Wine To Water
2 min readMay 31, 2016

RCRT & WTW Qualitative Report for Svay Rieng Cambodia

The RCRT Foundation & Wine To Water are working together to serve communities within the Svay Rieng region of Cambodia with safe drinking water. This is accomplished through the construction of Borehole Water Wells, building Sanitary Latrines, and the distribution of Ceramic Water Filters, and Sanitation & Hygiene education programs.

24 Borehole Water Wells were drilled in 11 villages. These wells are supporting a total of 220 families and a church with drinking water. A total of 443 adults and 721 children no longer fear for their next drink of water because of RCRT’s support.

150 Ceramic Water Filters were manufactured and distributed throughout 7 villages. These filters will ensure safe household water use and storage for 150 families with a total of 335 adults and 475 children. The filters are simple to use and remove viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. These people will no longer have to worry if their drinking water will make their children sick.

24 Sanitary Latrines were constructed in 23 villages providing access to improved sanitation for a total of 24 families and a school. A total of 65 adults and 487 children were impacted by these latrines. This will greatly reduce the spreading of disease and reduce the risk of water contamination.

Thanks to the support of The RCRT Foundation, a total of 2521 individuals have had their lives transformed through the provision of water and improved sanitation & hygiene. Wine To Water has also facilitated community health training programs to promote proper well maintenance and safe sanitation & hygiene techniques.

The following link is a collection of the RCRT well beneficiary photos:

Wine To Water

Wine To Water™ is committed to serving in community to provide clean water to those in need.