Why Is One Airpod Louder Than The Other One: 14 Easy Fixes

Benjamin Johnson
3 min readJun 14, 2023

If you’re experiencing the frustrating issue of one AirPod being louder than the other, you’re not alone. Many AirPods users have encountered this problem, and luckily, there are several simple solutions to address it. In this article, we will explore why this imbalance occurs and provide you with 14 easy fixes to restore the audio balance between your AirPods.

  1. Check for Wax or Debris: Over time, earwax or debris can accumulate on the speaker mesh of your AirPods, leading to reduced sound quality. Carefully inspect both AirPods and clean any visible wax or dirt using a soft, lint-free cloth or a cotton swab.
  2. Adjust Volume Balance: Sometimes, the audio imbalance may be due to a software setting. Go to your device’s settings, select “Bluetooth,” locate your AirPods, and tap on the “i” icon. From there, adjust the volume balance slider until both AirPods are equally balanced.
  3. Reset Your AirPods: Resetting your AirPods can help resolve various issues, including audio imbalances. Open the Bluetooth settings on your device, tap on the “i” icon next to your AirPods, and select “Forget This Device.” Then, pair your AirPods again following the standard procedure.
  4. Clean the Charging Contacts: Dirt or debris on the charging contacts of your AirPods can interfere with the charging process, affecting audio output. Wipe the charging contacts on both your AirPods and charging case using a clean, dry cloth to ensure a good connection.
  5. Recharge and Update: Low battery levels or outdated firmware can contribute to audio imbalances. Place your AirPods in the charging case and ensure they are charged to the fullest. Additionally, check for any available firmware updates for your AirPods and install them if necessary.
  6. Swap Left and Right AirPods: A quick troubleshooting step is to swap the AirPods in your ears. If the imbalance seems to shift from one side to the other, it may be a case of individual hearing sensitivity rather than a technical problem. Experiment to find the most comfortable balance.
  7. Reset Audio Settings: On some devices, you can reset audio settings to their default state, which might help resolve the imbalance. Check your device’s settings and search for an option to reset audio settings. Keep in mind that this will affect all audio outputs, not just your AirPods.
  8. Enable Sound Check: Enabling the Sound Check feature on your device can help normalize the volume level of different audio tracks, reducing the likelihood of noticeable imbalances. Go to your device’s settings, find the “Music” or “Sound” section, and toggle on the Sound Check option.
  9. Try Different EQ Settings: Experimenting with equalizer (EQ) settings can help compensate for volume imbalances caused by audio tracks themselves. Access the EQ settings on your device and try different presets or manually adjust the sliders to find a balance that suits your listening preferences.
  10. Update Device Software: Outdated software on your device can sometimes lead to audio-related issues. Ensure that your device’s operating system is up to date by checking for and installing any available software updates. This can potentially address compatibility issues between your AirPods and device.
  11. Check for Water or Moisture: Exposure to moisture, such as rain or sweat, can impact the audio quality of your AirPods. If you suspect moisture damage, place your AirPods in a dry environment for a few hours or use a desiccant packet to absorb excess moisture. Avoid using them until completely dry.
  12. Contact Apple Support: If the audio imbalance persists despite trying the above fixes, reaching out to Apple Support is recommended. They can provide additional troubleshooting steps or guide you through the warranty or repair process if necessary.
  13. Consider Professional Cleaning: If the audio imbalance is due to internal issues within your AirPods, professional cleaning or repair may be required. Contact an authorized service provider or Apple Store to inquire about the available options for restoring audio balance.
  14. Consider AirPod Replacement: In extreme cases where the audio imbalance cannot be resolved, it may be necessary to replace your AirPods. Contact Apple Support or visit an authorized retailer to explore the possibility of purchasing new AirPods or seeking warranty coverage.

Experiencing one AirPod being louder than the other can be a frustrating issue, but there are numerous troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve it. By following the 14 easy fixes outlined in this article, you can enjoy a balanced audio experience with your AirPods once again.

