Don’t Mistake Emotional Betrayal for Selfless Love

3 min readJun 20, 2024
Photo by Timur Romanov on Unsplash

I often receive messages from people trying to theorize about the nature of “betrayal.”

Some say that people are just animals, and it’s impossible to like only one person for a lifetime, so betrayal is actually a manifestation of human nature. They even quote famous people to support their argument.

Every time I hear this, I feel that it’s a blasphemy against human nature. This kind of “insight” doesn’t truly understand human nature; they only see the darker side of it.

The question of whether human nature is good or evil has been debated for thousands of years.

Selfishness and greed are part of human nature, and so is gratitude and self-control. It’s just a matter of which path we choose to take.

If we label betrayal as human nature, then are those who uphold the concept of marriage and family not being human?

It’s all about how we choose to interpret human nature.

Some people also try to discuss “wrong timing, right person” and “what is true love.”

In reality, there’s no such thing as “wrong timing, right person.” Right and wrong are just individual judgments, but from another person’s perspective, what you think is right might be wrong.




I believe that love is the greatest adventure, and I'm thrilled to share my thoughts and experiences with you.