Wingframe, Release 0.8.0

3 min readDec 20, 2018


Due to unanticipated events this quarter the release took a bit longer and includes a lot more features than we had planned. We’ve launched a first work-in-progress version of our new quality assurance feature, added CAP 168 🇬🇧 support for airfield guidance signs, and, for the first time we’ve adapted our sign engine for something other than airport signs. So we’re excited about that.

To see the entire list of updates, click the link below:
Release notes for version 0.8.0 (0.8.1)

Compliance report

Wingframe users can now try our new quality assurance feature — something we call “Compliance Report”. In terms of QA for signs we consider this to be a game changer. And as we’ve stated previously:

The goal is for any individual to be able to look through the report, and — regardless of his or her knowledge of sign standards — quickly determine if it is compliant or not. If not, the failing tests will clearly state which rule was broken and why.

Wingframe is not only a tool for engineers. We want to build a tool that anyone who needs a standards compliant sign can use. It should be accessible, user friendly, and fun.

Aiming to build a tool with these properties, one can easily imagine that quality would suffer. But fear not. In order to ensure quality and still keep the tool flexible and user friendly, Wingframe can generate a report that will check the compliance of your sign within seconds.

Demo of our new Compliance report feature in Wingframe (0.8.1).

More sign types and templates

For those of you already drawing ICAO and FAA signs, the list of templates have been extended to include more examples.

CAP 168

In this release we’ve also implemented a majority of CAP 168, a standard by the 🇬🇧 Civil Aviation Authority.

Compared with standards by ICAO and FAA, these airfield guidance signs have some unique design features:

  • Taxiway endings are marked by a yellow “cross over” in location messages.
  • All location messages have a yellow border, and because there is no margin a black delineator is needed between this yellow border and adjacent yellow information messages.
  • All delineators are black, even between mandatory instructions.
  • The NO ENTRY symbol has a larger thinner design.
  • CAT numerals have thinner top and bottom bases.
  • Multiline messages are allowed if the text is 10 characters long or more.
  • There is no extra horizontal padding for single runway designators.

Swedish road signs

In October we had a meeting with the largest supplier of road signs in Sweden — Blinkfyrar. We’ve had contact for a couple of years and they have expressed interest in our sign software. So in preparation of this meeting we spent some time implementing a proof of concept for Swedish road signs. As expected, our sign engine was flexible enough to handle these signs as well.

Obviously, road traffic signs are a lot more complex than airfield guidance signs, but we believe Wingframe has a strong use case for this market as well. Suppliers should not need full time engineers drawing signs in CAD software.

However, it will take a lot more work in order to cover the entire set of signs included in the standard. But we plan on finishing what we started and then we’ll see which other standards we can implement and for which markets.


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If you’re interested in learning more about Wingframe and what we can do for your company, visit our website or contact us at

Best regards,
The Wingframe team.




A web-2-print solution for standards compliant signs