7 Ways To Be A Leader And Not A Follower.

Shashikant Khamkar
5 min readOct 3, 2019


Successful Leadership is a quality. While some are born with it, some gain it. The most successful businessmen on the planet are leaders. However, it is important for leaders to understand how big of an impact they can make with their leadership. There are so many people out there who claim to be leaders and also have a large following but don’t know how to lead. They are the ones who shout, rant and make people feel miserable. Such people aren’t leaders; they are just people in the wrong place.
Before you become a leader, it is important for you to understand the responsibility it brings. Leaders get the work done. They know how to lead.

One of the most crucial aspects to understand here is, leaders are people who have followed someone they admire and respect. You can be an effective leader only when you know what it means to follow. Your leadership should be so motivating that people would want to follow. If you’re going to wait to become a leader, it’ll be too much wasted time. Today’s your time to take up responsibility and be a leader.

Here are 7 ways to become a good leader that people would want to follow:

1. Be a strong decision-maker

Leaders have always been people who’ve been strong decision-makers and influence people with their decision. They don’t seek permission from people while they are making a decision. However, they also keep in mind how this decision would impact people and look for the greater good. Successful people think independently and are not influenced easily.
They are always innovating and look for being the cause of change for the better good and question the existing system. They are the ones who drive their inner force towards change.

2. Question everything

A good leader should question everything he comes in contact with. He questions his beliefs and everything that’s going on in and around him. He is well-versed in whatever he believes in and stands up for that cause no matter what. His ability and practice to question everything makes him more confident in the cause he stands up for. He can then influence people better and gain followers to support his mission and vision towards a change he desires to bring into the world. He is constantly learning and engaging with different aspects that will help him in his vision and mission.

3. Be a risk-taker

A good leader is always in pursuit of changing things no matter how little they may seem. He then makes it his goal to be the change. In order to be the change, he has to make significant changes to his attitude and one of the most important traits of a leader is that he is a risk-taker. Risk-takers never run away from their problems but fights the battle. They never shy away from criticism and support their cause and soon become the change they would like to see.

4. Be secure in your own abilities

A leader knows what he wants and is not swayed away or influenced by what other people think or do. He faces discouragement and is confident about himself and his mission. He works towards becoming a better individual. Becoming a better individual is what makes a person a better leader. He trains himself to not crack under pressure and face any situation that may turn up. Successful people are always composed and think logically rather than driven by emotions. They take decisions with the future in view and take calculated risks.

5. Clarity of purpose

If you want to be a leader and influence people, you need to have a purpose that can be resonated with. You need to know what you want and be sure of the same. Your purpose should serve your long term goal and you should be willing to make any sacrifice required to reach that goal. Convert your goals into stages prepared to be achieved. Prioritize your goals and stick to them. This will help you stay focused and maintain clarity of purpose.

The leader who is able to have this clarity of purpose will understand the dreams and aspirations of his followers and will influence them to reach their goals through his dreams. They don’t procrastinate and are always found making faster and better decisions than those who don’t possess the clarity of purpose.

6. Be disciplined as a person

People who are great successful leaders have been the ones with the greatest disciplines. They develop a disciplined lifestyle to be able to suit their work ethics and run towards success. They refrain from being distracted from their goal and empower their employees and followers. Develop the attitude of discipline if you lack it. It will help you become a successful leader. You cannot tackle various areas of discipline all at once, therefore, meet each and every area individually and inculcate self-discipline. Be persistent until you are able to be fully disciplined in all required areas and see the difference.

7. Be a people person

You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality. — Walt Disney

A leader always understands how to get people to support him in his dream. He takes complete responsibility for his vision. A leader knows how to work with others and developing healthy relationships with them. He knows how to maintain accommodating and professional relationships. He doesn’t become friends with everyone but understands how he can get the work done.

A leader always motivates people to work with him towards the cause they all are passionate about. Support your employees and followers and uplift them so that they are constantly motivated towards working towards your goal which is now they’re goal. Therefore, in order to be a successful leader, you must become a people person and influence them.

It’s important to stay motivated and keep your followers motivated if you want to be a successful leader. Leadership is not bossing around, it’s working with a force to reach a united and common goal.

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Shashikant Khamkar

Shashikant Khamkar is an India’s Best Motivational Speaker and Spiritual Business Coach in India from winnershashi.com.