How To Get Her To Emotionally Invest In You

6 min readDec 12, 2019


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One of the main reasons men struggle in their dating lives is that they don’t know how to get a woman emotionally invested into talking to them. If she’s not emotionally invested, you’re just filler until someone more interesting comes along. Read THIS to learn how to avoid that trap!

Have you ever had a moment where things with women and dating just suddenly clicked into place? Like something you struggled to grasp now seems so obvious… and you realize it was staring you in the face the whole time.

I love when my readers and students experience these kind of breakthroughs after taking my advice. Now, sometimes I have to repeat myself a few times before it sinks in… but once it does, they’ve got it for life.

This was the case with one of my students who just emailed me to say he realized what “the most important thing” with women is.

Can you guess what it might be?

Let me share part of his email that sheds some light on his breakthrough:

“I have come to the realization a few days ago with the “female mindset” you have been talking about here and in your videos. But now I can understand it much better, that the subject of the conversation and trying to put a formula to score a date doesn’t matter. The most important thing is to have her emotionally involved in the conversation.”

I couldn’t agree more.

If you can’t get a woman emotionally invested when talking to you, then your chances of hooking up with her are slim to none. Being emotionally invested means that we care about talking to you. That it has some kind of meaning to us, and makes us FEEL something.

This is totally different to a random conversation that we have just to pass the time. And the problem a lot of men have is they think that because THEY are emotionally invested in a conversation… then WE must automatically feel the same. But it doesn’t work that way.

Usually you’ll feel emotionally invested because you’re already attracted to us.

However if you don’t do anything to trigger our attraction for you, then usually it won’t happen.

And one of the easiest things you can do to trigger that attraction is to level up your banter skills.

The great thing about banter is it works amazingly well in so many situations. Whether you’re first approaching, on a date, or especially when texting.

For example, here is the checklist my same student uses now when texting women:

  • Has someone asked her that question?
  • How is it different/original from my witty competitors?
  • Will my question evoke her to respond? Is it fun?

Why is good banter so effective?

Because it’s fun and it creates an emotional response in us. It taps into that part of us that wants a man to challenge us in a playful and flirtatious way. It shows that you have confidence and aren’t intimidated by us (unlike a lot of men).

Here’s the thing though:

In all my years of coaching, this skill has usually been one of the hardest for guys to pick up. Like maybe they understand it on an intellectual level, but when it comes to applying it, they’re often hit or miss.

That’s why I’m so excited about the new Banter Guide released by Wing Girl Kristen. Not only is she a kickass dating coach, she’s also a professional standup comedian.

It means she’s one of only a handful of people on the planet who has the ability to teach bantering at this kind of mastery level.

So I’m not surprised that the success stories are already coming hard and fast (just like the women these techniques have been used on).

Not to mention, I’ve also included a special bonus for you (just cos I love you). It contains 101 done-for-you banter lines that you can use in conversations to create the spark that triggers attraction.

It means even if you feel like you’re not witty or quick on your feet, you can just use these lines verbatim and get awesome results.One of the main reasons men struggle in their dating lives is that they don’t know how to get a woman emotionally invested into talking to them. If she’s not emotionally invested, you’re just filler until someone more interesting comes along. Read THIS to learn how to avoid that trap!

Have you ever had a moment where things with women and dating just suddenly clicked into place? Like something you struggled to grasp now seems so obvious… and you realize it was staring you in the face the whole time.

I love when my readers and students experience these kind of breakthroughs after taking my advice. Now, sometimes I have to repeat myself a few times before it sinks in… but once it does, they’ve got it for life.

This was the case with one of my students who just emailed me to say he realized what “the most important thing” with women is.

Can you guess what it might be?

Let me share part of his email that sheds some light on his breakthrough:

“I have come to the realization a few days ago with the “female mindset” you have been talking about here and in your videos. But now I can understand it much better, that the subject of the conversation and trying to put a formula to score a date doesn’t matter. The most important thing is to have her emotionally involved in the conversation.”

I couldn’t agree more.

If you can’t get a woman emotionally invested when talking to you, then your chances of hooking up with her are slim to none. Being emotionally invested means that we care about talking to you. That it has some kind of meaning to us, and makes us FEEL something.

This is totally different to a random conversation that we have just to pass the time. And the problem a lot of men have is they think that because THEY are emotionally invested in a conversation… then WE must automatically feel the same. But it doesn’t work that way.

Usually you’ll feel emotionally invested because you’re already attracted to us.

However if you don’t do anything to trigger our attraction for you, then usually it won’t happen.

And one of the easiest things you can do to trigger that attraction is to level up your banter skills.

The great thing about banter is it works amazingly well in so many situations. Whether you’re first approaching, on a date, or especially when texting.

For example, here is the checklist my same student uses now when texting women:

  • Has someone asked her that question?
  • How is it different/original from my witty competitors?
  • Will my question evoke her to respond? Is it fun?

Why is good banter so effective?

Because it’s fun and it creates an emotional response in us. It taps into that part of us that wants a man to challenge us in a playful and flirtatious way. It shows that you have confidence and aren’t intimidated by us (unlike a lot of men).

Here’s the thing though:

In all my years of coaching, this skill has usually been one of the hardest for guys to pick up. Like maybe they understand it on an intellectual level, but when it comes to applying it, they’re often hit or miss.

That’s why I’m so excited about the new Banter Guide released by Wing Girl Kristen. Not only is she a kickass dating coach, she’s also a professional standup comedian.

It means she’s one of only a handful of people on the planet who has the ability to teach bantering at this kind of mastery level.

So I’m not surprised that the success stories are already coming hard and fast (just like the women these techniques have been used on).

Not to mention, I’ve also included a special bonus for you (just cos I love you). It contains 101 done-for-you banter lines that you can use in conversations to create the spark that triggers attraction.

It means even if you feel like you’re not witty or quick on your feet, you can just use these lines verbatim and get awesome results.

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female dating coach for men and I’ve spent the last decade helping tens of thousands of men stop being.