Wing and Thorn
Aug 31, 2023
Photograph by Arienne F.

Sample Story 4

As Heath slid down the hill, clutching the flower in his hand, he could sense danger. A shadow appeared behind him, closing in on him fast. Great arms appeared on either side of him, seemingly from nowhere. Before they could grab him, Heath nimbly ducked down and rolled himself forward as fast as he could go. Death felt ever closer in those moments, until he remembered the magic words his mother had taught him long ago. As soon as he was back on his feet they sprang from his mouth like a rush of birds ascending to the sky.

-Written by & photograph by

Arienne F.

Follow me for more dark fairy tales and related content.

Photograph by Arienne F.
Wing and Thorn

Welcome! I am an author and illustrator who loves mystery and the macabre. My work generally draws from the dark mystique of old world fairy tales.