WingRiders will launch with USDT and USDC on Cardano mainnet. BTC and ETH coming soon.

4 min readApr 12, 2022


Greetings Riders!

We are excited to announce our partnership with Milkomeda and Flint wallet, and their implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (“EVM”) on the Milkomeda sidechain protocol, which will run on wADA (“wrapped ADA”) from our Mainnet launch! The protocol is a sidechain project on Cardano and allows fees to be paid by wADA. What does this mean for us at WingRiders? Simple,

ERC20 Stablecoins (USDC, USDT)

And very soon BTC and ETH

Running on Cardano mainnet

To understand more of the Milkomeda protocol, you can read about dcSpark, if you want to know more about the Milkomeda protocol you can check Milkomeda website here and Milkomeda guide here.

First ever USDC transaction on Cardano mainnet:

How it Works

Or you can check out this diagram from our tech team that outlines exactly how this works

First, the user is able to migrate their Ethereum based ERC20 assets to Milkomeda sidechain via the Nomad bridge (audited via Quantstamp) using Metamask. Milkomeda itself is an EVM based side chain of Cardano — supporting the ERC20 tokens stored for the user (for example on their Flint wallet or again using Metamask). A gateway will lock these ERC-20 tokens then issue Cardano native equivalents of these tokens on to the Cardano blockchain. This can be done via the Flint wallet.

Obviously, to map ERC-20 tokens to the eUTxO based Cardano chain, we need a gateway — called “Milkomeda Bridge” to handle the mapping. Some of your readers might well understand the concept of “wrapped” tokens, but we’ll give a brief outline below.

Wrapped Tokens on Cardano

Looking at the diagram above, you can see that from the Ethereum blockchain to the Milkomeda sidechain, these are all ETH chains, and can be handled by Metamask.

Once these tokens have reached the “Milkomeda Bridge” they will hit a certain smart contract address and become “locked”. At the same time, the mapping “entity” will be releasing a pre-minted 20 USDC tokens that are locked on the Cardano mainnet blockchain. These tokens will be mapped back to the smart contract holding the “locked” ERC-20 tokens.

Milkomeda includes just such a bridge, the “Milkomeda Bridge” — where the assets are locked on the Cardano side and the wrapped asset counterparts are released this part of the ERC20 token journey. Following this the wrapped tokens (Cardano mainnet CNT equivalent) representing the ERC20 tokens can be sent from the Milkomeda gateway to the Flint wallet. Flint wallet is already supported by WingRiders AMM DEX thus enabling the user to use these tokens to swap or add liquidity according to his needs.

As you can see from the diagram above, this allows these wrapped ERC-20 Stablecoins to move across the Cardano network, to be swapped or traded.

What does this mean for Cardano?

One of the things that really boosted adoption of Ethereum in 2018/2019 was the adoption of Stablecoins. These provide value in two ways.

  1. They become a non volatile “safe harbor asset” for people on the DEX or more widely, on the Cardano blockchain. Because Stablecoins are…stable. (In the case of USDC they are pegged to the US Dollar)
  2. By providing a simple way to get into the market, Stablecoins acted as a great “liquidity accelerator” for the entire crypto-ecosystem. When Tether launched, it quickly went from millions, to tens of millions, to billions of dollars in total value.

The utility of Stablecoins is not to be underestimated.

WingRiders’ aim is to complete the journey of ERC20 tokens to the Cardano mainnet. With this partnership in place (Milkomeda and Flint) this functionality will be available from WingRiders DEX mainnet launch. This means that it will be relatively easy in the future to begin to include the more popular and common ERC-20 token pairs with Cardano native tokens on the WingRiders platform.

WingRiders Minting Tool

Furthermore WingRiders have developed a “Minting” ( tool that can be used to create Cardano native assets with guaranteed fixed supply. After minting a set number of tokens, no additional tokens can be created for this asset, nor none of the tokens can be destroyed. For example, if you minted 10m governance tokens, no additional governance token can be minted afterwards. This property makes it ideal to represent wrapped tokens from other blockchains. The linking of these tokens to ERC20 is not part of the tool, and it works purely on the Cardano side.

This tool can be from now on used by the whole Cardano community to take the ecosystem and its interoperability further. In this version it is only for advanced developers with experience with minting.

We will revisit this topic in more detail as we begin listing more of these token pairs — but this is a great moment for WingRiders and we are excited for the future!

About Milkomeda

Milkomeda delivers rollup technologies to leading Layer 1 ecosystems by offering the most popular smart contracting language, Solidity, while enhancing inter-blockchain interoperability, user experience, and developer traction all at the Layer 2 level.







Secure & fast, DAO operated, cutting edge DEX on Cardano. Supporting HW wallets and direct Android use & giving liquidity providers up to 6 sources of gains.