Physiognomy: chin and character

Elize Hurley
5 min readOct 7, 2019


The chin is in the lower part of the face, as if completing its composition. The chin and character have a clear relationship in our minds: we often say that a person has a “strong-willed chin” or, conversely, “soft and weak-willed”. In Chinese physiognomy, it symbolizes the strength of the character of the personality and the state of his health in the late period of life.

Perfect chin

The chin is located in the third section of the face, which starts from the tip of the nose and ends at the bottom of the chin. On the chin are the points of Life of a person in old age — aged 61 to 75 years. It is clear that a well-formed chin symbolizes the strength of the human body in old age and its longevity.

Ideally, the shape of the chin should be rounded on the sides and slightly square at the bottom. It is neither wide nor narrow, not round, but not quite square! Such an ideal chin testifies to harmony in the character of a person, the distinguishing features of which are sociability, integrity, diplomatic abilities, courtesy, and a sense of tact.

The formation of the chin ends only by the age of thirty: after this, one can judge its real shape.

Monica Bellucci - Oval Chin

Monica Bellucci — Oval Chin

Anatoly Kotenev - square chin

Anatoly Kotenev — square chin

Catherine Deneuve - Round Chin

Catherine Deneuve — Round Chin

Rihanna - Pointy Chin

Rihanna — Pointy Chin
Chin shape and character

1. Pointed chin

A sharp chin indicates the courtesy, cunning and insincerity of its owners. An excessively long and sharp chin betrays a cruel and vengeful person.

In young women, the pointed chin looks attractive and is considered beautiful. However, according to the Chinese physiognomists, such a chin indicates difficulties in the nature of the communicative plan and poor health in old age.

2. Round chin

The owners of such a chin can organize work so that others work for them. The roundness of the shape of such a chin indicates an insufficiently strong character.

3. Oval chin

Such a chin serves as a standard of beauty, but does not promise its owners strength and strength in advanced years. Its owners are distinguished by lovingness and artistic inclinations, but physiognomists do not promise them children.

4. Square chin

A chin of this shape speaks of a strong, courageous and firm character in combination with the stubbornness and waywardness of its owner. If such a chin protrudes slightly and is raised upward, then it belongs to a power-hungry person who seeks to benefit from everything.

5. Double chin

The presence of a chin of a similar type in a thin person promises him a happy old age: good health, prosperity and love of children.

A double chin for a full person is a normal phenomenon: this is also a good sign, but to a lesser extent than in the previous case.

Small in size, fleshy double chin betrays a lover of voluptuousness.

6. Back chin

Holders of a chin of this form, as a rule, are spineless, patient, compliant and have a quiet disposition.

7. Chin with bifurcation

A weakly defined chin, having a slight bifurcation, indicates a passionate nature, and a stronger bifurcation indicates a love of seclusion.

A bifurcated strong chin is a sign of increased sexuality of its owners.

Moles on the chin and character

The chin and character can be linked due to the location of the moles in the lower face.

1. Moles in the central part of the chin

The mole located in the center of the chin speaks of the adventurous character of a person who loves travel and adventure, his love of knowledge, determination, optimism, generosity. Such people are optimistic by nature, reliable and faithful in friendship and love.

2. Moles on the chin on the right side

This arrangement of moles indicates a serious attitude of a person to work, bordering workaholism. Holders of such moles live at work, coming to her first and leaving last. Such zeal for work harms family relationships due to lack of free time and excessive tiredness. In general, such a situation can lead to poor health.

3. Moles on the chin on the left side

Moles located on the left side of the chin indicate a person who is capable of mercy and charity not for the sake of glory, but because of the nobleness of the soul and the pursuit of justice.

4. Moles at the base of the chin

The location of moles at the base of the chin indicates the possibility of achieving success in various areas of life without serious efforts on the part of their owners. Such people do not experience a shortage of material resources throughout their lives, have loyal friends, have excellent physical data by nature and succeed in business thanks to professionalism and business acumen.

Chin and character are inseparable both in our consciousness and in Chinese physiognomy!

