How to be Motivated and change your life

Spencer Winslow
13 min readJun 10, 2024


How to be Motivated and change your life

Making big changes in life is hard. This could be quitting a job or starting to work out more. But, according to Leo Babauta from Zen Habits, we can do it. Even though we feel scared of what might happen or we worry about failing, we can beat these feelings.1 To really change, you need to know why. You also need to dream big, make room for this change, and have people around you who cheer you on. Being responsible and making small, steady moves towards your goals really count. Motivation is not always high; it goes up and down. So, it needs work to keep going strong.


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Key Takeaways

  • Overcoming fears of change and embracing your desires is crucial for motivation.
  • Creating space in your life and surrounding yourself with supportive people can aid in making and maintaining changes.
  • Holding yourself accountable and taking small, consistent actions are key strategies for creating meaningful change.
  • Motivation is a dynamic process that requires ongoing effort and adaptation.
  • Finding your purpose and aligning your goals with your values can provide a strong sense of drive and determination.

Understanding Motivation

Motivation is what moves us forward towards our goals. It’s a broad idea that means you are willing, ready, and able to make a change.2 Being willing involves seeing a gap between where you are and where you want to be. It makes you feel eager to improve. Ready means you’ve decided to make that change now. And able? Well, that means you have what it takes to get it done.2 Motivation is key to dropping bad habits and picking up better ones. It helps us tackle problems, face hard times, and keep our eyes on the prize.2 But, sticking with that motivation can be hard, especially if you’re fighting depression or anxiety.

What is Motivation?

2 Motivation is what gets us moving towards our goals. It’s essential in how we work with the world.2 To survive, we need things like food, water, sex, and friends.2 But when you’re not motivated, it can point to bigger issues, especially mental health problems. That’s why finding ways to help with these motivation blocks is very important.2 Motivated acts have both physical and mental signs, all the way from chemicals in our body to how we interact with others.

The Importance of Motivation

2 Not being motivated can be a big issue in people with conditions like schizophrenia. At the same time, some go too far, like with addictions.2 Figuring out what gets us moving is crucial for fixing these motivational problems.2 When our actions are driven by motivation, reaching the end feels good. That’s at the heart of Hull’s theory about how we act to meet our basic needs.2

Factors Influencing Motivation

2 Motivation is a mix of wanting to achieve a goal and getting the push to do it. Daily patterns, or circadian rhythms, are big in this. They make us want to look for food or a partner at certain times.2 Things can go wrong with motivation in different ways. Sometimes getting off track happens at many points along the way to a goal.2 What we feel inside, what’s around us, and what’s happened to us before, all shape our motivation.2 This idea also looks at the costs and gains of our actions. What it takes from us and what we get in return.

Overcoming Barriers to Motivation

Many things can stop us from staying motivated. These include fearing change or being unsure. Feeling tired or trying to be perfect are big barriers too.3 These issues often lead to putting things off, finding excuses, and just not getting started on what we want to do. To beat these barriers, we must first find out what’s holding us back.

Identifying Obstacles

Not having enough time is a major problem. People might not manage their time well, which stops them from doing things that could make them happy.3 A shortage of money is another reason people give for not joining in social events. This can also lower their motivation.3 It’s also hard to stay motivated when we don’t know what we’re aiming for. Clear goals are essential to keep us moving forward.3

Reframing Negative Thoughts

Once we know what holds us back, changing negative thoughts is key. Looking at the feelings tied to our goals can help a lot. It boosts motivation and success.3 Reading about others’ success can inspire us too. It helps in facing daily challenges.3

Creating a Supportive Environment

Having a supportive setting is critical to staying motivated. This might mean finding people or groups who support your goals. They can help keep you focused and moving forward.3 Also, setting a daily schedule and planning are great habits. They keep your attention on your goals.3 Dealing with any mental blocks is also important when aiming for success.3

Finding Your Purpose

Knowing your purpose in life is key to staying motivated. Think about what you want to achieve and your core beliefs. By making sure your actions line up with what you value most, you’ll be driven and focused. This connection between what you do and what you deeply believe helps you push through tough times.4

Take a moment to consider what’s truly important to you. And the kind of impact you’d like to make. This reflection helps you find your life’s true meaning. It lays the groundwork for setting goals and choosing how to live.5

Defining Your Values

Pinpoint the principles that matter most to you. Your values show you the way, keeping you on track. They make sure your efforts and choices reflect what’s really significant to you.4

Strategies for Finding PurposeBenefits of Defining Your Values

  • Reflect on your passions and talents
  • Consider how you want to contribute to the world
  • Identify your core beliefs and principles
  • Seek out mentors and role models
  • Provides clarity and direction
  • Helps you make decisions aligned with your true self
  • Increases motivation and sense of purpose
  • Fosters a deeper connection to your work and life

Setting Achievable Goals

It’s crucial to set clear goals that you can actually achieve. This keeps you motivated and helps you improve your life6. Studies show that setting goals is linked to success6. Make sure your goals have deadlines. They can cover personal, professional, and other aspects of your life6.

Identifying Priorities

To start, figure out what matters most to you7. Remember, true motivation comes from inside you, not from others7. Then, decide which areas of your life need the most work. This ranking will show you what to focus on first.

Breaking Down Goals into Smaller Steps

7 Think of goals as maps. They guide you, keep you going, and show your progress7. Breaking your goals into smaller pieces is a smart move6. It makes big goals seem doable and lets you check your progress easily6.

Using SMART Goal-Setting

7 Being clear and realistic about your goals is key7. Mix short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals7. Research suggests hard but doable goals boost your performance6. Follow the SMART method to be sure your goals are clear and doable6.


Motivation can come from inside us or from things around us.8 Wanting to achieve something for its own sake is better than doing it for a reward.8 To boost this inner drive, make sure your goals matter a lot to you.

Tapping into Your Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is what pushes us when there’s no prize at the end.2 Our efforts are powered by things deep inside us, from our cells to how we fit in with other people.2 Link your goals to what truly matters and you’ll find the push to overcome any hurdle.

Extrinsic Motivators

8 External rewards, like praise or treats, can give us a quick lift. But, they might not stick if they don’t match what we really want.2 Our drive is shaped by what’s inside us, our surroundings, our past, and what we’ve learned.

Celebrating Small Wins

Celebrating small victories is key to staying positive and keeping moving forward.8 It shows how far you’ve come and gives a boost.2 Setting smaller goals helps, too. It makes big ambitions feel within reach.

Building Habits and Routines

Creating habits and routines helps us stay motivated for the long haul. These habits make wanted tasks a natural part of our days. This approach of jumping into action instead of waiting around has worked well for many.9

This is especially true for clients following the author’s habit-building method. They find it easier to stick to their commitments.9

The Power of Habits

Studies show nearly half of our typical day is on autopilot because of habits.10 Our habits follow a cycle of trigger, action, and reward. Creating a strong cue for a new habit, maybe at a certain time, is vital.10

Repeating this action step makes it stick. It helps turn healthy choices into long-lasting habits.10

Establishing Routines

Building routines with set times for your goals can really help. The author advises starting new habits by keeping it small and linking them to what you already do.9

Overcoming Setbacks

But, setbacks are common when we’re trying to change.9 Dealing with them means looking back at what got us started, tweaking our goals, and celebrating every step forward.

Staying motivated is crucial to forming good habits. Enjoying the benefits really makes a difference.10 Learning how habits work lets us make better choices for our health. It’s a powerful tool in the health and wellness world.10

Staying Motivated

Staying motivated is an ongoing challenge that needs focus.11 It’s good to keep track of how you’re doing. This could be through journaling, checking stats, or other ways. You get to see how far you’ve come.11 Having friends, family, or a mentor check in on you helps a lot. They give you a push when you need it.11 Remember, you might have to change your plans sometimes. Things can change, so staying flexible is key to staying encouraged.

Tracking Progress

Checking on your goals often and how you’re moving towards them really helps.11 You can see the small steps you’re taking. This makes it easier to keep going. It’s important to acknowledge even the tiniest achievements.11 When progress slows down or you face challenges, reflecting on how far you’ve already come can keep you motivated.

Seeking Accountability

Being around supportive people and finding those who keep you accountable is crucial.11 Groups, mentors, and friends with similar goals will cheer you on. They provide the advice and push you might need.11 Talking about your goals to others makes you more likely to stick to them. Plus, you’ll have a group of friends to uplift you when times get hard.

Adapting to Change

Stay ready to tweak your plans as you move forward.11 Life and your situation can change, affecting your motivation. Being open to new ways can keep you going strong.12 It’s also good to regularly check if your goals are still realistic. Breaking them into smaller parts might help you keep up your energy.

Motivation FactorsDescriptionInternal Motivational FactorsBasic needs, higher-level needs, goals, values, beliefs, and self-efficacy.12External Motivational FactorsRewards, incentives, feedback, social influences, and competition.12Psychological Motivational FactorsIntrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, expectancy theory, and self-determination theory.12Environmental Motivational FactorsWork environment, resources, stress, and burnout.12Biological Motivational FactorsBrain chemistry, sleep and health.12

Mindset and Self-Talk

Your mindset and self-talk really matter. They affect how motivated and able you are to change.13 Seeing challenges as chances to learn, not threats, is a growth mindset.13 This way of thinking helps you face tough times. Changing negative thoughts to positive ones makes a big difference. It boosts confidence and helps you bounce back easier.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is all about believing you can get better with effort.13 It’s different from a fixed mindset, thinking you are as good as you’ll ever be. With a growth mindset, you welcome challenges. They’re not things to fear but to conquer. This leads to more personal growth and success.

Positive Self-Talk

Talking to yourself in a good way is key for staying motivated.

Changing negative thoughts into positive ones makes a huge difference. It boosts confidence and cuts down on negative feelings. At the same time, being too hard on yourself can lead to feeling down or anxious.13 Talking to yourself in the third person can help manage stress and anxiety too. It’s about using your self-talk to support your goals.

Having a growth mindset and using positive self-talk can really change things.13 It makes you stronger and more confident to handle whatever comes your way. By changing how you think and by believing in your ability to grow, you can find the power to keep going. This can truly transform your life.

Support Systems

Having a strong support system is priceless. It keeps us motivated. Social support from loved ones or a group who think alike offers encouragement. It also gives us accountability and a shared purpose feeling.14

The Importance of Social Support

Research shows social support is key for staying motivated to learn.15 It helps us learn better and boosts our confidence. Moreover, it affects how we feel about learning directly and our grades indirectly.15

Finding Mentors and Role Models

Finding mentors or role models is crucial. They guide and inspire, having faced similar challenges.14 These figures share their wisdom, offering priceless advice. They help us beat the odds on our path.14

Joining Support Groups

Joining support groups, online or in person, links us with those sharing common objectives. It fosters a feeling of camaraderie and mutual experience.14 Being part of a community dealing with alike issues offers the accountability and encouragement that keep our goals alive.14

Getting help from these support systems is a great way to keep going.1415

Self-Care and Well-Being

Keeping motivated and making real changes is about your health overall. How you feel mentally and physically are deeply connected. Stress, tiredness, and bad health can all make it hard to keep going.16 Studies show that sticking to a self-care routine can cut down on anxiety and feeling low. It boosts focus, drops annoyance and anger, makes you happier, and increases your energy.16

Stress Management Techniques

Learning techniques like meditation, mindfulness, or working out can help cope with changes. They keep you in a positive and powered-up mood.17 The World Health Organization says self-care is about how individuals and groups can stay healthy, avoid getting sick, stay well, and face sickness whether they have health care help or not.17

Prioritizing Self-Care

Putting self-care first means sleeping well, eating right, and enjoying what you do. This is key to keep going and reaching your targets.17 A study of 1000 people in developed countries showed lots of self-care like hot baths, massages, daily floss, walks, TV, social media, and time with family.1716 Exercising regularly, sleeping enough, and eating well are also great for your health. They also cut down on stress, anxiety, and feeling down.16


Getting and keeping motivated involves many steps. You should know what makes you tick and face common problems. It’s key to have a clear goal and build good habits. Also, keep track of how you’re doing and stay connected with those who support you. Remember to take care of yourself too. This way, you open the door to grow and find real happiness.18

Finding motivation is a journey, not a stop. It takes work and staying open to new ideas. With smart moves and the right attitude, you can make big changes in your life that really last.19 It’s important to figure out what matters to you and what makes you keep going. When you set up the right ways to keep yourself motivated, you do better. A friendly, happy work or life setting helps too.19

To push through tough times and keep your dreams alive, your health comes first. Also, keep in touch with people who cheer you on. Changing yourself for the better is ongoing. But if you stay positive and use what works for you, you’ll get there, step by step.


What is motivation and why is it important?

Motivation is the push that gets us moving towards our goals. It’s essential for changing old habits and forming new, better ones. It helps us solve problems and stay focused on what we want to achieve.

What are common barriers to maintaining motivation?

Many things can block our motivation. These include the fear of change, not liking uncertainty, feeling tired, or thinking we need to be perfect. These barriers can make us put things off, make excuses, and not take action.

How can I find my purpose and align my goals with my values?

Thinking about what you want your life to mean is key to finding motivation. Start by looking at what you want to achieve. Then, see how you want to be remembered. Aligning your goals with your values helps give your life direction.

How should I set and achieve my goals?

To keep motivated, set clear, reachable goals. First, figure out what matters most to you. Break these goals into small steps using the SMART method. This approach makes your goals seem doable and lets you see your progress clearly.

What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how can I tap into both?

Intrinsic motivation is when you do something because it’s meaningful to you. It’s usually better for lasting motivation. External rewards, like praise or prizes, drive extrinsic motivation. To use both, focus on what matters most to you first.

How can I develop consistent habits and routines to sustain my motivation?

Building habits and routines helps keep you motivated. Habits can make your goals a part of your daily life. Setting times for your goals and sticking to it can also help you stay on track.

How can I stay motivated and keep track of my progress?

Keeping track of your progress is key to staying motivated. Use metrics, journaling, or other ways to see how far you’ve come. Getting support from friends or a mentor can also keep you going.

How can my mindset and self-talk affect my motivation?

Your thoughts and the way you talk to yourself are crucial for staying motivated. Seeing challenges as ways to grow and improving how you speak to yourself can boost your spirits. This affects not just your motivation but also your ability to make lasting changes.

Why is a strong support system important for maintaining motivation?

A strong support system provides encouragement, accountability, and a shared sense of purpose. It includes friends, family, and others who cheer you on. Mentors, role models, and support groups also offer advice, inspiration, and camaraderie.

How does self-care and well-being impact my motivation?

Taking care of yourself is key for staying motivated. Stress, fatigue, and bad health can dampen your drive. Balance your life through stress management, mindful activities, and healthy habits. This paves the way for steady motivation and reaching your goals.

