Simultaneous Multiple Imagine Creation with MidJourney

Winston Everlast
3 min readSep 6, 2022


I thought I’d share the method I use to work on multiple Imagines at the same time, as someone else may find it of benefit.

This only works if you have a subscription to MidJourney. Otherwise you are stuck in the newbie channels.

Once you get a subscription you have the choice to /imagine by either DMing the bot or adding the MJ bot to your own discord server. Do the latter, which allows you to /imagine in any text channel.

Then create a separate text channel for each prompt you are working on. Don’t do them in the same channel. If you do, then everything comes in a mixed up jumble and you have to scroll up and down to find everything. At best you can juggle three imagines at the time.

But if you make a separate channel for each prompt, then everything pertaining to that prompt is in that specific channel. I’ve had as many as 14 channels going at once, and no need to stop there.

When I am working on a specific project, such as my Human Emotions one, I’ve found it helpful to make a separate category for the project and then put the channels relating to that topic in that category. I’ve also found it helpful to name the channel something that easily describes what’s in there as opposed to channel 1, channel 2, and so on. That lets me see what topics I have yet to complete. Once they are done, I simply relocate the channel to the “completed” category:

The only thing I have to remember is to keep the prompts separate at the start. Everything else works automatically. When you have a new prompt idea, just make a new channel. It’s really simple.

I also use /relax continuously other than for the max upscale. Using this method I can easily have a non-stop work flow because I can go between the channels as the imagines get done. I’ve found it easiest to just start at the top and work down all of the channels and when I get done, the top one is waiting for me.

The system allows you to queue up your CPU requests so you don’t have to wait. And if there is ever a glitch and something can’t be done, the notice is right there in that channel so you know where to start from. If you’ve ever had the bot fail after you’ve submitted a command, you’ll appreciate how nice this is to know which one didn’t go through as the error notice doesn’t tell you that!



Winston Everlast

Winston Everlast is a poet, writer, and virtual photographer who resides in Second Life, is infatuated with artificial intelligences and creativity.