AMA Session. 14.02.2022.

6 min readFeb 16, 2022


These are the written minutes of our 4th Discord AMA Session. We covered general questions about WingRiders.

The below is taken from the AMA Channel of the WingRiders Discord. No changes have been made, unless they were for clarity.

Moderator: Welcome, Riders, to our Discord AMA session. We will start in 10 mins.

By now it will be a text-only format. Feel free to text your questions in that channel.

We will block the possibility of asking questions at the end of the session. Always feel free to raise conversation in our other channels here in Discord. If we won’t be able to answer all your questions in the course of the AMA session, we will do it later on.

Audience Question #1: When launch?

Answer — Team Member: Definitely Q1 2022.

Follow Up Audience Question:

Why WingRiders? There will potentially be many dexes available to use once you launch, why use WR?

Answer — Team Member:

For us WinRiders Dex represents a key infrastructure piece that is enabling and empowering the whole ecosystem and its various projects and players.

Follow Up Audience Question:

Finally, what will make WR so fast? Will not the Cardano backend slow it down?

Answer — Team Member:

Critical Plutus contract optimization, overall architecture of the contracts etc. Mainnet congestion is a relevant topic. We will answer it in a response below.

Audience Question #2:

What about the tokens sale?

Answer — Team Member:

Token sale Q1 this year.

Follow Up Audience Question:

Will this be open to discord members (or public)? If yes, any ideas on what the price will be per token? Thanks

Answer — Team Member:

It always helps when you are in our discord channel to have the most accurate information and to have them as soon as they are available… but in general we will try to be as open to the community as possible.

Follow Up Audience Question:

Can people like me take part in that?

Answer — Team Member:

Of course, there will be a dedicated public round.

Audience Question #3:

What wallet/wallets will work best with your Dex?

Answer — Team Member:

The majority of the most used ones, including HW wallets. Feel free to participate in our poll about this in Discord polls channel

Audience Question #4:

Will you have a stable coin at launch?

Answer — Team Member:

Interesting and very important question, stable coins are always an essential piece of any exchange platform especially a DEX. We do not want to reveal too much but it is an area that we spend a lot of time with.

Audience Question #5:

Do you have any plans to show the Testnet version of your DEX working with other wallets like CCVault or Nami?

Answer — Team Member:


Audience Question #6:

With the current congestion problem on the mainnet, are you worried for your launch? and if so, are you waiting for the scalability adjustment coming around june for Cardano before launching?

Answer — Team Member:

You might have noticed that even IOHK is working hard on improving the overall throughput. We are in close contact with them trying to get you the best UX at launch. No, there are no plans to postpone the mainnet till June.

Audience Question #7:

Any info on the Wingriders native token and what the token utility might be?

Answer — Team Member:

Will be revealed later in time but a significant proportion is the participation on the DAO governance of the platform.

Audience Question #8:

How are you planning to do the sale?… We raised concerns about you doing the public sale with a launch pad which benefits only people that have large amounts of money?

Answer — Team Member:

Originally we were considering an IDO as this seems the industry standard, however, due to the recent IDO issues, as well the feedback from the community, we are exploring the feasibility of all options, including a direct sale. It is very important to us that the community does not have a bad experience nor feels excluded.

Audience Question #9:

What was the intention behind the User Interface design of your DEX?

Follow Up question — Team Member:

Can you please elaborate what you mean?

Audience Answer:

The user interface looks very mature, very different to how SundaeSwap and MinSwap look. I was just wondering if this was intentional, and if it was to appeal to a different demographic?

Follow Up Answer — Team Member:

We work out of a development mindset meaning we focus on efficiency and precision. The platform aims to be a key infrastructure piece where integration and ease of use are paramount. On the Testnet you can see what it means when we do a deep integration into a wallet.

Audience Question #10:

Do you have any plans to work with Milkomeda in the future?

Answer — Team Member:

All relevant projects are under consideration and yes, Milkomeda is one of them.

Audience Question #11:

What makes you stand out from sundae and all the dozen competitors out there?

Answer — Team Member:

I would say that the difference between us and our competitors is simple.

First, as a condition — please understand — we do not wish to say negative things about anyone. We wish all projects success. We think with a developer mentality. You may have noticed our DEX was almost complete when we came out of stealth. We do not overpromise and underdeliver.

On why we are different: in blockchain, one of the greatest bottlenecks is around developers. Being powered by Vacuumlabs gives us access to one of the most experienced Cardano teams on the market.

Audience Question #12:

Will there be any incentive to provide liquidity at launch? yield farming for example?

Answer — Team Member:

We already announced ADA staking, wait for additional news😉

Audience Question #13:

Any cross-chain support?

Answer — Team Member:

Not commenting, as it is too soon.

Audience Question #14:

Can you give info about the fees that you’ll use, compared to sundae and muesli for example.

Answer — Team Member:

Not yet but nothing out of the ordinary.

Audience Question #15:

How many VC’s, if any? Is there a vesting schedule? If so, what is it?

Answer — Team Member:

We have announced most of our early round institutions. Follow us on Twitter or google WingRiders news.

Audience Question #16:

You’ve mentioned before that there will be other “Riders” and not just WingRider. What will the other “riders” do? Will one of them be a launchpad?

Answer — Team Member:

For this, there are two pieces:

  • first, there is our logo and branding, the Rider. We plan to reveal more riders and we reveal more about the platform.
  • two, is the community. All our users are Riders.

So, stay tuned to learn about more characters.

Audience Question #17:

Token distribution — percentages and allocations?

Answer — Team Member:

We have revealed basic tokenomics in the lightpaper

We will confirm everything further once the mainnet date is confirmed.

Audience Question #18:

Is KYC a requirement for the Public Sale?

Answer — Team Member:

There is a KYC requirement, yes.


Riders, we’ll now stop accepting questions. Thank you very much for participating. We will write up this AMA and publish via our Medium. Stay Tuned!


The WingRiders team will be hosting regular AMA’s on their Discord to introduce the project, its features and benefits over the coming months. The dates and times will vary to better reach the whole WingRiders community worldwide — follow us on Twitter for upcoming AMA announcements.




Secure & fast, DAO operated, cutting edge DEX on Cardano. Supporting HW wallets and direct Android use & giving liquidity providers up to 6 sources of gains.