Level up your Crypto trading results

11 min readMar 8, 2023


Gain an edge, with onchain analysis, using tools like TUFEXT

A Guide to finding 100x tokens, early.

WARNING: This strategy is highly speculative and may lead to loss of funds. Nothing here is financial advice.

Like everything in life, if you want to move your situation forward, you have to take on a little risk. Crypto, and more widely, financial markets — be they bonds, stocks, options, futures, all involve various degrees of risk taking, with Crypto in general, already at the riskiest end.

Within Crypto, the least risky instruments are the big caps — think Bitcoin or Ethereum and so on - these tokens with huge market caps will continue to have big market swings but they have established narratives and broad based acceptance.

In a bull market you can 10x your money, or, in a bull or bear profit from swings long or short, moreso if you use leverage (and take on more risk in the process), which, to do successfully over a series of trades, requires developing trading knowledge and expertise.

These strategies offer the opportunity — though far from guaranteed — for phenomenal rewards.

Another strategy — for those wanting to risk a small pot of risk capital, and give you a opportuntity to turn it into a big pot, and perhaps even into lifechanging money is to identify and buy positions in projects early before they run 100x.

This article is about this end of the Crypto market — the riskiest end of the riskiest asset class. New token launches, and how to find them.

  • Have I mentioned risk enough yet, lol? Again, risk only what you can comfortably afford to lose. Here be dragons!
  • With all this risk, why take it on? Because where their is risk, there is potential for large profit. Low cap Crypto tokens are unique, in that its a market that allows you to participant with low capital requirements, it operates transparently, 24/7 and is available to anyone — no matter where you are in the world, on an equal footing* with everyone else.

* There are levels to anything, and sophisicated market participants, with tools and large account balances to purchase guaranteed early entry positions on tokens, or powerful tools like Mevbots to exploit chain dynamics are a part of the landscape.

The New Launch/Low Cap Token Market Overview.

Everyone has heard of Shiba Inu and Doge Coin. These are the Unicorn memecoin projects that exploded. The market cap of Shiba Inu is around 7Billion USD.

These projects and others like them got started on-chain and were once 10k low market cap tokens.

  • On chain, hundreds of new tokens get launched every day.
  • Many have successful 10x, or 50x or 100x+ runs before falling out of favour, and most people never hear about them.
  • Get in the coins at the same time as insiders
  • A small percentage get known and heavily supported with high visibility.
  • These may then list on Coinmarketcap, CoinGecko and other platforms and get some market traction and acceptance within DeFi (decentralized Finance).
  • The few hyper-successful sustain a narrative, perhaps provide a strong utility or use case, and compound. They become vetted by the market, gather momentum and broad popularility — get listed on Centralized Exchanges (CEX) where most crypto customers reside.
  • By the time a token gets recognized to get CEX listing often they’re already up 1000x++. There is still potential for massive upside, but nothing like what has already occurred.

So the question is: What if you could get in at launch, or early, when it was up 10x, or had a marketcap of 10k, or 50k, or 100k.

The good news!
Hundreds of new tokens are launched every day, a subset of which will do well, others will do very well and once in a while there will be a unicorn.

The bad news!
Most new tokens are bad.
A huge percentage souly exist as a scam — and scammers run the same scams time and again, launching new tokens day after day, making a bit, or a lot, of profit for themselves off each one.

Some token launches are legitimate, and gather momentum and pop for a bit then die, and others again don’t get much momentum at all, just plain die straight after launch.

To succeed in this market you have to develop market intelligence to analyze, assess and sort the new projects, put the odds of selecting the tokens with the best chance of success, in your hands, for you to profit from sustained gains, then exit, and repeat.

This is the opportunity that is in your hands, to develop that edge.

So how to you get started?

You start by following others. And no, that doesn’t mean following influencers!

New Token Market: Research Overview

  • Find coins early before they pump 100x
  • Find and track crypto insider wallets, unique to you, not some influencer.
  • Get in the coins at the same time as Insiders
  • Do your own research to find out if a coin is safe to buy

First, let’s get this straight, 99% of meme coins launch and then crash like this:

So how do you find a coin that looks like this?

You need information asymmetry. Which means you need information most people don’t have.

If you blindly buy coins, you will most likely lose all your money.

If you buy what influencers promote, you don’t have an edge because you’re following a crowded trade.

The first step to becoming successful in crypto is to STOP relying on signals from influencers.

They’re incentivized to promote projects and sell to their audience.

  • They get their coins earlier and cheaper, perhaps even free in exchange for promotion, so you’re buying their bags for a premium
  • They don’t tell you when they sell, leaving you to hold the bag.

The token game is played by insider circles with teams of developers, promoters and market makers.

You need to develop your own market intelligence. The first step to do that is to follow insiders and trade like an Insider.

So you need to follow the Insiders. How do we find them?

Onchain Analysis and Tools

The best thing about Crypto is that all on-chain activity is public. It’s a resource that anybody in the world can access, read, analyze and make decisions — hopefully profitable decisions, from your conclusions.

You have the ability to develop your own alpha, for free, if you’re willing to put in the work.

The first step is to learn how to navigate Etherscan like the back of your hand, work with free tools like DeBank, Zerion, or utilize paid tools, or token-gated tools like TUF to get a) better data analytics b) faster real time data and analysis.

Disclaimer: I am a TUF token holder which gives me access to TUFEXT.com tiered data analysis tools, and am also a TUF software user used for executing trades on the blockchain.
The data TUF generates can be sourced and generated manually with legwork and time. TUFEXT simply accelerates and drastically simplifies this process for me, doing in seconds what might be a few hours work. TUFEXT usage is part of my daily toolset.

This is an article about a process, not tool usage but here’s a list of Free Analysis tools to delve into:

Dexscreener: https://dexscreener.com/
Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/
Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/
Debank: https://debank.com
Zerion: https://app.zerion.io
Token Terminal: https://tokenterminal.com
Dune Analytics: https://dune.com/browse/dashboards
Bubblemaps: https://bubblemaps.io
TUF: (free tier + token gated utility): https://tufext.com/

Onchain Analysis and Tools

First, lets find a token that has done very well. Maybe one we like the narrative of. We can look at Dexscreener and sort by market cap or transaction volume as a beginning point.

Let’s take Shibareum Pad which launched Feb 28th on Ethereum at the contract address: 0xC90906d45046059221e908de5Cc8fcfaCA859235


Shibareum Pad or $SHIBP, the coin above, launched recently and made great % gains.

  • These 100x tokens aren’t on Coingecko yet, so you need to use Dexscreener or Dextools.
  • To find this particular token. Type SHIBP into the search bar.
  • Often there are tokens with similar names, so check Liquidity, Volume and Age of the token to make sure its the right one.
  • Click on the top coin and the bottom right of the page you will find the Contract Address: 0xC90906d45046059221e908de5Cc8fcfaCA859235
  • Go to Etherscan.io and paste the Contract Address into the Search box.
  • To find the insiders, you want to first start looking at the Early Buyers.
  • On the right side, click the Token Tracker: Shibarium Pad (SHIBP)
  • On the Transfer Tab click on the Last Page
  • Go through the transactions and look for Early Buyers that sold for a decent profit or are still holding if coin is still pumping.
  • I recommend you download the CSV Export file and use Google Sheets or Excel to track your data matching wallet buys and sells, then enter the buying contract address into a tool like Debank or Zerion to help discover trading history.
  • Avoid trading bots. Sometimes they’re tagged MEVBOT, but another sign is if they have 1000s of transactions or sell immediately — often with the same buy and sell timestamp.

If you can afford it, I recommend you use TUFEXT. To get full Contract and Wallet Discovery requires a purchase of 1.5 million(+5% for buy tax) of TUF tokens — I’ll show you why, in a second.

When you find an Early Buyer, you need to check if:

  • They’re profitable traders
  • They didn’t just get lucky on 1 trade
  • They’re selective about what they buy

Currently, the best -performing wallet that traded SHIBP — that has closed for profit (others could still be holding, looking for an even higher exit multiple) bought — 0.1Eth position (around $163) and exited for 15,204% gain.

I can develop this dataset from Etherscan, but I find this out more quickly, using TUFEXT by simply entering the contract address. This utility has made the purchase of TUF tokens to access this data analysis a great investment, from both a utility standpoint and well as a financial one.

TUF queries the onchain data and provides you a visual breakdown — allowing you to review wallets — by both the current most profitable and /or also the fastest/earliest wallets.

Gain an edge, with onchain analysis, using tools like TUFEXT
List by profitability
List by earliest

It turns out the most profitable wallet so far, was the 6th buyer, who paid 0.1ETH ($163.00) for 30,000 SHIBP tokens. They went on to make 19 sales of their tokens.

The total exit value was for $24,808.53 in ETH. The last of their token sale was 4 March, so that profit was made over 5 days.

This particular wallet has only made 2 trades which informs that the wallet was set upby someone specifically for the Shibarium Pad launch.

They may make more trades with this wallet, or not.

Once you find an interesting wallet — whether by etherscan research or TUFEXT review, enter the Wallet address into Zerion. You’ll see their wallet balance and see where they received their funds — off-chain or from another wallet- and where they have sent funds. Tracking revenue flows will give you more information to determine if this is an insider or a random winner. This wallet could be connected to another wallet whose activity is also interesting to follow.

This gives you an idea of the value of TUFEXT in quickly analyzing contracts, wallets, and transaction histories, and profitablity, to quickly identify interesting wallets. The TUF platform also provides token pre-launch contract discovery and analysis tools, but that’s a whole separate article!

Ideally, you are looking for a wallet with a track record of entries, into well-performing tokens, good revenue, and win rate, which implies they are an insider. This is the type of trading activity to emulate, and the best wallet to follow, to leverage your on-chain analysis skill and efforts.

Once you have a wallet to model, its time to follow their trades:

There are several methods:

  • Open a free Etherscan account and set up an email alert to send you automated emails of wallet activity.
  • On mobile, a free Telegram wallet tracking bot TrackTx is a great tool t.me@tracktx
  • Other analysis platforms have other alert features.

When you get an alert :

Do your research first: Don’t immediately buy everything your tracked wallet does! Whales have more money to throw into risky coins than you do.

Make sure the token is safe with online analysis tools like Tokensniffer.com or Ave.ai.
Other Tools like TUFEXT provide data analysis on smart contracts and analysis of the contract in a historical context, and also offer Blockchain execution software (known as sniping software, like TUF SniperBot) which show real time changes to smart contracts — for instance changes to the Buy and Sell taxes by the contract deployer, in real time.

Some important risks to check for:

  1. Doesn’t look like a honeypot (Means you can buy, but can’t sell)
  2. Contact is open source (Means the contract is verified, and you can read it on Etherscan)
  3. No blacklist (Means they aren’t selectively blocking wallets from selling)
  4. Can not Mint (Means they can’t keep making new tokens)
  5. LP is locked (Means they can’t pull the Liquidity Pool, AKA the conventional “Rug Pull”)

Make sure that there is an even distribution of wallet holdings:

  • No wallet with over 5% of the tokens
  • Top holder is UNISWAPV2 which is the Liquidity Pool
  • You can also see the percentage of LP locked. Make sure its high.

Once satisfied the risk profile is low, you’re ready to enter a trade position on the tokens matching your tracked wallet.

Strategy benefits

The advantages of proceeding in this manner are many.

  • You are not beholden to an influencer — who are promoting tokens, for their benefit, not yours.
  • You source wallets that meet your trade style and trading criteria, so its customized and personal to you.
  • You can develop a unique edge, that no one else has.
  • If you do find a wallet with positive expectancy, and history that you have high confidence in, you have the option to go the extra step and purchase TrackerBot software (Like TUF Trackerbot) which scans the mempool for transactions by your selected wallet and automatically enters and exits trades along side your tracked wallets, getting earlier entries and perhaps, higher profitability.

To successfully model this approach, the next steps are all up to you:

  • Remember, being early doesn’t necessarily mean being the most profitable.
  • Take your initial profit as early as you can so that you’re risk free.
  • Play with responsible amounts. 1–3% of portfolio per trade.
  • Build your own list of wallets to follow, remove the noise over time.
  • Be patient and follow wallets for some time before buying. Pay close attention when they sell.
  • Reduce your risks as much as possible by doing your own research.

To develop your industry knowledge

  • Join Crypto-twitter and follow leading figures in the industry.
  • Join communities, and provide value.
  • The more value you provide, the more reciprocated benefits you will receive.

I hope a reader has found this useful!
If anyone has any questions, feel free to message me on twitter, at https://twitter.com/winkandsmiley

