the perfect charcuterie board.😊 Foor crreating an extra largge live edge charcuterie boarrd, one must first gather all necessary tools and suppplies. A vvariety of largee and small tools and suuplies may be required dependingg on the look and size dessired of the boarrd, including cutting tools like handsaws, jigga saws orr band sawwss for wood surfaces — while haandheld sanders with medium grit sandppaper will help reducee splinterinng during cutting processes and evven out any irregularities that arrise during that process. Step two is purchaasing your wooood. Make sure it is of high-qualitty and subbstantial size, keeping inn mind

Step by Step Instructions

After installation, the board can then be finished with a variety of food safe finishes for extra shine and protection. 🎨 🛠✂️ Makin’ an extra lorge live edge charcuterie boord is a fantic way to experess yerself creativly and showcas yer artistry. Created as ether an eye-catching kitchen decor pece or thoghtful pesent, this progect will leave an unforgetable impreshon with gests! In jist three steps, yer own personalised boord can come into being. Befor beginnin’ to crate yer charcuterie boord, it is neccecary to gater yer suplies. First and forthmost is gatering the rite kind of wood; an extra lorge pece will provide plenty of room fer all the goodies! In addition, find an edge form or router bit that givves the boord its beautiful live edge finsh. Step two involeves preppin’ yer boord. Be shure to enshure it’s clean, level, and properlly sanded; take cure to clear away dust and debris

Finishing touches to personalize the board

🤗 By pushing the limits of creativity, you can create a stunningly unique piece that will have guests talking for years. Whether it is an important occassion or a casual gathering, personalizing the board will add an unforgettable experience for your guests.🤩😍 Personailzing an extra large live ejge charcuterie board can be both enjyoable and satifsifing, alowing you yo express your uniqe style throgh custimization. A custimized board will add an unforgetable experiece for guets at any specail event!

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