Major Rewards Update in the UI

4 min readMay 2, 2022


Hello Riders!
For those of you who are either providing liquidity on the WingRiders platform, or who are Yield Farming, please be aware that with our latest update, all rewards for the Inception Farming Epoch (IFE), the Regular Farming Epoch (RFE) the ERC-20 (Snapshot Epoch) and the Bonus NFTs rewards are now displayed in the WingRiders UI under the “Farming Tab”.

If you wish to understand how rewards were calculated, please make sure you have read our rewards blog, which has some examples to demonstrate how calculations are made.

As for future eligibility of yield rewards for upcoming epochs, these are displayed next to the relevant farm within the UI.

WingRiders NFTs vs FTs

As per our blog on Inception Farming Epoch (IFE) reward allocation, all those who provided at least 850ADA of liquidity across Farmable pools in the IFE phase, have been rewarded with a Fungible Token as a bonus. It looks like a NFT but these Tokens from a precise technical standpoint are not NFTs but Fungible Tokens (FTs) minted in a very limited number and cannot be multiplied under the same policy: b3e1cf0ef01fbcadba904194b9715cdfaa69578dd19208a5036c6bbe

  • Bronze 1744 pieces were minted
  • Silver 112 pieces were minted
  • Gold 107 pieces were minted

So this is a special edition FirstRiders FT in three tier variants — Bronze, Silver and Gold . If you are eligible for one of the limited edition FirstRiders FT’s we suggest you hold on to it, it will have utility on the platform — we will reveal details of this utility in later announcements.

These FTs are not meant as a form of financial motivation but act as a badge of being among the first Riders helping the platform grow. Please note there is an 80% royalty. An intentional mechanism to limit the trading of these FTs. The aim is that the FT stays in the original owners hands. The royalty funds go to the project for its development not to the team.

Tier eligibility is explained in the table for FT Bonus rewards below.

The great news here is that you can you can now see your special FTs:

  • in your wallet as these have been already sent out on 1.5.2022
  • in the UI totals in Farming section
  • in the UI on the top (icon + wallet) changed according to your tier

See the image below for how they appear in the Farming UI.

As well in the lower part of the image you can see the total gain for the platform for the connected wallet.

To help you, even more clearly understand where you are in terms of gains with other rewards, key data is now displayed on the UI of the Farming section that provides this information. You will are able to see the following:

  • a total of rewards for all ended Epochs
  • a total for Bonus rewards
  • a detail per your Farm
  • a higher detail per your Farm with Snapshot (IFE+ERC20) and RFE split

This will help you keep track of your rewards in a detailed manner. You can see all the data mentioned above, displayed clearly in the Farming UI in the screenshot below.

Staking and Fee rewards

The swapping fees pouring back into the pool are indicatively shown in the Pools section of the UI. Currently details of displaying Staking rewards are still in development. However the first ADA Staking rewards are already arriving in the pools, for example the ADA/WMT pool these have been returned into the pool as follows (317 ADA — 2ADA for the agent fee):

We hope these key metrics which are now live on the platform will provide you with a better understanding of your gained rewards.

Riders let us soar together to the Moon!




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