Four More Negotiation Tips Explained

WIN Team
WIN Summit
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2016

Featured Columnist: Tanna Bogursky

A few weeks ago we published an article going into more details about our Twitter negotiation tips. It’s time we do that again. Here are some of the best tips from the last few weeks. We hope that you can implement them into your daily negotiations. To stay up to date on negotiation tips follow us on Twitter.

1. Giving in too much in a negotiation can negatively affect your future negotiations

It is important to remember that no negotiation happens in a vacuum. What you are fighting for today is connected to what you fought for yesterday, and what you will fight for tomorrow and next year. Therefore, you must make deals accordingly. You want to be fair but tough, so you don’t gain a reputation as someone who gives in to the other side easily.

2. Make it clear to the other side that their needs will be met, they will then be more receptive to your side

Just like you should be careful not to give in too easily, you should also make sure to accommodate the other side. If you act like a brick wall, they probably won’t want to listen to you either. It’s better to let it be known that you are ready, willing, and able to hear what they other side has to say. You want your opponent to know that their concerns are heard and will be addressed.

3. Be assertive but avoid anger and aggression

Everyone has a different negotiation style. Some people are talkative while others prefer to listen. Some people want to appear to be extremely accommodating, and others want to be strong and assertive. However, it is almost never beneficial to start from a place of anger. Aggressive behavior usually brings out aggressive behavior. Not only will anger leave a bad taste in an opponent’s mouth, it will also make your negotiation more difficult.

4. Find a mentor. Mentors and guides are crucial in navigating the corporate minefield. Always seek out experience.

While this tip applies to more than just negotiation, it is especially important here. Almost nobody is born an expert negotiator. Most people develop the skills needed over their lives and careers. Even if you think you’re an expert because you know how to get what you want from your parents, that doesn’t mean you can translate those skills to the boardroom. Therefore, it is extremely beneficial to find a mentor who can help you develop your negotiation tactics. They can tell you about their experiences, mistakes, and successes. They can help guide you through important career decisions and negotiations.

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WIN Team
WIN Summit

WIN Summit is a unique professional development organization, tailored to help women advance in their careers through negotiation training.