Weekly Love Horoscope December 2–9

Elize Hurley
6 min readDec 2, 2019


Weekly Love Horoscope December 2-9

General Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: The headline news this week is all about Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance. He’ll leave Sagittarius and enter serious-minded Capricorn on Monday, remaining in this sign through mid-December of 2020. Earth and Water signs get a major boost in cosmic luck now, with Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) benefitting specifically in the romance department. Cancer might even have marriage prospects. Love planet Venus is happy in the sky this week as well. On Tuesday, she’ll embrace Mars in Scorpio, boosting passion in the lustiest way possible. Then, on Sunday, she’ll be at a perfect link to Neptune, supporting romantic fantasies and unconditional love.

Aries Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: Intensity is the name of your love game this week, Aries! With Mars in Scorpio continuing to move through your 8th House of Depth and Intimacy, you’re taking the physical side of relationships to a whole new level. Venus makes a seductive link to Mars on Tuesday, helping you get exactly what you desire in this regard. There’s no need to manipulate or attempt to control your love life situation at the moment — just let it evolve. Someone can’t resist your magnetism and guess what: they won’t even try.

Taurus Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: You’re playing for keeps and there is no way you’ll let the one you adore slip away from your grip. Deep attachment in love is likely between you and someone close. You might feel as if your partner has more of a hold on you than you’d like to admit, but, fortunately, this is entirely mutual. There is a bond of loyalty and a “ride or die” quality to your relationship story this week. There is no confusion and none of that “not knowing where you stand” nonsense. Nope — you’ve got a love you can sink your teeth into.

Gemini Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: There is no greater gift than knowing you’re in a relationship with someone who wants to lift you up rather than tear you down — and proves it each and every day. This week, you might send vibes of gratitude out to the universe for providing you with the most amazing partner. As Jupiter leaves your relationship sector on Tuesday (after spending almost 13 months here), your love life has most likely become brighter and more expansive. Now, Jupiter will bless your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources through December 2020. Your partner might become a major source of emotional and financial support. You’ll continue to feel blessed.

Cancer Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: You are certainly winning the love life cosmic jackpot this week! On Tuesday, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, luck, and abundance, will move into your partnership sector and remains here through December 2020. You’ve got the best possible position of Jupiter now to help bring an amazing relationship your way. If you’re already in a commitment with someone, Jupiter here will add incredible support to your union. Love grows in practical ways as you each show the other unending support and devotion. Beautiful!

Leo Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: Although expansive Jupiter is leaving your romance sector this Monday and is moving into your work and health sector, don’t think that your luck in love is about to run out. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. If Jupiter’s trek in your house of pleasure did, in fact, give you the ability to open your heart and fall madly in love with someone special, then Jupiter in your work sector will bring that love to a new level. Expect the most extraordinary and humble acts of service from your lover through December 2020. See? You are still blessed.

Virgo Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: Get ready to celebrate! If you’ve wondered when your time would arrive to win the cosmic jackpot in love, then you’re in luck: that time has come. On Monday, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, will enter your romance sector for the first time in 12 years. Jupiter will remain in this part of your chart through December 2020 and, over the course of this visit, your heart is sure to expand in the most amazing way. Singles will find love. Couples might have a baby. Either way, love is in the air.

Libra Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: A decision you and your sweetheart make this week about a domestic matter will somehow make you both feel happier at home. It’s possible that you’re working on a decorating project or renovation together. If so, you might spend more money than either of you originally budgeted for, but the good news is that neither one of you will regret it. Your living space will be more harmonious and pleasing than it has been in quite some time. As a result, it will certainly boost your romantic sides.

Scorpio Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: It looks like you’re in for a sweet and peaceful week in the love department. The ruler of your romance sector (Neptune) will be at a perfect link to the ruler of your partnership sector (Venus) on Sunday. Conversations with your lover are bound to involve shared fantasies, a creative project, or recreational activities you both find entertaining. You might be planning to attend a concert or take a short trip together. It’ll be fabulous! Another possibility is that you and your mate will feel a telepathic link that’s stronger than usual. Don’t be surprised if you finish each other’s sentences all week long.
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Sagittarius Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: Although Jupiter is kissing your sign goodbye this Monday, it doesn’t mean you’re out of luck in life — or love. In fact, your luck is just shifting gears. Prepare for a major financial year starting Monday when Jupiter enters the area of your chart connected to earned income. What does all of this mean for your love life? You might talk to your sweetheart about buying a dream home together or making spectacular changes to your current home if you already live with each other. It’ll definitely keep you smiling.

Capricorn Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: This week you have a good reason to celebrate: On Monday, Jupiter, the planet of luck and blessings, will move into your sign for the first time in 12 years. Until December 2020 he’ll remain in Capricorn, granting you extraordinary opportunities for personal and relationship growth. If you’re single, then this is one of the very best cycles to meet someone new and fall in love. If you’re already in a relationship, then you can anticipate much happier times ahead. Either way, make an effort to attend a party or other social event on Tuesday. Someone at this gathering will make you feel very sexy.
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Aquarius Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: You and your lover might have a spiritual encounter together this week. This might be a similarity in a dream you both have or an actual psychic experience. It’s possible that you will both consult with a Tarot reader, palmist, numerologist, or psychic medium in order to get answers to questions you both have about your individual journeys as well as your mutual love connection. You may also feel a strong sense of compassion and unconditional love for one another — more so than usual. It will be beautiful.

Pisces Weekly Love Horoscope

Week of Monday, December 2: If your love life has been uneventful lately, you might be glad to hear that a change is possible. On Monday, Jupiter will move into your 11th House of Friends and Groups for the first time in 12 years, opening up amazing prospects for you to expand your horizons through the connections you make with others. This can easily lead to romantic opportunities if you choose to remain open to the potential. In fact, with Venus also in the same area of your chart making gorgeous links in the sky this week, you might have a dream date with someone you meet online or through a pal. Be open.
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