Whitelist Rules & Requirements

9 min readMay 10, 2022


Hello Riders! Welcome to the WingRiders Whitelist which is now OPEN!

This project is aimed to secure a whitelist space for both the existing and new WingRiders community. There are no other benefits.

🚨Please carefully ensure you read the rules and understand the following to take part in the sale or secure a whitelist spot. In case of any questions, feel free to address them in Discord.

🚨Security NOTE: The WingRiders Team will ONLY communicate with Whitelist participants via 👉Discord👈, as Telegram has a high incidence of scams.

Who can participate in Whitelist:

Everyone who is dedicated to the project and meets the criteria below:

As “Early Joiner Riders” — we are considering the first 4000 users that joined our Discord. Early Joiner Riders get a “Free Upgrade” from WL-Bronze to WL-Silver when they successfully complete the tasks required for WL-Bronze.

As “New Joiner Riders” — we are considering all users that joined our Discord after the announcement date. No benefit.

In order to participate in whitelist, you should meet next criteria:

You will need to go to the whitelist platform, meet the criteria (WL-Bronze, WL-Silver), provide proof of delivery (WL-Gold) and wait for the next communication from WingRiders team on tier confirmation. As a next step you will be asked to go through the KYC process.

  • WingRiders will make best efforts to accommodate all successful entrants. However, fulfilling the tasks does not guarantee an allocation. Note that there may be a cut off date and number of applications applied if the whitelist is oversubscribed.
  • This is by no means a request for investment. This is an incentive scheme for community building. There is no requirement for WingRiders to do more than make best efforts to include any participant.

About DEX Governance Token (WRT)

WingRiders will mint governance tokens called WRT. Governance tokens are tokens that have a defined total supply and are the cornerstone of DEX governing strategy to be entirely managed as a DAO. Dao Voting is only available to holders of WRT. Using a “Proof of Ownership” type model means that the more held, the more impactful your vote. The voting would be covering for example decisions on the future of development, decisions on important DEX parameters.

Whitelist General:

Assets: WRT (WingRiders Token)

Fixed Sale Price: $0.45 per token

Funding Methods: madUSDC, madUSDT
Note: please make sure to have these assets bought ideally couple of days before or you are able to bridge them yourselves. madUSDC, madUSDT have ~8M pools on Wingriders but the sale driven demand might create a suboptimal rate.

Whitelist Process:

1. Read carefully Rules&Requirements

2. Complete needed criteria for the targeted tier (see below)

3. Wait until you receive an invite for KYC
(KYC will start after all participants complete the criteria. Check the Discord #wl-announcements channel)

4. Pass KYC (you will need to provide your ID & proof of Residence)

5. Pay the money

6. Wait for the TGE and WRT distribution

Whitelist Tiers and Requirements:

🚨BEWARE: These tiers are not related to the FTs given out during Inception farming epoch!!

  1. WL-Bronze Tier — $200 USD allocation. Max. number of Riders: 1000.

Tasks required:

To be completed on whitelist platform:

  • Join our Discord server
  • Join Telegram Talks
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Retweet three (3) of our specified tweets with manually added #WingRidersDEX hashtag from WingRiders Twitter
  • Please refer to the graphic in rules “Qualification for WL-Bronze tier explained”

2. WL-Silver Tier — $400 USD allocation. All Early Riders will default to WL-Silver Status if they complete WL-Bronze level activities. Max. number of Riders: 4000.

Tasks required:

  • Complete all requirements for WL-Bronze Tier
  • Be among the first 4,000 members of the WingRiders Discord channel, meaning you had to join approximately before 7th of March 2022
  • Please refer to the graphic in rules “Qualification for WL-Silver tier explained”

3. WL-Gold Tier — $800 USD allocation. Max. number of Riders: 350.

Tasks required:

  • Complete all requirements for WL-Bronze Tier
  • Retweet any five additional (5) tweets from Twitter @wingriderscom that use the #WingRidersDEX hashtag. After this screenshot the tweets for Discord proof submission. These five tweets are on top of the WL-Bronze retweets. See Submission example below.
  • Create a unique piece of content (blog, YouTube video/ review, Video animation longer than 60seconds+) and share this video on YouTube or blog on any platform. Then tweet on Twitter to @wingriderscom with the link to blog/ link to YouTube. After this screenshot the tweet for Discord proof submission. Content must be original — copied content will result in disqualification.
  • Bring 2 crypto friends to our Discord. Details on how to prove you invited a new friend are in Discord channel #wl-how-to-invite, in the past invited friends do not count for this purpose. Make sure to read the instructions before starting the invite.
  • Post the compiled evidence for 3 bullets points above to Discord channel #wl-requirements (sample evidence is presented in the channel).

4. WL-Diamond Tier — $4,000 USD allocation. Max. number of Riders: 5.

Tasks required:

  • This tier is limited to 5 places/people only.
  • Three places are selected by the WingRiders team from the whitelist participants who qualified for WL-Gold or in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances supported the community, for example by answering questions for other users in Discord and displaying “community spirit” in the long run and the past.
  • Two remaining places will be voted on by the Discord community from a shortlist that will be created by the WingRiders team. This shortlist will be Riders that were under consideration for the 3 places but did not make the top 3.
  • The criteria for community voting is the best content or community spirit display.

Specific scenarios:

  • “Early Joiner Riders” are those 4,000 who joined WingRiders Discord channel before approx. 7th of March 2022.
  • If there is insufficient number of “Early Joiner Riders” amongst 8,000 participants allowed by the whitelist qualification platform (for example there would be only 3,000 “Early Joiner Riders” from 4,000 possible among the 8,000 who completed the activity on whitelist platform), WingRiders team will start taking into account as “Early Joiner Riders” also additional members of WingRiders Discord channel (in this example 1,000 is required), who joined Discord later (after approx. 7th of March 2022) until the WL-Silver allocation is fulfilled, meaning there are 4,000 WL-Silver slots assigned.
  • If someone who already qualified for WL-Bronze or WL-Silver tiers completes the activity for WL-Gold or WL-Diamond, his WL-Bronze or WL-Silver slot will be allocated to the next participant in line (based on the time stamp in the whitelist platform).

Whitelist Rules:

  1. You will need to pass KYC within 5 calendar days from the moment you obtain the invitation link — this is required for ANY purchases during any upcoming or subsequent Token Generation Event (“TGE”).
  2. You must not reside in mainland China, US, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Germany, France, Italy, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, the Crimea region of Ukraine, or any country added on the FATF High-risk list. You also must not be subject to any relevant international Sanction.
  3. You must execute on the listed criteria of “Tier Requirements”. Depending on the level of whitelist “Tier” that you go for (WL-Bronze, WL-Silver — only Early Joiner Riders, WL-Gold and WL-Diamond).
  4. WL-Bronze Tier — All activities will be governed by our whitelist platform, and all decisions by WingRiders Marketing are FINAL. Maximum number of WL-Bronze tier Riders is 1000. See a graphic above which explains the qualification for each tier.
  5. WL-Silver Tier — This is ONLY available to those who complete the activities for WL-Bronze AND are among the first 4000 members of the WingRiders Discord channel (for your reference 4000th member joined Discord on 7th of March, 2022). This is a free upgrade to reward the community for their early support. In the case that some users have left the WingRiders Discord in the meantime, their spot will be allocated to the next discord channel member in line. Activities of WL-Silver are therefore covered by the whitelist platform announced at the day of whitelist start. Eligibility for WL-Silver Tier is still dependent on the participant entering and doing all the WL-Bronze tasks before the list is oversubscribed. “First come, first served.” See a graphic above which explains the qualification for each tier.
  6. WL-Gold Tier requires manual checking by the WingRiders team. As such, WL-Gold spots are limited to 350 riders determined on a “first come, first served basis” from the first 500 (Evidence posting will after these 500 submit will be closed), out of which on the basis of quality 350 will be selected. No exceptions. All evidence must be presented in one post, you will find the example in Discord #wl-requirements channel. Once the post is reviewed and flagged by an emoticon by the WingRiders team, any additional post edits will not be considered in the evaluation process.
  7. WL-Diamond Tier — This tier is limited to 5 places only. Three places are selected by the WingRiders marketing team from all of the participants. Two remaining places will be voted on by the community from a shortlist created by the WingRiders team. The only criteria is a “community spirit” — going above and beyond — producing amazing content about the project on Youtube or long term answering questions productively and precisely in the Discord. The fastest way is most likely producing an amazing Youtube platform walkthrough. Three (3) of the five places will be determined by WingRiders Marketing, the other two (2) will be voted on by the community from a shortlist provided by WingRiders Marketing Team.
  8. Note that these tiers do not relate to the Bonus FTs obtained from providing liquidity during IFE.
  9. Each Tier level has a minimum proportional allocation (WL-Bronze: $200 USD, WL-Silver: $400 USD, WL-Gold: $800 USD, WL-Diamond: $4000). These are guidelines. The hard limit is the total token allocation to the whitelist. If we receive less interest, these allocations may be increased proportionally. The guide means that each user MUST buy the full amount of their allocation, or not buy at all. Unpaid allocations will be redistributed via other sales channels that will be announced in a later stage.
  10. Any action that is considered “gaming” the whitelist is grounds for instant dismissal from the whitelist, for example entering the whitelist under multiple identities. Any cheating or poor conduct is also grounds for instant dismissal.
  11. The competition is meant to be FUN. Any poor conduct, abuse, discrimination or any other “unfit conduct” will result in being dismissed.
  12. The whitelist competition will close when either A) 2 weeks has passed or B) The team considers the whitelist full, and they announce it will close in 24 hours C) Prolonging is highly unlikely, but possible at teams discretion.
  13. WingRiders team will evaluate any issues — The WingRiders team’s decisions are FINAL.


No direct, indirect, instant or future profits nor any rights to any funds or financial compensations are incorporated into WRT tokens by design. Purchasing tokens, and use of innovative technologies such as blockchain and web 3.0, involves significant risks and potential for financial losses. The Governance Tokens of WingRiders DEX Platform (WRT) are not investment or financial instruments, nor do they constitute any form of electronic money or payment service, under the relevant regulation regime. WingRiders operates under the Laws of British Virgin Islands and offers services accordingly.


The WingRiders Team.




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