Read Her Body Language

Marni Kinrys
4 min readAug 25, 2015


So…let’s take a classic example of you asking a woman for her phone number. 9 out of 10 times that woman is going to give you her phone number with absolutely no intention of answering her phone or going on a date with you. Why? Because it’s easier. Easier than saying the truth.

The truth being that she was trying to be polite, didn’t want to hurt your feelings and still wants to be seen as great in your eyes. Even the kindest, most sincere women practice these actions.

I know that this seems bitchy, manipulative and hurtful and you know what you are absolutely right to think that way.

But this brings us to . . .

PRINCIPLE #1: It’s not about you — it’s about HER fears.

I assure you this typical female behavior is not meant to hurt, manipulate or test you. In fact, these actions have nothing to do with you at all. These actions are done by women to protect themselves from feeling high levels of discomfort from hurting your feelings.

What women fail to realize is that their dishonest actions actually end up hurting you more. But what do they care, they’re not there to see it. Now is this behavior fair, kind or the correct way to handle this situation.

God no.

It’s just that a woman would much rather dodge your call then hurt your feelings to your face.

So what do you do about this? Do you start an international campaign telling women to “MAN UP” and be honest. That’s a start. But let’s be honest, it probably wouldn’t do you any good.

Sure you can try to change women but as you know that is not an easy feat.

PRINCIPLE #2: Understand How Women Work, Don’t Try to Change What Women Do

What you can do is change yourself.

What you can do is to understand why women do what they do. You can understand what’s real (how they really are) vs. losing yourself in an illusion and hop (of how you think they ‘should’ be).

Which leads me to the reason I wrote you today. I want to teach you how to easily decipher whether or not a woman is into you, by explaining how to read a woman’s body language.

Body Language That Says “I’m Into You”:

– Engaged in conversation
– Looking you in the eye
– Giving you more than 1 word responses
– Playing with her hair
– Slightly tripping over her words
– Being bantery
– Trying to one up you
– Going to bathroom and coming back with fresh lip gloss and new
– Not 100% comfortable
– Body facing you
– Nervous when touching you but makes attempts
– Asking you questions

Body Language That Says “I’m Not Into You But Being Polite”:

– Not paying attention to you
– Nodding and giving you 1 word answers
– Looking around the room
– Body facing away from you
– Arms Crossed
– Mentioning her boyfriend
– Says “Where did my friend go?”
– Gives off a cold/tense character
– Avoids any type of physical contact
– Allows for another guy to interrupt your conversation

Body Language That Says “I’m Not Into You But Enjoying Talking To You”:

This is the trickiest one but lucky for you, you have me to explain.

I have been out MANY times at a bar and a guy approached me that I was not attracted to BUT I loved talking with him and was having a fun time. I had no intention of going home with him, dating him or having a relationship with him.

– Acting really comfortable with you
– Engaged in conversation
– Tells you stories about herself without editing
– No inhibitions about touching you all over
– Allows other guys to interrupt your conversation
– Acts like the leader with you
– Displays total comfort and confidence
– Introduces you to her friends and gives a smile or a wink

In your own time, I want you to take notice of how women express themselves to you with their body language.

Make note of their body movements and gestures. You will start to see patterns and recognize tiny things that women do to subtly express themselves.

Once you are able to decipher what a woman is really saying, you can start to use this information to your advantage.

I promise you knowledge is power, and a woman will feel when you have gained that power.

Okay, so now you’re probably thinking: “That’s great, you just told me how to tell if she’s into me or if she wants me to get away from her. But how do I actually make a woman attracted to me?”

There is much more for you to learn, so stay tuned. In the meantime, for key strategies in getting a woman’s attention and developing that beyond a one-night-stand, check out “How to Be The Man Women Want”:

It’s the smart course for smart-thinking guys, and will help you realize things like…

– you have options and should never settle

– you can approach any woman you want without fear of rejection

– you can easily start conversations and immediately invoke attraction

– you have everything a woman wants, and more…

I know you can get that girl! I want you to know it too!

The Shockingly Simple #1 Technique To Get Any Woman Addicted To You. Visit —



Marni Kinrys
Marni Kinrys

Written by Marni Kinrys

I teach men how to understand women so they can attract, date & GET any woman they want. Coach, TV & Radio Personality & Best Selling Author of Get Inside Her

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